Roughin' It [Closed]

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The Wilderness of Cyphrus is an endless sea of tall grass that rolls just like the oceans themselves. Geysers kiss the sky with their steamy breath, and mysterious craters create microworlds all their own. But above all danger lives here in the tall grass in the form of fierce wild creatures; elegant serpents that swim through the land like whales through the ocean and fierce packs of glassbeaks that hunt in packs which are only kept at bay by fires. Traverse it carefully, with a guide if possible, for those that venture alone endanger themselves in countless ways.

Roughin' It [Closed]

Postby Raiha on November 14th, 2010, 3:57 am

Closed. Asim, Akasha, and Laeraix, please!

Time Stamp: 25th Day of Fall, 510 AV

Raiha had already cleared it with Kavala to take off for a couple of days with Akasha, Asim, and Laeraix. The two birds that Raiha had been nursing were well ready to go back into the wild, and now would be as good a time as any to take the osprey and the burrowing owl up and release them away from Sanctuary. Uzima and Diallo would come along, and Yakini, the Firemane, would remain at Sanctuary. Uzima could use the trip – and, truth be told, would probably be rather snappish at not going for the trip. Diallo was getting a bit chunky, if you asked Raiha. As much as he was exercised around Sanctuary, it didn’t compare to the hikes and trips they used to take on Konti Isle. The Deerstalker could use the walk.

She eyed the belongings on the bed that were waiting to be tucked into her backpack: waterskin, a change of clothes, a blanket, a tarp; her length of rope, a fishing kit, lantern, flint and steel. Some fruits and breads from the kitchen were wrapped to go on top. And then there were the bandages and herbs… lots of those. Raiha had no idea how many she’d need, but she’d packed the basics: coagulants, disinfectants, antibiotics, salves, fresh leaves, stitching materials. There could never be too many medical supplies. The wilds had their share of dangers, even if they were only going to follow the coast. There were a lot more dangers in going out into the Sea of Grass, and as confident as Raiha was in the quartet, there was always the knowledge lurking at the back of her brain that danger waited around each and every order. She’d left the tent in favour of the tarp. Between the four of them, they should manage without the bedroll. And, of course, the weapons: the maces, suvai, and hunting knife.

Everything went into the backpack but for the weapons and the leather pouches - those were left on the bed for the moment. She’d attach it to her belt afterwards. But first she had to catch a pair of birds. No point in weighing herself down just yet when she needed to move quickly to catch them. She left the backpack on the bed before grabbing her gauntlets and making sure that the woven carrying baskets were prepared. They were – one outside of each flight. Now all she had to do was catch them and put them in them. She had put as much live prey into their pens as she could to try to keep them used to hunting and killing, rather than becoming dependent on her to feed them. She had wanted to keep them, but on the other hand… she had Laeraix and Uzima, and Akasha could take out some truly enormous prey. These ones would go back to the wild, back to Caiyha – she had been careful not to imprint too much on either of them.

She stepped into the owl’s flight, knowing exactly where the bird was, and knowing it was intrigued. It couldn’t smell the freshly-killed rats in the carrying hampers that Raiha had for the birds, though it had heard them earlier, but it wasn’t ready to come out of its ‘underground’ nest that Raiha had built for it. That was perfectly all right as far as Raiha was concerned. She covered the open ‘door’ of the nest with a plank, sensing the bird’s alarm at that before lifting the top of the nest box off and reaching in to get a hold on the bird as it shot out of the nest box. She caught the owl’s feet, bringing it to a halt as wings beat and flapped and flailed, and she reached to get the wings under control and grab the head as the sharp beak snapped at her gauntlet-covered hands. But she stood up at last with the bird, and opened the top of the hamper with one foot, putting the bird in it and closing it. Fear and anger subsided to confusion, laced with satisfaction at eating. That was one down, Raiha thought, as she twisted the latches to keep the lid in place, one to go.

The osprey was going to be harder. But it was healthy, its wings were working, and its hunting instincts were sharp. Her Auristics, such as they were, didn’t see fit to show her anything wrong with it, physically, and mentally, she knew it was one tough cookie. But she had one more look to make sure, scouring its aura with a djed-enhanced critical gaze as the osprey sat on his perch and eyed her. It was a clear, beautiful pearlescent white. Nothing looked suspicious. She chuckled, and adjusted her gloves before opening the flight. The osprey cocked his head, keeping an eye on her every move, looking down at the hamper Raiha set on the floor of the flight. “Shh,” she warned the bird, holding out a piece of fish in her palm, her other hand in front of that one to encourage it to get onto her glove if he wanted the fish. He grabbed her wrist with his beak, testing her wrist for purchase as he let out a shrill, grumpy sound. Uzima, already on a perch out of her flight, shrieked her disapproval at these going-ons, impatient to get going. The osprey took the bait, though, ripping at the fish as he sunk his talons into the thick leather. She let him finish it before getting his wings under control, and ushering him in, annoyed as he was with her, into the basket.

With both birds eating, Raiha returned to the bed, pulling on her backpack and putting the weapons where they belonged on her belt. “Here,” she moved Uzima from perch to the thick strap on her backpack for a little while. The goshawk didn’t mind at all, and got comfortable, fluffing her feathers. It was about time! With that, Raiha grabbed her baskets of birds, moving carefully and fluidly so as not to upset Uzima, and straightened, getting a comfortable grip and heading out to go round up the three Kelvics so they could set out. She’d already asked them to be ready to go – the birds were going to be in those hampers, breathable as they were, for a while, but Raiha wanted to minimize just how long they were in them. The longer they were in the carriers, the more aggravated they were going to get, and the trip would go downhill fast. She left the mews, closing the door behind her, heading down to the courtyard with Diallo at her heels, gold eyes sweeping about as she looked for her bondmates.
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Roughin' It [Closed]

Postby Laeraix Cerys on November 20th, 2010, 2:05 am

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Roughin' It [Closed]

Postby Asim on November 25th, 2010, 8:20 pm

With a snort, Asim stared at the rabbit he had been hunting for about an hour. He wasn't hungry, much, and was fine with taking his time. When he heard the door open, he turned his head slightly, so he could see who had left the building, but also keep an eye on the rabbit. The rabbit, as if seeing it's chance, darted away, but Asim leapt on it, his hands grabbing the animal around the neck and twisting sharply, its neck cracking.

Standing, Asim brushed leaves from his legs and turned to watch Raiha walk away from the building, two baskets in each hand and a backpack on her back, with one of her birds on her shoulder. "We going on a picnic," he asked, picking his own pack up from the ground by his feet. He knew where they were going, and why, but he felt like ribbing Raiha about the baskets. With the rabbit in hand, the naked man loped over to the courtyard.
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Roughin' It [Closed]

Postby Raiha on April 16th, 2011, 9:46 pm

"Is that the lunch, then?" she returned the ribbing cheerfully, inclining her head towards the rabbit in his hand. Uzima began to raise her wings as she stared at the rabbit, not exactly flaring them, but raising them up as if preparing to take off to try to snatch it. Raiha glanced at the goshawk, and rotated her shoulder a little bit. The motion made Uzima grip the leather tighter and voice a complaint. "No, that's not for you. Asim caught it. You'll get to find one later," she made a face at the bird. "Go on, go fly. You'll catch one then." The bird lit off from her backpack, taking up into the sky and going overhead.

When neither Laeraix or Akasha came down to the courtyard, Raiha figured that the two of them on the ground would catch up to the winged Kelvics later. She adjusted her grip on the baskets and smiled at him. "Ready to go, then?" She looked for the dog, who had already worked his way through the fence and waited for them on the other side of it. They'd set off along the coast. That way they had at least some recourse if trouble arose. "Are you going like that?" she glanced up at him out of the corner of her eye. He never seemed to like wearing clothes, so she didn't push him on it, but usually he had his loincloth.

Carrying both bird baskets, she headed for the gate. "Do you think it will be warm enough for swimming?" she asked him as they left Sanctuary's grounds and headed out, keeping the birds as steady as she could while Diallo galumphed ahead, tail up, head down. It was still fairly early in the season, so it wasn't too bad, but it was no longer the humid heat of summer.
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Roughin' It [Closed]

Postby Gossamer on December 3rd, 2011, 4:52 pm


Character: Raiha
Experience: 2xp Falconry, 1 xp Planning, 1 xp Auristics
Lore: Packing for a trip, Planning a Trip

Additional Note: Very short and messy thread. What the hell happened here? I could give it more if you guys would have finished it. I hope you have a lot better luck finding thread partners that stick around!

Again, with the Auristics, you need to start really taking the time to concentrate on using this form of magic. At lower levels it takes meditation, concentration, etc. It is not just a passive arcane. It is active like all the rest.
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