I am looking to see if I can possibly get four players who would be interested in playing a biweekly tabletop roleplaying game that I would DM. This would not be a game set in the Mizahar world. It would be held on a website that provides a virtual tabletop people can use to play tabletop RPGs over the internet. It contains dice rollers, stores character sheets, etc. We would use Skype for voice chat.
I am looking for people who would enjoy a roleplay-heavy game and be able to dedicate a couple hours of time per game session.
For those who aren't familiar with tabletop RPGs, you can find a description here. Dungeons and Dragons is the one that most people probably know by name. This game would be using a system called Pathfinder. New players are certainly welcome.
Plot Tease :
Of course, this isn't the only option available. I am willing to DM everything from modern horror to a more rules-lite fantasy game. If you are interested in something specific, just let me know.