Closed Take your medicine! (Bran)

Day two of bat recovery

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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Drusilla on March 7th, 2015, 4:37 pm

11th of Spring 515AV

Drusilla woke early and with a startled reaction. Check the bat! Making every attempt to be as quiet as possible she moved toward the cage and peered in. He was breathing. A smile took over Drusilla's face. He made it! Content with what she saw she began getting ready of the day, and that started with a bath. Looking at her sleeve in the trash she pulled it out. Maybe she could fix it? Soak it maybe? It was worth a shot. Taking the sleeve with her she headed to the baths.

She soaked and soaked until she was sure the smell of bat blood was off her. Washing her hair repeatedly had only turned the spatter of blood a pink stain on her hair. It was no use, she'd need to buy some lye soap to get it out. With a grumbled sigh she began to dry off and return to her room to dress. Along the way she picked up a peach from a bowl and began to nibble at it. Once back in her room instinct took over and she checked the bat again before getting dressed. Once more sure he was fine she picked up her clothes from the day before and slipped them on. Next market day she'd buy some new clothes...

As for today Drusilla was after medicine for the little bat of course. Now fully dressed she turned back to the cage. She was unsure how long she'd be gone and while bats slept through the day and ate bugs.... Using a claw she sliced a small piece of peach from the whole and as quietly as possible placed it in the bat's reach. Hey, it was better than nothing right? I'll be back as soon as I can, Bitta. With that she was off.


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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 7th, 2015, 5:51 pm

When Brandon awoke, he noticed it was lighter than it had been last night. It was day, that was pretty obvious, and the Symenestra was gone. Where he was he did not know, but he did vaguely remember her saying she’d fetch him some medicine last night… Perhaps she was off to find some? Or maybe she had to go to work or something like that. He didn’t mind. He needed some time to come to his senses and get his thoughts back in order. But that could come later, for now, he was just glad to notice the cocoon of fabric had become looser than yesterday, and that he could crawl out of it.

However, it seemed at one piece of fabric, the scrap Drusilla –that was what she had said her name was, right?- had placed on his wound first, was stuck on it. A claw came up to try and get it off, and to scratch the itch that had developed, but as soon as he just touched the area of his injury, it instinctively was retracted. It hurt. A lot. Best leave it alone… the Sym would take care of it when she returned, he trusted. She’d seemed concerned about his state, so yeah, he kind of trusted she’d nurse him back to health. Though every unnecessary touch would be punished with a bite.

With some effort, Brandon crawled to the dish of water, lapping up some of the liquid to quench his thirst and stared at the strongly scented slice of peach with some confusion. Was he supposed to eat this? It was doubtful he could actually stomach these in this form… Bugs and water, yes, but fruit? The Kelvic didn’t believe he could, he wouldn’t try to find out either. Though the sweet scent was pleasant… The bat took a sniff, a bit too deep, and sneezed, resulting in a stab of pain from his back as a reward. Great. He’d just go back to sleep. He was still tired anyway.

OOCYeah, I know... It's terribly short... :paranoid:

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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Drusilla on March 7th, 2015, 6:55 pm

[center]The infirmary had been hesitant to give her what she wanted. Questioning if she herself needed care, "No, no, and no!" Sometimes the Inarta could be birdbrains. It was only after a Symenos swearing fit and her slamming some Miza on a counter did Drusilla get her way. The medical staff wasn't stupid, and an angry Symenestra Avora was one of the last things they needed. With the medicine securely tucked in her bag she was on her way.

Before heading home she made a stop at the gallery to pick up whatever work needed to be done. Drusilla would take it home and do it. Somehow she doubted the other seamstresses would enjoy the company of a bat quite like she did. Too bad, their loss. He needed to be looked after and if the Inarta were going to complain she'd just handle her work at home. Fine by her. She stopped to think, did she need anything else right now? Her mind drew a blank. Nope, that was it and she hurried back to the aeries.

Thinking things over as she made her way to the door with the twisted vine wreath she deemed it best to rewash the bat as his back had undoubtedly leaked puss and blood onto the makeshift bandage binding it to his back. If she pulled it off, she'd reopen his back and last night was not something she wanted repeated anytime soon.

Coming to a very familiar wreath Drusilla opened the door. Oddly when she came to her own door she knocked for the bat. She shook her head. Was she losing it? Opening the door she greeted him, "Afternoon, Bitta! I got you some medicine, sorry it took so long. Just let me put this...away...and. You wiggled out of my sleeve! Clever little guy..." She found his escape amusing and laughed to herself as she put the tailor orders someplace safe for now. However how hard she tried not to the bat's antics made her smile. Once everything was safe she departed and returned with two basins, one already filled with water. Shifting through her bag she pulled out the medicine she had procured. "Okay we have Sundyra Water and Krolar Poultice... Now this stuff is counted out for a human dose. I'll only be giving you a pinch and you have to eat it. I'm sorry but that's how it works. But first, let's get that makeshift bandage off you."

Drusilla suddenly had an idea, maybe... Opening the cage, she didn't grab the bat but instead extended a hand out to climb on.


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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 8th, 2015, 12:05 pm

A tiny bat was flying around, flapping its wings as it neared the huge mountain that housed the city of the Inarta; Wind Reach. Glee and joy spread over his face as he closed in even more with a flight pattern of an acrobat. Zigzags, loopings and steep dives, all were included in his aerial dance of victory, though it didn’t last for long. A shadow as huge as the mountain itself blackened the already dark sky, obscuring Leth’s pale eye and forcing the bat go look upwards, hovering in the air. Was that-? Metallic light shone briefly, raking the bat’s back and sending him to tumble to the ground, a sharp pain burning his body. His ears picked up a laughter that sounded suspiciously like the hooting of an owl.

Arms and legs flailing, the thief was hurled downwards, the wind pulling at his hair and clothes while he changed his position in the air so he could see what exactly had attacked him. He heard nothing but the rushing of the wind, but his eyes did detect his stealthy opponent. Well, two large eyes and a beak sharp enough to cleave the air itself in two. It approached swiftly, diving towards him with its evil hooting and a murderous gleam in its orbs. Desperately, Brandon changed position once more, diving towards the ground as well, though it was futile. The predator was upon him already, he could sense it more than he actually saw or heard it, and to protect himself, the Kelvic held his arms defensively in front of his face.

No use either, the owl rushed past, claws tearing and raking, pulling flesh from his bones and tasting blood over and over again as it changed course just to target the bat over and over. Eventually, Brandon smacked down on the rocks, miraculously not hurt at all by the fall, though the scene before him was terrifying. Hundreds of trees, each housing hundreds of giant owls, all of them a bat in their talons, bringing it up to take a bite every so often, while the hooting laughter continued. Frightened to death, Brandon scurried backwards, crawling over the floor with his back to the ground, one of the owls walking closer and closer, licking its beak with its tongue. A rock blocked his path, Brandon had no-where to go and pressed himself into it, hoping it would allow him to enter and escape, but it didn’t. A claw closed itself around the thief’s bloodied body, and brought him up to the wide-open beak…

A sharp knocking sound woke the bat out of his slumber, the noise amplified by his large and sensitive ears. Snapping out of his nightmare, the bat couldn’t be more glad to realize it had just been a dream. Though while he had been sleeping, he didn’t feel that way at all, he felt even more tired than before, adrenaline pulsing in his veins and heart throbbing wildly. He needed rest, Yshul damn it, not nightmares! Oddly enough, while Brandon had been convinced it had been someone else who was about to enter –because they’d knocked first- it was actually the Symenestra herself, coming in with some bag under her arm and a smile on her face. Afternoon, was it? Well, time sure did fly when was sleeping… even though the dreams hadn’t been pleasant. Either way, he was glad she’d arrived when she had; it had spared him from the terrible end the dream would have had.

Trembling, the bat crawled up her arm, climbing higher and higher with his little claws, until he was on her shoulder, pressing himself into the side of her neck. The feel of her warmth was comforting, and that was why he’d gone that far. She might think of it what she wanted, but he needed something that would take away the memory of that nightmare, and right now, she was the only thing around that could fulfill that purpose. It was a one-time emergency, she’d better not get something strange in her head. Well, at least she’d learned from yesterday; she hadn’t grabbed him and it was best for her she hadn’t. In his state, the bat wouldn’t have just bitten once or twice. He’d have bitten harder, and more vicious, panicking and unreasonable. Though now he was calming down, ceasing his trembling and his heartbeat slowed down, so did his breathing.

Medicine eh? He could be wrong, but wasn’t medicine for wounds supposed to be applied on the wound itself instead of taken in orally? He didn’t have a cold or anything, but a bloody wound on his back, maybe some sort of salve or so would help to speed up the healing process… That said, wasn’t poultice used for that? Or was he jumbling things up? Well, he was a bit confused…

OOC:'( lonely Branbat has nightmares of owls. Just don't go thinking he's grown fond of Dru :P that doesn't happen in a day ;)

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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Drusilla on March 8th, 2015, 3:05 pm

Drusilla pulled her hair aside, "No use in you getting tangled in it..." Once the bat reached her neck she temporarily froze. While it may have just been a bat, the Symenestra had a hard time dealing with physical contact of any kind beyond handshakes and hugging the younger members of her web. But the little bat didn't know this. She recovered by letting her mind drift elsewhere. "Wait, no, you don't eat the medicine that was the tea they wanted me to get for anxiety..." She sighed, "Maybe they were right and I need medicine too... But no one can blame me for being this way, you know? Not until they went through the same ordeals I did, in that hell of a cave."

Letting the bat curl up by her neck she waited for him to stop trembling. Wait, why had he been trebling in the first place? "Bitta, what's wrong? You're trembling. Why?" She sighed, "You won't let me pet you or try and comfort you in any way..." Drusilla sat there for a while longer letting the bat do whatever it was doing. Finally he seemed stable and his tremors had passed, "Okay time to get that bandage off." She shifted the bat onto her hand, "Ready? Just like last night. We're gonna soak the bandage of so just hold on to my hand, unless you want to sit in the bowl... Once the bandage loosens up I'll check your back and pour that Sundyra Water over it reducing it's severity and closing it up faster. Then for the poultice to numb any pain and speed up healing. I have three doses of that..." Drusilla slowly dipped the bat in the water pouring it over his back and the bandage gently humming a song to herself.


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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 9th, 2015, 1:32 pm

He was right after all; the medicine she'd brought was not for eating. Apparently he was not the only confused one around here, the Sym seemed to be a bit broken as well. Though Brandon was only injured on the outside while Drusilla hinted she was on the inside. The mention of the cave wouldn't have made much sense if the thief hadn't lived in Kalinor when he was younger, but now it did. Kalinor was a cave city, the Symenestra lived there -most of them did anyways. Unlike him though, Drusilla didn't seem to be longing to go back, well, Brandon supposed there was a reason she had come to Wind Reach.

You're right, I won't let you pet me. But you are comforting me, and that's what matters. It's been a while since I could experience the warmth of a humanoid being... the life of a thief is a lonely one.

Okay, that was not exactly true. He had friends, one at least; Sal. But Sal was just that: a friend. Not family, nor female. Social interactions were great too of course, but his relationship with Sal was not the same as his with Engghaen had been. She'd been there, she'd understood. She had been there, and he'd loved her. Like a little sister, but it was love all the same. He'd comforted her when she'd needed it, they'd argued when their opinions differed, but never had the latter severed their bond. It was strange how it was only after she'd left he noticed how much he missed having her around. And it had been even longer, when he had awoken with nightmares of Kriegsfelt stripping away everything that made the bat himself, isolating him from everyone, that the Kelvic had noticed he truly missed physical contact with someone who cared for him. Someone who truly cared.

Drusilla did too -or so he felt- and that was the only reason he'd done what he did. Interaction between two humanoids were always done with masks and motives, some hidden and others plain for all to see. But between a human and an animal? There was no need to cover up anything, it was just an animal after all. Right now, that was what Brandon was; just a bat. And Drusilla had found him, and cared about his condition, about him. She wouldn't have taken him in otherwise.

Grateful she'd let him calm down, he was compliant this time. He didn't bite when she moved him on her hand, nor did he move a lot when she soaked him with water, even though he disliked it. It was a trade of sorts; one favor for another. Brandon would have sighed, lost in thought and oddly absent. Physical contact and people who cared eh? The reason he'd come here was once more becoming clearer in his mind; a new life, or at least a temporarily one. He'd stay for a while until Lhavit had forgotten about him, and then he would return.

Unless proven this statement was wrong, Wind Reach was not the place for him to stay. Not for as long as he'd been in Lhavit anyway. But he'd stay for now, pass some time, and see where it would bring him. If he'd like it. If he could actually stop stealing. He doubted it.

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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Drusilla on March 9th, 2015, 3:04 pm

"It's starting to loosen up! Don't worry not much longer now...It's half off." Drusilla paused. "You know, I had a bat as a girl... Must of been around six... Lovely little thing she was...There was this story my papa always told me about a little bat who was raised by birds, but unlike you she was a fruit bat and hated eating bugs... She ended up meeting two other fruit bats and saving her birdie family. I named my little bat after the one in the story..." Her tone changed, "Then my Step-mother made me sacrifice her to Viratas. She... always did that made me get rid of my pets under the guise of being a good little Symenestra and pleasing our god... If I hadn't, she would have beat me twice as long... My poor little Stella..." She bit her lip, crying would do her no good...

"Oh the bandage is loose! Hold on." She pulled and the makeshift bandage came off. She showed the bat. "See? Now I'm not going to touch it, but I need to look at your back..." Drusilla move her hand with the bat perched on it, bringing it up closer to her face she studied the injury. "Good, good nothing looks infected." She looked the little bat in the eyes, "You're a lucky little guy had the cut been juuust tad more to the side and I don't believe your wings would work.." She went to pet it's head only to retract her hand before it got too close for the bat to bite.

"Sorry, I forgot. Now for the Sundyra Water, okay? And this better work magic as it cost a good chunk of my pay..." She poured the water over the wound. It looked less inflamed already. Less raw and red. "Does it feel any different?" She asked the little bat. Drusilla gave him a smile, "Almost done, just this paste and that should numb the pain but please don't try and fly or it's last night all over again." The Symenestra applied the paste to the bat's back as softly as she could. Once his back was covered she looked him in the eyes. "Feeling any better?" A smile found it's way to her face. "If you don't try to fly I'll let you stay out of the cage. You can wander my bed or take a nap. But I have work to do, lucky they let me bring my work home so I could watch you."

Drusilla got up placing the bat on her bed and retrieved the orders she had put away along with her sewing box before settling back on her bed. "Let's see what I'm mending today..."


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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 9th, 2015, 5:50 pm

She seemed to be the type of person to talk a lot about whatever came to mind, this Symenestra woman. First it was a story about a bat, and then something about having to sacrifice her pet bat to the God Viratas. Brandon didn't quite approve of either, but the latter was definitely the worst. While he wouldn't claim to be particularly knowledgeable on the god of blood, Brandon did know some basic things; for example that he was the deity revered by the spidery race more than any other. But did he ask sacrifices? The bat doubted it, but still, it mattered very little.

What that step mother had forced the now-grown up Symenestra to do was just cruel and unnecessary. Cruel to the girl, a six-years old -which was very young by human standards, or so he had learned- who kept the bat as a pet! Infuriating! Sacrifices, ha! Of course they had to be made, one life for another, but this? THIS? This was nothing but a waste of Kihala's precious gift! This was just sending souls to Dira just because. It had no purpose, it was not necessary for survival! A waste of a life that could have meant something to someone.

Anyone but Brandon could say something like that without being a hypocrite. People squashed bugs very often, just because they were annoying, without remorse, without even thinking about it. Of course, Brandon did too, but he ate them afterwards. That way it wasn't a waste, not really. But that step-mother should be thought just how precious life was, if she was still alive. Would he do it just for this random Symenestra that nursed him back to health? No. But he would do it in the name of Dira and Kihala both, he'd pass judgment on her if he was in the vicinity. If he ever visited Kalinor again. It wasn't a promise, it wasn't an oath, but he might just fulfill that task. Needless wasting of lives was not something Brandon could overlook.

The thief had to admit, this woman knew what she was doing; if it had been him, Bran would just have torn the bandage off, probably nullifying any healing that had transpired, but she? She just soaked it, letting the water gently get rid of the bond between fabric and wound, then pulling it off. Clever! What do you know, one could learn something about medicine by being injured yourself.

Lucky? No, you've got that wrong. I don't believe in luck- Well, I do, but I don't depend on it. It was Yshul who protected me, if my wings are damaged, so are my arms. And those I need for stealing. One thousand times worth of thanks, Lady Yshul!

Meanwhile some cold water was poured over his back, it felt rather cool and it temporarily soothed the pain a bit -as long as he didn't move his back or wings too much though there wasn't a lot of it- and then some paste was smeared over it, aching a bit as she touched the lacerations. The poultice did sting a bit, as if someone was stabbing him with tiny, hot needles, but at the same time it felt good, and cool. Strange... Was it because of the smell that he was getting light-headed or ..? Never mind, taking a nap sounded great, he hadn't really slept as long as he was supposed to, and the bit of sleep he'd gotten had been filled with nightmares. This time around it might be better... the bed was nice and soft, perfect for him to sleep on. A yawn tore itself out of his jaw, hurting his back a bit, but he paid it no mind and just closed his eyes and surrendered.

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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Drusilla on March 10th, 2015, 3:38 am

Drusilla threaded her needle and read over the note. Looking over the pants she found the problem. Simple fraying. She made quick work of the pants and each order after that.

Despite the lack of windows in her room, Drusilla knew that night would soon fall. She turned to the little bat. An idea in mind but, she didn't want to leave the bat alone... Looking about her room she found something that might work. A small strip of soft leather. She braided her hair and slipped the strip through the braid to keep it from moving. Wrapping the leather around the hair that hung over her one ear, she tied it tight. There, a perch the bat could hang from. Picking up the bat gently she encouraged him to grab the leather strip and hang sleepily in her hair. Once he grabbed on Drusilla could go about her way.

Walking through the aeries Drusilla headed to the Eagle Perch. Stepping inside she lit the candles, moving the ones high up to the rocky ground of the perch. She shivered at the night air. But her plan was working as she watched a few moths dance around the flames of the candles. With a smile she got to work plucking the small creatures up and placing them in a jar. The later it got the more would come and dance among the flames and as they did the Symenestra would pluck them up for the little bat to eat.

She felt the bat move, "Evening Bitta, sorry for moving you but I had to get you some dinner and I didn't want to leave you alone. But good news! I caught you some dinner! Actually I'm still catching it! It won't be as many as you catch... But, I'm trying my hardest." She caught another and offered it to the upside down bat hanging in her hair.


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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 10th, 2015, 3:15 pm

It was but a blissful state of half-slumber, but awake could one not call the bat anymore. The sounds and speech of the Symenestra did enter the bat's mind via his ears, though he picked up almost nothing of what she said or did, most of it just leaving through the other ear. Brandon did not dream at all, only some sort of ignorance had taken over his mind, shutting down his thought processes for the most part, as well as a vast majority of his senses.

He could however be awoken fairly easily, all it took was some shift in balance, or some sound he considered too loud, and every so often he would snap out of his light sleep, only to fall back into it a couple ticks later. One of those times he noticed he was on the Sym's hand again, and that his hind claws were gently being pressed into something leathery. Without a second thought -or first for that matter- the Kelvic opened his claws and grabbed onto the leather, then closing them again, gripping it tightly.

From that point onwards he was woken up more than once, and at one point or another he realized he was hanging close to the Symenestra's face, swinging back and forth with any wild movement. Was he clinging to her hair, or was he mistaken? It did smell strongly like her, and he caught some flashes of white every so often -if his eyes were open. That can't be all that comfortable... Brandon thought before promptly falling back asleep.

Not that much later, it didn't feel much later anyways, the bat felt the stroke of cold air on his skin, the breeze ruffling his fur. Half asleep, the Kelvic only smacked a bit and wrapped his wings a little closer around his body, warding off the cold. There, that was better.

Later still, when night had settled in for real, the bat did wake up, blinking for a couple ticks and carefully stretching his wings, though despite his caution he felt a sting from his protesting back. Drusilla said something about moving him and dinner, the latter sounding more important than anything else, especially so when feeling the emptiness of his stomach. One of the bugs was brought closer to his face so he could actually take a bite without straining his neck. The moth was eaten swiftly, his molars dealing with the exoskeleton of the moth with ease. Beetles were a bit tougher, but could not withstand the force of his teeth either. The cracking sound when he was chewing was a rather pleasant noise, the bat found, it was a satisfactory sound.

Somewhere in between one bug and the next, a thin hair of Dru's tickled the bat's nose, and the Kelvic froze, jaw agape. A sneeze erupted violently, and Brandon managed to look utterly confused when it was over, as if this was the first time he'd experienced something like that. Then he just cocked an ear, shivered briefly, and continued his meal.

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