[Unverified] Harlow Chase

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Harlow Chase

Postby Harlow Chase on April 3rd, 2015, 3:45 am

Harlow Chase


Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birthday: Season of Fall, Day 16, 493
Birthplace: Syliras
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 143 lbs.

Of average build and sub-average height, Harlow has green eyes and straw-colored hair. He has no noticeable blemishes or scars.

Character Concept

The slightest bit greedy and ambitious, Harlow wants to make something more of himself than just another laborer to live and die in the city. However, as his talents aren't exactly in high demand amongst the usual sources of cash, he's a bit uncertain as to how he's going to do that. He's highly determined, though, and his patience is beginning to run thin. At this point, he would try just about anything not entirely illegal in order to find some sort of calling.

Character History

The child of two store clerks who had gotten to know each other well enough over a few years to get married, Harlow had never really cared for the idea of doing monotonous work for years on end, even if he was willing to do it for lack of an alternative. So, he was all set to be trained in what was going to become the family business when his parents realized that there was a bit of a problem. Whenever they would try to put him behind a desk with some task to do, they would find another clerk doing the work for him, claiming that "Harlow made a good point about things". Obviously rather suspicious of such events, their fears were realized when Harlow suddenly collapsed while apparently forking his job onto a coworker. Excessive and clumsy usage of Hypnotism had resulted in overgiving - thankfully not one of the worse effects. Unsure of what to do with Harlow, they gave him a harsh scolding and chose to keep Harlow under closer watch, not willing to try giving him to a trained practitioner. This made him merely use his abilities in increasingly subtle ways, forcing him to become more familiar with the personal magic in order to continue its use. After a few years, his parents decided that he needed to develop a personal sense of responsibility and, shelling out some money to do so, helped Harlow get his own apartment and essentially kicked him out of the house. Until today, he has managed to scrape by with unskilled labor, convincing his employers that hiring him was a good idea with his "unique skill set".


Fluent Language: Common


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Rhetoric 10 SP 10 Novice
Intimidation 15 SP 15 Novice
Hypnotism 15 RB, 15 SP 30 Competent
Running 5 SP 5 Novice
Weapon: Shortbow 5 SP 5 Novice


Lore of Syliran Geography
Lore of Syliran Culture


1 Set of Clothing
-Linen Shirt
-Fine Wool Pants
-Silk Undergarments
-Leather High Boots
Leather armor
Arrows x20
Arrows (Game) x20
Bow Case
Archery Glove
Archer's Arm Guard
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
7 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: An embroidered mohair wool full cape, dyed a midnight blue. It was given to him by his parents when he moved out, so that he would "always have a nice warm place to stay, even if he was ever on the move."


Location: Syliras

House: Basic 20x20 apartment in the Stormhold Citadel, furnished with:
-Average hearth
-Average bed
-Average end table
-Small chest
-Average table
-Average chair


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Leather high boots -1 GM 99 GM
Fine wool pants -2 GM, 4 SM 96 GM, 6 SM
Linen shirt -1 SM 96 GM, 5 SM
Silk undergarments -2 GM, 5 SM 94 GM
Leather armor -10 GM 84 GM
Shortbow -30 GM 54 GM
Arrows x20 -1 GM 53 GM
Game arrows x20 -4 GM 49 GM
Bow case -20 GM 29 GM
Quiver -20 GM 9 GM
Archery glove -1 GM 8 GM
Archer's arm guard -1 GM 7 GM

Thread List
Harlow Chase
Posts: 5
Words: 4709
Joined roleplay: April 3rd, 2015, 1:34 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Human
Character sheet

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