Xii's Journal

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Feel free to start IC Journaling in this forum. Each character is allowed threads here where they can store notes they learn IC, facts, or even talk about their feelings and inner thoughts. Journals don't need to be in written form, they be anything you as a player thinks suits the personality of the Characte.r

Xii's Journal

Postby Xii on March 23rd, 2015, 3:31 am

A for akorn tres
E for et th fud
I for in tr'bl
O for orng frut
U for u lyk me
Y for ys cold

B for blu
CH for chikn
D for d'd
F for fud
G for gd
H for h'lo
J for j'mp
K for kil
L for lyk
M for m'gik
N for no
P for pykn
S for stupid
SH for shwt
T for tr'bl
TH for thenk
V for vyn
W for wat
Z for zith

Aa Bb CHch Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt THth Uu Vv Ww Yy Zz

My nam is Z.
My nam is Z.
My nam is Z.
Xii is using hypnotism
Xii is "speaking Common"
Xii is "speaking Pavi" and also signing Pavi Note
Signed Pavi can also be represented by a person's total body language; it doesn't have to be an actual hand sign.

Xii is demonstrating her internal emotions. Anything in plain, uncolored italics should be considered completely internal; for example, if it says that Xii is sneering she is only doing so in her mind, and the sneer would likely not show as a physical expression unless otherwise stated. This is a way for me, as her writer, to differentiate between her true feelings and what she outwardly shows the world. Note
If the italics thing feels too confusing to me after I've tried using it in some posts, I'll remove it.
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Xii's Journal

Postby Xii on March 24th, 2015, 4:11 am

Morfeng. It is difiklt. 'Sp'shle tu s'prat th mynd frm th bde. Th prosis is gt'teng fstr y thenk. It is gt'teng ese'r tu du.

Y did th har 'nd fas. Tha'r wr sm prblms. Tha'r r 'lwas prblms. This tym it ws bledeng frm th skin 'sp'shle frm w'ar y ws morfeng it 'p arwnd th fas. Fevr tu tho y dont no hw hy. Weknis so y k'ldnt sit n'emor. Y thenk y wnt tu slep 'ftr th't. Y dont rem'mbr n'emor so y mst hv wnt tu slep or p'sd 'wt or smtheng.

Tha'r wr drems tu. Nytmars. Y dont rem'mbr w't th' wr 'bwt.

OOC Translation: Morphing. It is difficult. Especially to separate the mind from the body. The process is getting faster I think. It is getting easier to do.

I did the hair and face. There were some problems. There are always problems. This time it was bleeding from the skin, especially from where I was morphing it up around the face. Fever too, though I don't know how high. Weakness so I couldn't sit anymore. I think I went to sleep after that. I don't remember anymore so I must have went to sleep or passed out or something.

There were dreams too. Nightmares. I don't remember what they were about.
Xii is using hypnotism
Xii is "speaking Common"
Xii is "speaking Pavi" and also signing Pavi Note
Signed Pavi can also be represented by a person's total body language; it doesn't have to be an actual hand sign.

Xii is demonstrating her internal emotions. Anything in plain, uncolored italics should be considered completely internal; for example, if it says that Xii is sneering she is only doing so in her mind, and the sneer would likely not show as a physical expression unless otherwise stated. This is a way for me, as her writer, to differentiate between her true feelings and what she outwardly shows the world. Note
If the italics thing feels too confusing to me after I've tried using it in some posts, I'll remove it.
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Xii's Journal

Postby Xii on April 1st, 2015, 3:37 am

Klyd s'lins 'nd RYSOL

Sylerins thenk RYSOL is onle b'd. Rvokeins thenk RYSOL is onle g'd. Nythr r ryt. Both r r'ng.

RYSOL neds g'd??
With'wt g'd 'nd pes 'nd pepl lyk th nyts tha'r is no RYSOL. RYSOL uzis th'm 'nd th b'd th't is 'lr'd tha'r in th wrld. Evil is defynd by g'd, 'nd g'd by evil. Hu cn sae w't wld b withwt g'd or evil??
Dont dstroe th nyts?? Or syleris??
Maebe or maebe nt.

'Ndrstnd RYSOL 'nd b saf frm him??
By his gras.
Rv'k 'ndrstnds RYSOL 'nd so is fre frm him. This is bc's 'f ka's l'jik wich is RYSOLs l'jik 'nd w't he d's.
Rvokeins 'and bl'k sn sprd his pwr in 'kschang for beeng fre.

Bl'k sn is tha'r tu mak RYSOL strngr.

Nt for mez's. Pruv us. For skils 'nd pwr.

Klyd s'lins fyr??

OOC Translation: Below.

OOC Translation: Clyde Sullins and Rhysol

Sylirans think Rhysol is only bad. Ravokians think Rhysol is only good. Neither are right. Both are wrong.

Rhysol needs good?
Without good and peace and people like the Knights there is no Rhysol. Rhysol uses them and the bad that is already in the world. Evil is defined by good, and good by evil. Who can say what would be without good or evil?
Don't destroy the Knights? Or Syliras? Maybe or maybe not.

Understand Rhysol and be safe from him? By his grace.
Ravok understands Rhysol and so is free from him. This is because of Chaos Logic which is Rhysol's logic and what he does. Ravokians and Black Sun spread his power in exchange for being free.

Black Sun is there to make Rhysol stronger.

Protection? Not for mizas. Prove use. For skills and power.

Clyde Sullins, fire?
Xii is using hypnotism
Xii is "speaking Common"
Xii is "speaking Pavi" and also signing Pavi Note
Signed Pavi can also be represented by a person's total body language; it doesn't have to be an actual hand sign.

Xii is demonstrating her internal emotions. Anything in plain, uncolored italics should be considered completely internal; for example, if it says that Xii is sneering she is only doing so in her mind, and the sneer would likely not show as a physical expression unless otherwise stated. This is a way for me, as her writer, to differentiate between her true feelings and what she outwardly shows the world. Note
If the italics thing feels too confusing to me after I've tried using it in some posts, I'll remove it.
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Xii's Journal

Postby Xii on April 3rd, 2015, 9:57 pm

Klyd s'lins 'nd mjik

J'd is nrg. It maks 's fuls 's 'nd fuls mjik. Gt it by eteng 'nd spnd it by liveng.Taks tym tu 'bsorb j'd frm fud 'nd tu gt nw j'd bk. Maebe hlp?? 'ftr useng mjik et 'nd drenk 'nd git rst 'nd slep tu git btr.

Mjik is useng j'd tu mak chanjs 'wt or in.
Theore is u dont git mor j'd ovr tym. Mor lyk u git btr 't useng th j'd th't is 'lr'dy insyd.

2 typs 'f mjik. Prsonl mjik taks j'd frm insyd spndeng ur j'd. Wrld mjik taks j'd frm 'wtsyd from th wrld 'nd 'thr thengs.
Wrld mjik u dont ovrgiv b't tha'r r 'thr danjrs. Cn git etin?? Blown 'p?? Tha'r r mor rls with wrld mjik. 'nd u ned tuls. 'nd it taks lngr?? Wrld mjik is makeng thengs 'nd the efkts lst lngr. U ned mne 'nd a l'b tu kreat thengs for wrld mjik.
Prsonl mjik is danjrws bk's it taks frm insyd 'nd tha'r is onle so mch j'd insyd tu us bfor tha'r r prblms. Ovrgiveng is w'n u go p'st ur limits. Wen this hppins u git tyrd lyk tha'rs no nrg lft insyd. Th mor u ovrgiv th wrs thengs wil hppn.

OOC Translation: Below.

OOC Translation: Clyde Sullins and Magic

Djed is energy. It makes us, fuels us, and fuels magic. Get it by eating, and spend it by living. Takes time to absorb djed from food and to get new djed back. Maybe help? After using magic, eat and drink and get rest and sleep to get better.

Magic is using djed to make changes, out or in. Theory is: you don't get more djed over time. More like you get better at using the djed that is already inside.

Two types of magic. Personal magic takes djed from inside, spending your djed. World magic takes djed from outside, from the world and other things. World magic you don't overgive, but there are other dangers. Can get eaten? Blown up? There are more rules with world magic. And you need tools. And it takes longer? World magic is making things, and the effects last longer. You need money and a lab to make things for world magic.

Personal magic is dangerous because it takes from inside, and there is only so much djed inside to use before there are problems. Overgiving is when you go past your limits. When this happens you get tired like there's no energy left inside. The more you overgive the worse things will happen.

Mor klyd s'lins 'nd mjik

Ranj 'nd nmbr 'f trgits wil git btr with tym 'nd prktis. 'nd th hipnotism wil git mor pwrfl tu.

Btr tu figur 'wt prts 'nd thn p't thm tugthr th'n du 'vretheng 't 'wns.

Mak ruls for mjik??
Swet wisprs mak u wnt tu us mjik mor 'nd mor. Dnjrws.

OOC Translation: More Clyde Sullins and Magic

Range and number of targets will get better with time and practice. And the hypnotism will get more powerful, too.

Better to figure out parts and then put them together than do everything at once.

Make rules for magic?
Sweet whispers make you want to use magic more and more. Dangerous.
Xii is using hypnotism
Xii is "speaking Common"
Xii is "speaking Pavi" and also signing Pavi Note
Signed Pavi can also be represented by a person's total body language; it doesn't have to be an actual hand sign.

Xii is demonstrating her internal emotions. Anything in plain, uncolored italics should be considered completely internal; for example, if it says that Xii is sneering she is only doing so in her mind, and the sneer would likely not show as a physical expression unless otherwise stated. This is a way for me, as her writer, to differentiate between her true feelings and what she outwardly shows the world. Note
If the italics thing feels too confusing to me after I've tried using it in some posts, I'll remove it.
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Xii's Journal

Postby Xii on April 14th, 2015, 11:49 pm

Evin mor klyd s'lins 'nd mjik

Sol 'nd bde r s'pr'it. Cn mak sols??
Gosts r sols withwt bdes. Gosts cn't du mjik by thmslvs so th j'd in mjik prbible cms frm th bde??

Tha'r is onle 1 typ 'f j'd no mtr th mjik or th theng. J'd in 1 theng lyk a prsin is th sam 's in smtheng 'ls lyk smtheng nt alyv tho sm thengs lyk pepl hv mor j'd tu us. J'd isnt smtheng u cn se. Cn onle se w't it d's.

Ch' is a mjik stf. She is inchntid. Lrn hw tu inchnt 'nd hw tu mak mjik stfs??
A mjik stf d'snt mak u strngr bt is n ikstnshin 'f ur j'd 'nd ur prsonl mjik. U hv tu lrn tu us it?? 'nd mjik stfs cst so mch mne?? Lyk 5 thwsind gm??

OOC Translation: Below.

OOC Translation: Even More Clyde Sullins and Magic

Soul and body are separate. Can make souls?
Ghosts are souls without bodies. Ghosts can't do magic by themselves, so the djed in magic probably comes from the body?

There is only one type of djed no matter the magic or the thing. Djed in one thing ~like a person~ is the same as in something else ~like something not alive~ though some things ~like people~ have more djed to use. Djed isn't something you can see. Can only see what it does.

Cha is a magic staff. She is enchanted. Learn how to enchant and how to make magic staffs?
A magic staff doesn't make you stronger, but is an extension of your djed and your personal magic. You have to learn to use it? And magic staffs cost so much money? Like five thousand gm?
Xii is using hypnotism
Xii is "speaking Common"
Xii is "speaking Pavi" and also signing Pavi Note
Signed Pavi can also be represented by a person's total body language; it doesn't have to be an actual hand sign.

Xii is demonstrating her internal emotions. Anything in plain, uncolored italics should be considered completely internal; for example, if it says that Xii is sneering she is only doing so in her mind, and the sneer would likely not show as a physical expression unless otherwise stated. This is a way for me, as her writer, to differentiate between her true feelings and what she outwardly shows the world. Note
If the italics thing feels too confusing to me after I've tried using it in some posts, I'll remove it.
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Xii's Journal

Postby Xii on April 22nd, 2015, 4:01 am

Morfeng dgs pw

Prchmint with s'n in midl 'nd skwigls arwnd it 'nd d'ts arwnd th skwigls 'nd with a tryangl tu 1 syd with 1 poent tcheng th syd 'f th skwigl. S'n is th fokis?? Tryangl is th trigr 'nd it wrks with a trigr fras. ' ' tu veu frm a brds mwth ' '

Thn cn se withwt ys opin. Cn se bneth th 'wtsyd intu th insyd. Se w't maks 'p a prson or n 'nim'l lyk a dg.

Laers. Cn se thrw laers withwt lkeng awae. Cn lk thrw th'm.
Blck lyt fiz evin spr'd 'nd nbrokin. Shos fr. Fr gros 'wt frm th sknd laer.
Gra 'nd ea'lo 't th sam tym lyk it hs 2 c'lors 't 'wns 'nd it ws 'l in 1 smwth pes. Wrm tho nt 's wrm 's laer 3 or 5. Wld pl's in tym with laer 3 'nd w'n it pl'sd th c'lor wld go ea'lo 'nd wyt 'nd wld sprkl 'l ovr in a thwsend difrent plasis. Shos skin. Skin gros fr 'nd k'nikts with laers 3 4 'nd 5.

Mor morfeng dgs pw
Mor laers
Rd th't kam in twisteng vyns 'nd brnchis. Lk'd likwid. Ws ht wrmr th'n laer 2 'nd laer 5. Pl'sd lyk laer 2. Shos blwd. Twynd with th 5th laer 'nd k'niktd tu 3 4 5 'nd 6.
Didnt no wt this 'wn ws. Ws in vyns lyk laer 3 bt was silvr 'nd raenbo shyne. It didnt pl's bt it did flo tho it flo'd slo v're slo 'nd in onle 'wn d'rikshin 'p nt lyk th blwd wich flo'd both waes. Shos wt?? Twynd with 3. Th flo in th vyns ws cwsd by 5. K'nikted tu 6.
Lyt rd th't ws lytr th'n th blwd in laer 3. 'Lso htr th'n laer 2 bt nt 's ht 's laer 3. Ws in intrlkeng swepeng strtcheng bnds. Shos msl. K'niktd tu th bons in laer 6 'nd tu th blwd in laer 3 'nd mwvd th flo 'f laer 4.
A sft lyt penk glo lyk stiks tho th stiks wr difrent syzis 'nd langths. Tha'r wr lngr 'wns 'nd a bnch 'f litlr 'wns in grwps. Shos bons.

Evin mor morfeng dgs pw
Evin mor laers
Mor 6
Th bons wr atchtd tu th msls. 'Nd tha'r ws som gra frm laer 2 't th nds 'nd tha'r k'nikted th blwd vyns 'nd laer 4 vyns tu.
Onle sw laer 7 for a tik. Y dont no wt it ws. Lk'd lyk a lt'tiswrk 'f rd blu prpl lyk hw th skin in laer 2 ws both gra 'nd ea'lo 't 'wns. Flshd so bryt w'n ry mwvd. Shos wt?? K'niktd tu 'l 'f th laers iksept laer 1.

Ordr 'f brytnis frm lest tu most. 1 2 6 5 4 3 7.
Fr skin bns msls ?? blwd ??

Tha'r wr 'lso swnds th't kam with th syt bt y didnt hv tym tu her thm.

OOC Translation: All below.

OOC Translation: Morphing Dog's Paw

Parchment with sun in middle and squiggles around it, and dots around the squiggles, and with a triangle to one side with one point touching the side of the squiggle. Sun is the focus? Triangle is the trigger and works with the trigger phrase. ' ' To view from a bird's mouth ' '

Then can see without eyes open. Can see beneath the outside into the inside. See what makes up a person or an animal like a dog.

Layers. Can see through layers without looking away. Can look through them.
Black light, fizzy, even-spread and unbroken. Shows fur. Fur grows out from the second layer.
Grey and yellow at the same time, like it has two colors at once, and it was all in one smooth piece. Warm, though not as warm as layer 3 or 5. Would pulse in time with layer 3, and when it pulsed the color would go yellow and white, and would sparkle all over in a thousand different places. Shows skin. Skin grows fur and connects with layers 3, 4, and 5.

Starting Second Page

More Morphing Dog's Paw
More Layers
Red that came in twisting vines and branches. Looks liquid. Was hot, warmer than layer 2 and layer 5. Pulsed like layer 2. Shows blood. Twined with the fifth layer and connected to 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Didn't know what this one was. Was in vines like layer 3 but was silver and rainbow-shiny. It didn't pulse but it did flow though it flowed slow, very slow, and in only one direction ~up~ not like the blood, which flowed both ways. Shows what? Twined with 3. The flow in the vines was caused by 5. Connected to 6.

OOC Translation Continued:
Light red that was lighter than the blood in layer 3. Also, hotter than layer 2 but not as hot as layer 3. Was in interlocking, sweeping-stretching bands. Shows muscle. Connected to the bones in layer six and to the blood in layer three, and moved the flow of layer 4.
A soft, light pink glow like sticks, though the sticks were different sizes and lengths. There were longer ones and a bunch of littler ones in groups. Shows bones.

Starting Third Page

Even More Morphing Dog's Paw
Even More Layers
More 6
The bones were attached to the muscles. And there was some gray from layer 2 at the ends, and there connected the blood vines and layer 4 vines, too.
Only saw layer 7 for a tick. I don't know what it was. Looked like a latticework of red-blue-purple, like how the skin in layer 2 was both gray and yellow at once. Flashed so bright when Rye moved. Shows what? Connected to all of the layers except layer 1.

Order of brightness from least to most. 1 2 6 5 4 3 7.
Fur skin bones muscles ? blood ?

There were also sounds that came with the sight, but I didn't have time to hear them.

Xii is using hypnotism
Xii is "speaking Common"
Xii is "speaking Pavi" and also signing Pavi Note
Signed Pavi can also be represented by a person's total body language; it doesn't have to be an actual hand sign.

Xii is demonstrating her internal emotions. Anything in plain, uncolored italics should be considered completely internal; for example, if it says that Xii is sneering she is only doing so in her mind, and the sneer would likely not show as a physical expression unless otherwise stated. This is a way for me, as her writer, to differentiate between her true feelings and what she outwardly shows the world. Note
If the italics thing feels too confusing to me after I've tried using it in some posts, I'll remove it.
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