Don't forget to edit/delete your grade request. If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding your grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM.
Comments: Enjoy your grades
Orin Fenix
- Cleaning 2
- Endurance 1
- Organisation 1
- Mathematics 1
- Investigation 1
- Teaching 2
- Scrubbing pots works off frustration
- Mathematics: calculating what a kitchen uses
- Pycons regrow limbs
- To a Pycon different clays taste different
- Nivel: pycon squire
- Tolm: relieves pain
Grade withheld due to retirement
- XP
- Lore:
- Mizas (+/-) | Amount
- Item Purchased (+/-) | Amount
- Item Sold (+/-) | Amount
Grade withheld due to retirement
Comments: Enjoy your grades