Cvetki Cindercast Terras Appearance My body is a temple. Full Name: Cvetki Cindercast Terras Race: Terras Isur Gender: Female Height: 4ft 9in Weight: 188lbs Age: 45 years old Date of Birth: 3rd of Fall, 479 AV Profession: Glassblower Housing: Sultros, Housing District Likes: Glassworking, vibrant colors, children Dislikes: Sloth, those who disturb her while she's at work, Coglias Isur Merits: Dedicated to her work, strong-willed Flaws: Cold, withdrawn Fluent: Isur Poor: Common Basic: N/A Compared to the rest of the world's many races, Cvetki would be considered short. Any Isur would, to be honest. For her kind, however, she is on the higher end of the average height -- four feet and nine inches. She is also muscular, though not in the same way as a Coglias would be. No, she is muscular from years of working in the forge, from wieldings the tools of her trade. She is a Terras, and with that comes an emphasis on crafting various objects from many different kinds of materials, not to mention the amethyst arm distinctive to the only matriarchal clan of the Isur. The arm itself -- right arm, since she was born a woman -- is denser as whole compared to the rest of her body, both in bone and flesh. It, like all other Izentor-marked arms of the Isur, is nearly impervious to any sort of damage, and as such is used as both a shield and a tool in her crafts. Cvetki bears dark hair, cropped close to her skull, and eyes that hold a coldness in them despite their warm color. The bone ridge in the Isur is certainly less prominent in her face, giving her a softer look that masks the woman's stoic personality with false innocence and naivety. Personality I may look sweet, but do not test my patience. You will regret it. While she looks as though she is young and naive, Cvetki has suffered through the loss of her husband and daughter. Underneath her soft appearance is a woman made of stone. Her eyes are flecks of ice, shooting a glare in the direction of any Isur who disrupts her work. Despite her chilly attitude towards most Isur -- especially Coglias; she finds them far too aggressive and bellicose to approach, let alone befriend -- she holds a soft spot for other Terras and Pitrius. She might even crack a smile if she makes eye contact with one of them, although she usually keeps it to a small wave or a nod. Cvetki, like the rest of her kind, venerates Izurdin. Alongside her primary god the Terras woman also prays to Priskil. She prays for hope, for another chance at a family. Little does she know, however, that her only child left her barren and unable to conceive again. History My past is not to be discussed lightly. Cvetki was born to a Terras mother and a Pitrius father, and as such she was introduced at an early age to both magic and crafting. The child took after her mother, however, and failed to care for the knowledge her father attempted to impart upon her. She preferred the heat of the forges and the clanging of metal to the droning voices that hovered on the edge of her hearing. Her mother was pleased, of course. Their daughter possessed the amethyst arm of a Terras, not the onyx arm of a Pitrius. She was taught to craft, to shape and sculpt different materials. Cvetki, while enjoying blacksmithing and the like, found that her true passion was glassworking. The child was captivated by the glowing creations that were pulled from the ovens, the way the glassworkers poured their choice of material into casts and blew them into orbs and magnificent shapes. Her mother had noticed this, and as such Cvetki's career in glassworking began. In her early thirties she met another Isur; he was of the Pitrius clan, like her father. The young man took an interest in the Terras girl, and she noticed him visiting her clan's city more and more often. He eventually plucked up the courage to speak to the muscular lady, and thus their courting began. He'd presented her with a crude glass sculpture -- that of a beginner -- and while it wasn't on par with Cvetki's skill or devotion to her craft, it still made her smile. A tiny spark of affection puffed into existence in her heart. She promptly informed him that'd he have to do better if he wanted her hand in marriage. Over the course of a few years his ability improved and she finally accepted his advances. They were married, and Cvetki became pregnant. They moved from their respective cities to that of the clan of Sultros, and the child was born a girl, a Terras just like her mother. Cvetki adored her daughter, as did the father. The father particularly enjoyed taking his child out on the lake to fish and bond. That was before the accident happened. Cvetki was working, and her husband and daughter were on the lake. Normally her husband took precautions to keep their child from falling into the deeper waters, but on that day he had forgotten to do so. The young Terras tumbled over the side of the boat and her father followed her with barely any forethought, intent on saving her from drowning. Unfortunately the splashes had attracted the attention of an adult Valteras. Both were swallowed whole. The news, when it finally reached Cvetki's ears, crippled her emotionally. She immediately dropped her work, not caring for the consequences, and ran as fast as her legs could carry her out to the lake. Desolation swept over the young woman and she fell to her knees, crying out. In one fell swoop her new family was gone. The funeral service was like any other Isurian funeral. Cvetki kept their home and everything in it, refusing to change anything but her own room. It was painful, but it kept her from suppressing the memories of her husband and child. She threw herself into her work after that, driving herself to exhaustion. Only when those in the vicinity realized she was pushing herself too far did they tell her to return home and recover. |