As Xii spoke, Clyde felt out to her within his aura sight. The djed worked and winded through Cha, and then expelled outward in a rush, a wave flowing outward and cleanly ensconcing the girl within a niche of his sight. What once would have taken chimes took mere ticks now. He'd been feeling it within his magic recently, a precipice, a level, similar to when he had gained a new understanding of Reimancy before it. Now he knew he was reaching that same precipice of understanding with Auristics, which meant a new level of ability.
Within his second sight Xii flashed for a moment, but not Xii as his mundane senses saw alone and weak, but magnified, purified, and from every direction. In that sense it wasn't like normal sight or sensing, with such limitations. It was likely he was looking at her from every side at once. He could smell her scent, feel the touch of her cloth that hid her form. The cold touch of dead cloth, and the warm touch of living flesh.
That was just the briefest of touches, seen and displayed as the outer layer of his attention glanced across the out-most essence of Xii's soul's exudings. About her he could also see, though on a different plane or level, the grey uncolored escence that was her. As he focused on it the colorless hue shifted and faded, slowly changing to a greyish-black hue. Her aura had a scent about it, which vaguely reminded Clyde of wild berries and cattails, something that didn't come about in cities.
Perhaps that had something to do with her unsettled nature within Ravok? But that odor was still confused. It would take a deeper reading and more pondering before he understood that, if he did indeed come to understand it.
Pressing upon her aura, he thrust inward with his sight, intending to look at deeper and unknown things. Somehow though his looking unintended looked literally inward, and he came to see flesh and muscle and internal things. With a resonating echo a wave of his focus swept through her, prying away level by level to see her inside the skin. It was with one such internal sweep, when he reached the bones, that he noticed something odd. He'd not done this specifically before, though he did have a basic understanding of human structure having been one his entire life. But he did find something unexpected, some kind of shoulder growth or something? Bone spurts? Nubs?
He couldn't quite name what it was, but it certainly didn't appear as a normal human would. Of course he had little to compare too... Likely he'd need to test it out on a few more people, before he could say for sure such a thing was odd.
He also noticed a series of scars, most quite large. He could tell if nothing else they weren't knew, as they looked healed over and scarred, so likely a wound of old. Clearly though the girl had some kind of physical experience where she'd been injured quite a bit.
So much information gathered in a short span of time. He'd grown skilled at using his Auristics while he listened to another speak, and often found it the best time to do his readings. But at that point the girl had finished her words, and required a response from Clyde. He still continued pressing inward and deeper with his reading, but he'd not be able to fully focus on it while also talking, and so would have to wait to look further till he next heard her response to what he next said.
“Both are right, and both are wrong. Syliran's tend to look at Rhysol with a closed mind, without trying to fully understand him. They make assumptions and stereotype all Ravokians as being the same. Some are as they say, but not all. Likely not even the majority. Most aren't too different from the common Syliran. Ravokian's on the other hand tend to focus on other aspects, and ignore the whole or the less desirable aspects of Rhysol, for the more positive. Having grown up in Syliras myself, and seen there view, and then later come to Rhysol and Ravok, I perhaps have a... Unique understanding of him. A more... Complete one.”
“Rhysol is God of Chaos, God of Lies, God of Betrayal and Evil. But these are not inherently bad domains. He does not force them upon people, it is a choice. He simply finds them within people, and helps them embrace them, helps them understand their true nature. By denying such things, repressing it, as the Syliran's do, they are cutting off so much. And if they truly believe they are free of these things, then they are the fools. Rhysol's domain can no more exist without good and truth, than good and truth can exist without evil and lies. It'd be like calling every direction up. Without something opposing it, a thing loses its meaning. It is by opposites, by differences, that things gain meaning. That land and air gain meaning and difference.”
“If all men where utterly honest, utterly good, and true, and straight, then Rhysol would have nothing to work with, would have nothing to corrupt. I think we both know that is not the case. The day that happens, would be the day we stopped being human, stopped being sentient and having choice. Such concepts only exist with choice, with freedom. You don't call a bear evil for mauling a man in his den. You don't say the wind is evil for blowing down your home. The fact that we discuss this now proves we have choice, and that there are no absolutes. Everything is a matter of perspective, a matter of action and choice and end result.”
“Rhysol is only the enemy of the knighthood of Syliras in as much as they are the enemy of him. They wish to oppose him, to expunge him, and so of course each is the others enemy. But I don't think he wants to destroy them. He understands the truth of things, is wise enough to see what would happen if he did. I don't doubt he'd like to corrupt and damage them, to use them as a focus for the energies of the Stryfe and Ravok, but to destroy them... No, not likely.”
“The Syliran's call us evil, for having embraced the thing they oppose. We embrace these things, try to understand them, for only when you understand something are you safe from it. How can you hope to shelter from a storm, if you don't understand it, the forms it takes and the threats it makes, then you cannot defend yourself from it. By accepting and understanding him and what he is, we gain power and protection from the domain of Rhysol.”
“That is what Ravok is. The embodiment of what happens when you embrace Rhysol's protection, when you embrace him and his domain. That is why Ravok seems such as it does. Because it is under Rhysol's protection, and thus freed. To those who follow him, it is the rest of the world that is evil and chaotic by comparison. It is logic, of a sort. Chaos logic. The logic of looking past preconceptions and expectations, and finding the underlying reasoning and logic within a illogical end result. Its the logic by which Rhysol and his choices and actions make sense.”
“The Black Sun is there to spread his name, his worship, and his domain.”
“As for slavers and your problems with them... That is because you have not accepted Rhysol and his protection. You have only seen half of it. The physical protection, the safety and peace of Ravok, are open to all. But the true protection, the belonging, is only open to those who belong, who are a part of him. To the citizens of Ravok. I'm afraid you won't find some trick to avoiding the slavers, so long as you are not a citizen. Without citizenship you do not have Ravok or Rhysol's protection, and so have no rights here. Only with citizenship and the acceptance of Rhysol do you truly gain his full protection. Well that or the protection and word of someone with power within the city. But unless you become a citizen, or gain a protector, you'll not be free of the slavers and anyone else in the city who wishes you harm.”