[Verified by Crosspatch] Cosmo Crocus

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Cosmo Crocus

Postby Cosmo Crocus on March 14th, 2015, 3:55 pm


Nicknames: Cosmo, Cos
Race: Symenestra
Gender: Male
Age: 19
DOB: 89 | Autumn | 495
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 159 lbs.
Hair Color: Black; Light
Eye Color: Amethyst/Violet
Skin Color: Pale, although slightly tanned from being outdoors a lot.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Birthplace: Sunberth
Location: Sunberth
Profession: Spy/ Intelligencer
Lifestyle: Poor/Squalor

Likes: Outdoors, Quiet, Alcohol, Pears, The Sky, Cats
Dislikes: Claustrophobic Environments, Kelvics, Loudness, Boredom, The Ocean, Bears
Fears: Being Discovered, Shaming His Family, Bears, Pain
Worships: Ionu- He has officially abandoned Viratas as his deity
Aspirations: Having His Wife Survive Their First Child

Fluent: Common
Basic: Symenos
Poor: Never Learned One
Last edited by Cosmo Crocus on March 17th, 2015, 6:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Cosmo Crocus
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Cosmo Crocus

Postby Cosmo Crocus on March 14th, 2015, 4:32 pm



Cosmo is... unremarkable. He looks like his race, through and through. He's relatively tall, just tall enough for people to have to slightly crane their head to speak to him. He's thin, another trademark of the Symensestra race. His face is nearly clear of any blemishes, his career one that doesn't really need violence.

Except when you got caught.

He's one that most would say "cute" instead of "handsome." His face looks as though he's been stuck at the age of 14, his hair in juvenile fashion. He'd certainly call himself handsome, though. His most prominent features are the bright violet eyes placed center on his face. He prides on his flamboyantly colored shades.

He can usually be found in a cloak and boots, with a flannel-like blue shirt and tight-fitting pants, if not in his dress attire.



Curiosity: Cosmo is a curious one. That's what got him in his field of work. He likes exploring and finds almost everything wondrous.

Bravery: Cosmo is a brave one. He doesn't get scared by much, and can usually hold his own in the face of danger.

Easily Humored: Cosmo is one who's easily amused. Most jokes are funny, anything holds humor. That's how he likes it.

Loves Nature: Cosmo is infatuated with nature. He loves all animals, except bears. He has an exceptionally large sweet spot for octopi.


Pompous: Cosmo is a pompous one. He sees very highly of himself, and can't exactly help it. It was how he was raised.

Arkoudaphobia: In a real-world society, Cosmo would be diagnosed with arkoudaphobia: the irrational fear of bears. This was caused at the age of 8, when his father was brutally mauled by a bear in the outskirts of Sunberth.


Life & Death: Cosmo is one with the idea of death. It's not exactly a fear; just an understanding. Life fascinates him, quite literally. He loves the idea that every single being is complex and unique. He realizes how complex the simple sense of seeing is... beautiful.

Family: Cosmo would say he doesn't like the idea of a Symenestran family. He doesn't like the idea of a baby involuntarily killing its mother with poison, which is what he did, and his father, and his father's before him. He's slowly beginning to hate himself for getting his current girlfriend pregnant, knowing that, even though she's Svefran, their child will still be full Symenestran and might kill her.

Religion: Cosmo has always and always will worship Ionu. He was raised on the idea Viratas was the one true God, but he never really believed it. He liked the idea of a faceless, genderless deity of trickery much better.

Magic: Cosmo is indifferent on Magic. He doesn't use it. He won't judge anyone who does. It's just... there.

Law: Being a spy means breaking a few laws here and there. He tries his damnedest to not break too many of them, but sometimes, it's a stretch. Sunberth is a lawless city, so sometimes, he may be able to get away with it.
Last edited by Cosmo Crocus on March 21st, 2015, 12:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.


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Cosmo Crocus
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Cosmo Crocus

Postby Cosmo Crocus on March 14th, 2015, 4:58 pm



Cosmo was born in the lawless town of Sunberth, in the comfort of a semi-freezing medical tent. Of course, his mother, whose name he never learned and has no intention of knowing, died shortly after. His father, Velldyn, took him to the house of his own father, a prominent physician. There, the two raised the small boy, who seemed as though he wouldn't make it from his frail physique and horrid living conditions.

But the young boy, named Cosmo by his grandfather, grew up healthy and happy. Well, as happy as one could get in Sunberth. Education was provided by both his father and father's father, although these were street smarts. Stay out of the way of the Sun's Birth, the Daggerhand, and, most importantly, the Night's Eye. For the love of Viratas, stay out of the way of the Night's Eye.

He did. He found he was rather good at stealth, and staying quiet in the presence of others. This was how he got the idea of becoming a spy. He even taught his younger brother, Vin, a small 3-year-old his father had sired with a Human, the ways of the rough Sunberthian street.

But these street smarts weren't enough to prepare him for the horrible mauling of his father. They had left Sunberth, just to hang out in the Outskirts. Velldyn had left the area to pee. Cosmo had let him go, laying out the blanket and preparing the liquefied dishes they'd made the night before. Then, his father came rushing out of the bushes, an arm missing, screaming loud enough to make the birds scatter.

A large brown bear followed behind the Symenestra.

Cosmo immediately hid behind a tree, watching in horror as the creature tore apart his father, limb by limb, as the man screamed and pleaded for mercy.

Cosmo hid by the tree for the whole day, praying the monster wouldn't find him, crying until he became too dehydrated to cry anymore. He returned to Sunberth the next morning, bringing the horrible news to his grandfather and small brother. All his grandfather could do was cry and drink. And drink some more. His brother was too young to understand.

The next 11 years passed with no other significance. He became a spy for hire at 17, attempting to persuade his 12-year-old brother to do the same. Vin had no intention of doing so, wanting to become a doctor like ol' Gramps. So, Cosmo stayed in Sunberth with his brother and granddad, spying, protecting himself and his Svefra girlfriend, Autumn.

He could only imagine what the rest of his life would have in store for him.
Last edited by Cosmo Crocus on March 17th, 2015, 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Cosmo Crocus
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Cosmo Crocus

Postby Cosmo Crocus on March 14th, 2015, 5:08 pm



Weapon: Wrist Blade(SP)10Novice


  • Lore of Sunberthian Businesses and Locations
  • Lore of Ionu
Last edited by Cosmo Crocus on March 16th, 2015, 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Cosmo Crocus
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Cosmo Crocus

Postby Cosmo Crocus on March 14th, 2015, 5:19 pm



  • Starting Package
    -1 Cloak
    -1 Simple Shirt
    -1 Pair of Simple Pants
    -Simple Undergarments
    -Simple Boots
    -1 Waterskin
    -1 Backpack which contains:
    -1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
    -Food for a week
    -1 eating knife
    -Flint & Steel
  • Wrist Blade

Heirloom: A bottle of aged whisky from his father. Not opened.


Name: Ven Crocus
Race: Symenestra
Type: Travelling
DoB: 14 Summer, 499 AV
PoB: Sunberth
Title: Brother
Skills: Begging 5, Unarmed Combat 10, Disguise 10, Locksmithing 5
Gnosis: N/A
Additional Info: Epileptic, Intelligent, Cunning

Ven isn't your usual Symenestra. He isn't as flexible, he doesn't like to use his venom except for eating. He tries to be like his friends; cold, unfeeling. But he can't bring himself to do it. He loves his older brother and Gramps too much to do that. He's very quiet and introverted. He likes reading and is currently creating a short story about a friendly Glassbeak who wanders into the wrong Akalak settlement. He yearns to be a physician.

Name: Delvin "Gramps" Crocus
Race: Symenestra
Type: Stationary
DoB: 90 Winter, 453 AV
PoB: Ravok
Title: Grandfather
Skills: Intelligence 20, Medicine 20, Unarmed Combat 5, Blind Fighting 2, Gambling 3
Gnosis: He is marked by Rak'keli in the gnosis of healing, which he received on 54 Summer, 478 AV.
Additional Info: Intelligent, Wise, Quick Thinker

Gramps isn't the typical Symenestra, either. He's far too old to be acrobatic, and his venom is used medically for things such as infection. He loves his grandchildren with every fiber of his being. He runs a very small-profit Healing station out of his home in the Slums, where he heals minor to moderate wounds. For the right price, that is. He's sly, much more than he lets on, and takes no bullshyke from anyone.


Cheap housing unit in The Sunset Quarters, or the Slums.
Last edited by Cosmo Crocus on March 24th, 2015, 2:08 am, edited 6 times in total.


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Cosmo Crocus
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Cosmo Crocus

Postby Cosmo Crocus on March 14th, 2015, 5:23 pm



Starting PackageN/A100 GM
Wrist Blade1 GM99 GM


Last edited by Cosmo Crocus on March 18th, 2015, 10:07 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Cosmo Crocus
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