OOCSo the way I like to do 'solos' is that I start an open thread and if nobody jumps in I just continue what I'm doing. That way other people have the opportunity to join in if they want. ^_^
8th of Spring, 515 AV
This day was different.
For a long time, he had left the city. Something... had been not right there. Not right at all. There had been bad feelings. Feelings like being scared when there was nothing to be be scared of, no predator or attack. Feelings like not liking the blue men in the city, and that's wasn't good, because Kyo wanted to like them. Feelings like not wanting to go outside, and his dogs had been bad like that too. Sister had not been Sister anymore, she had not been the same. Brother had not been Brother, and he had been dangerous. Snarling and angry and thirsty for blood and biting.
So they had left. It had taken a long time to see that it was the city that was bad. Outside the city, once the coyote had run a distance away, he had come back to himself. So had his dogs, shaking their heads and rubbing and rolling in the grass as if to get something foul from their fur. Getting close again... had brought the badness back. So they had stayed away, much as it made Kyo's heart ache to be alone again. They had stayed away.
Until now.
Kyo poked his head within the city gates. He had already gone human-form, since the last time they had swatted at him when he had been a coyote and told him he couldn't come in. Now he sniffed carefully, looking around. The tension was gone. The anger he had felt. That badness, whatever it had been... it wasn't here, not anymore. The young man smiled, putting a hand to his hair in relief, and limped quickly, tenderly into the city.
Walking was painful on two legs when one of them was hurt. As soon as he got far enough away from the gates he stepped to the side, wiggling out of his big scratchy shirt, and became coyote once more. The pile of clothing he nosed into a little heap in a corner, where he would find it again. Then he walked on, tail held low and wagging slightly, the limp easier now with four legs to help him move.
He started with the sniffing. A lot of the people were the blue men, what they called Akalak, and he wanted to learn each's scent. It was more than their own scent, though; by smelling them he could pick up the places they'd been or the other people they had been with, what they'd eaten or been around, sometimes how they were feeling, and many many many other things. He drifted along, snuffling his nose against the hard stone ground of the streets every once and a while, or against the other hard stone of the buildings.
The coyote needed to catch every scent in the city. That was more important than resting his hurt --and still bloody-- leg, or finding a new place to sleep at, now that he didn't have his old home any more, or even getting some food or water to fill his aching belly. He limped along and scented the air, and let the smells and the sounds of people wash over him.
His tail wagged slightly harder. He was so so glad to be back.