Location, Alvadas
Race Isur
Name, Kry Hammer Terras
Age, 14 (Looks 7 thanks to Isur aging)
Date of birth, Spring 7th 500
Born in Alvadas.
Height 4' 3
weight 60 lbs
Not the tallest by any means, nor the thickest Kry has a compact body though with the beginnings of muscles beginning to form under her skin thanks to her working the forge. Due to Isur aging Kry has a body that likens to a human of half her age though her mind and personality beg to differ. unkempt white hair hides a pair of large brown eyes. easily mistaken for a pretty boy at a glance, her figure not exactly being gifted in the proportions one would call womanly. though anyone who gawks long enough would see the underlying form of a girl under the soot stained clothes, though the chances of catching a hammer to the teeth are just as likely if you get caught gawking. With all of that being said however, the fact that Kry is an Isur is quite unmistakable her arm is an off shade of Violet, though a stony hue. the rest of her skin being a silvery alabaster, making her silvery veins barely darker than her pale skin which is likely the most abnormal part to her, Skin that almost seems to reject the very concept of tanning and hair like snow marking the girl to possibly have a case of Albinism.
Born in Alvadas to her parents (both Isur to be named) Kry was raised working and living with the Isur of Kitrean crafts. living and working with the other Isur there. Kry grew up learning the art of blacksmithing and was taught the be proud of her craft, After all she was a member of the Terras clan and they were the best Smiths in all the world, Even among other Isur. That said Kry was less interested in the weapons that she made from day to day thinking them mundane, Curiosity was one of Kry's strongest traits and it did wonders for getting her in trouble, from the time she learned swimming wasn't easy to the time she learned that not all dogs are nice. Preferring the solitude of quiet places where she could think to the loudness of the forge, where one can hardly hear oneself over the constant hammer strikes. Independent until something scares her Kry likes to explore the city of Alvadas, as it shifts, but only so far that the smithy is never too far out of sight, after all, Alvadas isn't exactly a place to wander in. Beyond that, Kry's only real hobby is the art of crafting little toys and such, After being taught what a gear was and seeing them in action Kry was enamored with the little moving machines hat people were capable of making. Trying, and failing on several occasions to reproduce the little toys.
The darker side of life.
That said life among Isur is not just a life of productivity but a life of expectations. Among Isur especially those of the Terras Clan the forge is life, and as a member of the clan Kry lives under the expectations to be e great weapon smith that does great things, Her life is not her own but her clan's and Izurdin's. That said Kry's goals are not so aligned to those of her family. Weapons are all well and good but there must be more, right? Though the heavy hand of her family has pushed Kry to begin to reside within herself sneaking around within the confines of her own home just for the sake of being alone.
Character concept
First and foremost Kry is a smith, or at least an apprentice one, that said the subtle beauty and dangers of Alvadas have given Kry a flare for the dramatic and a taste for the arts. Curious about all forms of art Kry loves learning new things. The problem with Kry though is that she isn't exactly a social creature and talking to new people is difficult for her, thus learning new things from people is much harder for her than it is to learn from books. After all a book can't yell at you, usually...