Akarni Development Interest

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This is the first step to starting a lore article. Please hold all conversations about lores here in this forum. No development takes place here ie Article posting. This forum is simply for threads that want to hash out what a lore should or shouldn't include as well as its merits and flaws. One can also gauge interest in new lore here as well. Polls are encouraged.

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Akarni Development Interest

Postby Lisana on April 5th, 2015, 1:12 am


I was looking through some lore on Zintila, and am a bit interested in possibly developing her Gnosis, Akarni, as the lore page is currently empty. I don't think it's in development, but I'm also not sure what the procedure would be. Whether players can develop Gnosises (Gnoses? Gnosi?) or not, how I would go about doing it, etc...

I mostly want to see if there's any interest in it, and if I could get some help, as I don't think I could do it all by myself. I would post more ideas if there is some interest.
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Akarni Development Interest

Postby Mirage on April 5th, 2015, 1:27 am

Gods and Gnosis can only be developed by Founders :)
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Akarni Development Interest

Postby Lisana on April 5th, 2015, 1:42 am

That's what I'd figured. Thank you.
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