[Verified by Crosspatch] Zoe Collins

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Zoe Collins

Postby Zoe Collins on March 19th, 2015, 4:02 pm


Zoe Collins

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 170cm (5'6")
Weight: 65kg (143lbs)
Born: 4th Day of Spring, 489 AV
Birthplace: Sunberth
Languages: Common (Fluent) Fratava (Basic)
Heirloom: Father's Old Kukri
Housing: 20x20 House in the Sunset Quarters

+ Phyiscal Characteristics +

A shade of skin that had been kissed lightly by the sun, lightly bronzed, her skin is smooth and unblemished. Her beautiful features are striking and prominent. Although she may look cold and unwelcoming to most at first glance, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Once you actually get to know her, you would find her to be friendly, fun-loving and mischievous. She wears her chest-length hair free framing her face attractively. Their luscious locks are a shade of honey blonde, appearing as though they were made of strands of pure honey. She sometimes buns up her hair, but it is usually worn in its untied state.

Her face is youthful yet serious. Despite that she still possess a quirky sense of humour and knows how to smile, smiling whenever the situation requires it or when she feels like it. Her chin is pointed and her eyes a shade of moss green that reminds one of the many shades of green found in the forests. Her sunny and pleasant disposition emits a warm and healthy glow around that radiates throughout her entire person.

Slightly taller than the average human female, she stands at one hundred and seventy centimeters tall, and weights around sixty-five kilograms. Blessed with an ample bosom, she is otherwise slim, her build athletic and sporty from all the acrobatics and blades training she does so often. Her preferred choices of attire are figure-hugging clothing that accentuates her curves. She has a tendency to favour tight clothing as she finds that these outfits help her out in her activities, reducing wind drag as well not being susceptible to snagging or catching or branches, hooks or other similar obstructions. An outfit she wears often is a tight-fitting black blouse topped off with a brown leather corset, amplifying her assets along with her curvy figure.

+ Likes and Dislikes +

Her interest in learning had never once stopped. Inquisitive since young, she had always loved learning and discovering how new stuff worked. A great fan of stories and great tales, she had always listened attentively as her ex-adventurer-now-fisherman father regaled to her about his past exploits and escapades, and also about his current sea trips whenever he chanced upon something interesting. Also a great fan of acrobatics and other gymnastics, she practices whenever she can, and she was delighted to know that her interested proved to be an extremely valuable asset in her job. Being trained in the arts of combat from young, she is decent with the kukri and revels in any form of combat.

Her favourite colours include dark colours such as black and brown. While she may be wary of strangers, a trait that one acquires living in Sunberth, that does not mean that she does not like people. In fact, she does love meeting new friends. Unfortunately, to increase your chances of survival in the town, one cannot simply trust anyone they meet. Possessing a strong dislike for warm weather, she has a high tolerance of the cold.

+ Character Concept +

A strong and determined individual, Zoe is a fierce and tough woman with a survivor’s spirit. She had grown up in a mid-level family, and had experienced both the joys and pain associated of being part of one. After her father passed away when she was fourteen, that spunky spirit had allowed her to survive, coupled with the help of her then guardian, Rose, one of her father’s closest friends. When she became of age, she left to strike it out of her own, and since then, she has lived on her own, with no one for company.

She can be rather headstrong and stubborn at times, but gain her trust and respect, and you've gotten yourself a valuable friend and ally. She can tend to get over-emotional, which can impair her actions and judgement. Not a model-citizen by any means, she believes that breaking the law is sometimes a necessity of life. She can be very passionate about what she believes in, and will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal. Zoe is also no stranger to fun, and also always believes in having a good time whenever one can. She longs for companionship, always on the lookout for someone that she can click with, and to laugh and joke with to finally rid herself of the lonesome baggage she has carried about for just about forever.

+ Backstory +

Zoe was raised from a mid-level family in Sunberth. They weren't the poorest, nor were they from the richest. Her father had always managed to put food on the table for the two of them, and while the two of them led a simple life with hardly any luxuries, they were content with just the company of the two of them. Her father was more than a simple fisherman. He used to be an adventurer and a mercenary in his younger days, skilled with the blade. A critical injury to his leg left him walking with a bad limp for the rest of his life, thus ending his roaming fighting days for good. It was just as well it happened, or he would have never have met the woman who would then become his wife.

Seeing her interest in the art of fighting, in their spare time, when he was not at sea, Zoe's father would teach her how to use a sword, training her in the basic use of the weapon. She would then practice diligently, hoping to improve her skill as she knew that understanding the weapon was one of the best ways to protect herself.

The weapon she practiced on was the kukri. It was nothing more than crudely made replica of the real thing, and was worth nothing more than for training. Still, it was made to scale, and at least she could get a feel of the weapon's length and reach with the replica. She was also taught some basics of dual wielding and the unarmed combat, which she practised whenever she could.

When he was out at sea, one of his closest friend, Rose, would come over to stay with the young girl, watching over her, as her father was away at sea. Many a farewell was spent with the two of them waving their goodbyes, as her father’s boat left the dock. Zoe was told that her mother died at childbirth, a complication that arose after giving birth to her. With the lack of money, he wasn't able to afford to buy any medicine, leading to her demise.

In her teenage years, when Rose went to work in the day, Zoe would wander the streets of Sunberth, and on that one faithful day, she chanced upon a boy, who looked to be somewhere around her age, in the process of stealing a coin pouch from an unsuspecting traveller. This must have been the visitor’s first time to Sunberth, and he would learn his mistake the hard way. No one carried their wealth so plainly in sight of others here. With a quick slash of the little dagger the boy carried, the string tying the coin pouch to the man’s belt was severed. In a blink of an eye, the boy was gone, and it looked as though he was never there. It was several chimes, before the man realized his money was missing, and he gave a series of shouts in alarm and dismay, but they mostly went ignored, as everyone around him gave him mocking or uninterested looks. But that day changed her life for the better.

Following the boy, she tracked him down into an alleyway, where he finally stopped. She introduced herself to him, telling him that she meant him no harm. The boy then introduced himself as Jax. She had no idea if that was his real name or just an alias, but the boy (who she later learnt was a Svefra) didn't seem to want to let on more. He was a nervous and quirky fellow, one who looked slightly older than she was and he was actually rather surprised to see her following him. They both longed companionship, and thus got along well easily enough. Eventually, she learnt that he was no common thief. He worked as an hired assassin as well.

With plenty of common interests, they always had something to chat about. During one their chatting sessions, he taught her the basics of his language, Fratava. Eventually, Jax began to impart to her some of the skills he had acquired during his time on the streets and on the job. One day, when they were supposed to meet for one of their usual meetings, Jax didn't turn up. Zoe waited for days at the same spot, going back at the same time everyday, but the boy seemed to have disappeared. Zoe could never find him again. She had no clue what had happened to him, but she could guess. He had either been caught or had failed in one of his assassination attempts. He had often said that he would be killed if he was caught. She was all by her lonesome once more.

She learnt to be like the boy, immortalising his teachings, preying on unsuspecting people, stealing their possessions. Eventually, she began to move onto simple assassinations as well, taking on contracts from various employers within the city. She began to hone her craft day by day, becoming increasingly competent at what she did. She also practised her running, jumping, practically any form of acrobatics, to increase her chance of being agile and nimble, allowing her to react quickly to situations that could get her caught. Zoe didn't neglect her weapons training either, practising on her kukri whenever she could.

One faithful evening, after returning back from a successful hunt, she saw Rose weeping as she headed into her home. Rose informed her in tears that her father’s boat was caught in a storm and had sunk. There were no survivors. Shocked at the loss of father, she crumpled into a heap, and began sobbing as well. The seasons came and went, and slowly Zoe had moved on from her grief, though she had always kept her father in her heart. Rose hadn't took it as well as she did, she turned to drinking, and was now in a pitiful state.

The once motherly woman had reduced into nothing more than a remnant of what she once was. Zoe later learned that her father would marry Rose after he had returned with the haul of the trip. With Rose in such a pathetic state, Zoe left the stricken home, and started to begin a new life on her own. She looked forward to the day when she would no longer be alone.

+ Skills +

Skill name EXP Total Proficiency
Weapon: Kukri 15 RB+11 SP 26 Competent
Acrobatics 19 SP 19 Novice
Larceny 5 SP 5 Novice
Climbing 5 SP 5 Novice
Intelligence 5 SP 5 Novice
Stealth 5 SP 5 Novice

+ Lores +

Lore of Sunberth Street Layout
Lore of Sunberth Culture

+ Possessions +

1 Pair of Clothing Description
Hooded Black Cotton Blouse A hooded form-fitting black blouse worn from use.
Leather Corset A brown leather corset worn over her blouse.
Brown Cotton Pants A dark brown cotton pair of worn, tight pants.
White Linen Undergarments A white simple no-nonsense pair, slightly worn.
Brown Cotton Cloak A simple black cloak to keep out the cold.
Brown Leather Boots A simple pair of worn brown leather boots.

Item Quantity
Waterskin One
Comb(Wood) One
Brush(Wood) One
Hair Kit One
Basic Toiletries One
Soap One
Razor One
Balanced Rations One Week's Worth
Eating knife One
Flint & Steel One
Rucksack One
Kukri One
Black Leather Hood One
Black Mask One
Hemp Rope 50ft One
Gold Mizas One

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Corset -6SM 90GM 94SM
Black Leather Hood -15 CM 90GM 93SM 85CM
Black Mask -3SM 90GM 90SM 85CM
Rope, Hemp 50ft -1GM 89GM 90SM 85CM

+ Thread List +

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Zoe Collins
Posts: 24
Words: 29375
Joined roleplay: March 18th, 2015, 2:33 pm
Race: Human
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