AppearanceRace: Drykas
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birthday: 15 Spring 493 AV
Birthplace: The Sea of Grass
Location: Cyphrus > Endrykas
Religion: Zulrav of storms (Culture), Semele the mother (Culture), Caiyha the first Witch (Personal)
Appearance: Dravite is 178cm tall (5ft 8") with sandy hair and warm, grey eyes. He weighs 76kg (167.5lb) and has a muscular frame. He carries himself well and generally looks alert and ready for anything. He has a mischievous grin and sharpness to his eyes that hint at his lust for adventure. His movement is fluid and agile, though he always seemed awkward as a child, Dravite has finally ‘grown into his feet’ as his mother likes to say and seems very surefooted.
AttireDravite tends to dress for the season. In fall, winter, and early spring he wears a plain, long-sleeved, black shirt, pants, a leather belt (detailed with Drykas knot work representing his pavilion), a simple, black, hooded cloak, and boots made from blackened animal hide. His pants and shirt fit loosely, pulled in at the abdomen by his leather belt. In late spring and summer Dravite ditches his boots and shirt in favour of bare feet and the sun on his wind-marked torso.
Weapons 1. Bone Spear (Heirloom) that used to belong to Dravite's father, Cyprine Blackwater. The bone spear is Dravite's preferred weapon as it it light-weight and has excellent reach, keeping a good distance between him and his foe.
2. Steel Bec-De-Corbin, a secondary weapon; one Dravite would like to master one day. It is a lot heavier than the Bone Spear, but it perfect to use when fighting on horseback.
3. Steel Dagger, used for close range combat or stealth attacks. Dravite does not have much experience using a Dagger but relies on the weapon in hand to hand combat situations where he is overpowered or put on his back by man or beast.
4. Shortbow, Composite, Dravite has never been a big fan of long ranged weapons, but after watching his friend Lian take down a Grass Bear with a shortbow, he was convinced of their uses. He decided on a shortbow because it is easier to use on horseback.
5. Handaxe, used for close range combat or from the back of a horse. This particular handaxe has as wooden handle with good reach, tooled and decorated with leather straps and steel buttons.
6. Throwing Axe, also used for close combat. Dravite plans to learn both types of axes and wield them together. The throwing axe is a lot lighter and cuts through the air quickly, when thrown correctly.
Special ItemsMother's Comfort:
Drinking Horn
Magic Item: Very large Zibiri horn that's so dark red in colour that it’s almost black. The item is called "Mother's Comfort" and it is a self-filling drinking horn. It will provide unlimited water when needed, but beyond that once per day it will fill with a spicy tea-like brew that will heal wounds like a level two Rak'keli mark and leave the person that drains the horn feeling utterly refreshed and wide awake. If they are not injured, the refreshing part of the item works anyhow. It will only work on one person and cannot be split among multiple exhausted folks. It will also work on an animal if the horn bearer can get the animal to drink out of the horn or otherwise pour the contents of the horn down their throat. The liquid holds no potency and turns back into water if it is poured from the horn into vials or other containers thus the horn's special liquid cannot be bottled, stored, or sold. The horn knows when there is need and automatically changes from water to the special brew.
HomeCharacter ConceptFrom a very young age Dravite liked to challenge authority, be it his mother’s or the pavilion leader, he has always struggled to ‘learn from others mistakes’ choosing instead to make his own; seemingly as often as possible. He is always getting his clan mates into trouble, particularly his best friend Bel (
Bel-ha Tir) who was born the same year as Dravite. The only son of Cyprine Blackwater, Dravite was destined to take over the Blackwater Pavilion when he came of age, but when a freak accident saw their leader Cyprine crushed by his own horse, Bel-ha Tir’s father (Bel-Ha Ur) chose to lead the people, renaming their pavilion Windborne, a name Dravite was proud to take when his mother was re-married to their new leader.
Positive TraitsQuestions authority
Faith in himself, the Gods and others
Negative Traits
Suspicious of Strangers
WindmarksNote: See Plotnotes for Windmark symbol breakdown!

Dravite earned his Windmarks (chest and neck) in the summer of 508 AV at the age of fifteen when his strider was born. The young colt was instantly drawn to Dravite, who, expecting an older, more ready strider would come along to bond with him, at first pushed the foal away. Cree, however, was relentless with his affection for Dravite and the young Drykas soon realised that Cree was to be his partner in crime. That summer, Dravite also led his first hunt and successfully killed a Olidosapux. Four years later, when his son Kyanite was born, Dravite got his second lot of Windmarks (back).
Parents | Cyprine Blackwater Born: 42 Fall, 473 AV Died: 18 Spring, 498 AV Lived: 24 Years | Lazuli Morningsong Born: 77 Winter, 477 AV Died: 2 Summer, 515 AV Lived: 37 Years |  |
Cyprine Blackwater of the Diamond Clan and Lazuli Morningsong descendant of the Opal Clan. Cyprine was murdered by Belhaur Windborne who disguised his betrayal as an accident, claiming Cyprine had been crushed by his Strider during a hunt. Dravite had only been a boy and doesn't remember much about his father. Lazuli was so distraught upon finding his body that she sat with him for two days and nights before finally letting him go on the third day. Lazuli remarried to Belhaur and their family name changed from Blackwater to Windborne. Unbeknown to the Windborne pavilion, Cyprine was later reincarnated in the form of a buckskin Strider who Dravite named Cree.
Character HistoryThe Glassbeak’s call echoes through our camp and fear makes itself at home in my flesh, the horripilation of my skin the only witness to its silent intrusion. Heart thumping, palms sticky, muscles tense; I move closer to the warmth of the fire pit. One alone is of no concern to we who carry the Windborne name, even a second does little to gain the interest of the Pavilion elders, but Glassbeaks do not tend to roam the Sea of Grass alone; the knots in my stomach remind me. The camp is on edge, the flock could rip through a group like ours for we are few.
Bel-ha Ur Windborne of the Emerald Clan leads seven male Drykas warriors, twelve women, two slaves, eighteen children, and my grandfather Tal’o Ker Blackwater of the Diamond Clan. Bel-ha Ur calls him Nag because he is older than any of the Cyphrus Striders in our herd. My mother (Lazuli, descendant of the Opal Clan) says that Tal’o Ker ripped out his own eyes in offering to Zulrav in exchange for a son and that summer Cyprine Blackwater was born. Tal’o Ker told that it rained all day and night, that the wind howled so long and loud it was impossible to keep a fire and the pavilion had to set the striders loose for fear of a stampede. When the dawn came and the storm finally broke, Tal’o Ker walked out onto the plain holding his son and sacrificed his finest Strider to the Goddess Dira as thanks.
I am my mother’s only son and have no siblings. Bel-ha Tir (my best friend and son of Bel-ha Ur) has eight sisters, three of which remain with our pavilion, all older than Bel and I bar one; Belkaia. Belkaia will turn sixteen in the winter of 515 and this spring (515 AV) marks our fourth year of marriage and the third birthday of our son Kyanite. Bel and I make up two of the youngest warriors under Bel-ha Ur’s command. We have grown up, lived, and hunted together for twenty two years. It is no wonder we fight as one for we know each other’s minds like the mountain water knows every path to the sea.
Bel-ha Ur gives the command to stoke the fires and his son knocks my shoulder playfully before going to fetch another log. Glassbeaks don’t like fire; Tal’o Ker says it confuses them. I watch the flock at the edge of the treeline; they seem to come alive at night. In the daytime Glassbeaks look slow and lazy, sunning themselves in their dust baths on the riverbanks. Bel’s father wears one of their feathers in his hair. It takes on different colours throughout the day, reflecting the world around it. Bel told me that his father had stalked right up to a sleeping Glassbeak to pluck the feather from his tail before running back to camp. It’s a tall tale; everyone knows a Glassbeak can run twice as fast as a man. “A warrior doesn’t risk his life for a feather,” my mother scolded when I repeated the story to her as a child, “Or the lives of his group.” The boy in me almost believes the tale and wants to sneak right up to a Glassbeak to fetch a feather for himself, but he is restrained, reined by fear, obligation, and his mother’s wisdom.
All our lives we have lived under the stars, never staying anywhere long enough to scar the land, for Windborne have a strong devotion to Semele. Like my father, I have always held Caiyha in high regard, the Goddess my mother has devoted her life to; she speaks to me in dreams. Caiyha doesn’t appreciate waste or needless sacrifice like the others, so we worship her in our intricate knot-works and story-telling. Tal’o Ker is our Pavilions best story teller, every new moon he has a new tale to tell that sees the whole group settle down around the fire pit to lose themselves in another of his old adventures. Belkaia thinks his stories are the root of my audacious spirit and wild ways. She tends to fuss before the hunt and I must settle her woes with quiet promises and a warm embrace.
We will keep guard tonight, feeding the fires often until we can be sure that all is right on the plain. Tomorrow we meet with the Duskstorm pavilion of the Ruby Clan for trade, my Grandfather says they are near as he should know, for he is a master Webber. One day I hope to read the web as well as he does and teach its mysteries to my son. Within the pavilion we speak only Pavi but have had much use for the Common tongue be it for trade or travel. Every now and then a few stray travellers from the desert will cross over our land and it was at these times that I learned the little I know of Shiber; what an adventure it would be to see the world. I was born to the Sea of Grass and one day it will be the death of me.
Non Player Characters
Belkaia, Drykas woman. Sixteen years old, wife. Birthdate: 13 Winter 499 AV
Dark and tall like her father, Belkaia is all willowy curves and strong limbs. She has golden brown eyes like her mother, and the same passive nature. She speaks rarely and smiles even more rarely; she seems to have little to no emotional attachment to anything except her son, who she loves quietly but fiercely*
NPC Skills:
Singing: 10
Dancing: 10
Webbing: 10
Kyanite, Drykas boy. Three years old, son. Birthdate: 1 Spring 512 AV
The spitting image of his father, Kyanite is already stocky for his age, with hair the colour of wheat and dark, restless eyes. He has inherited his father's stubbornness, and also seems to walk the line between bravery and recklessness.
NPC Skills:
Camouflage: 10
Foraging: 10
Riding: 10
Born: 50 Spring 509
Born with the first gnosis mark of Zulrav, Löwe is a wisp of a boy with his mother's long dark hair and features, his father's temper, and good sense of humour. He loves animals and finds it difficult to sit still for too long, choosing to go out with Dravite or any other of the men from the Blackwater pavilion whenever he can.
NPC Skills:
Reimancy, Air: 10
Riding, Horse: 10
Wilderness Survival, Plains: 10
The second NPC I am requesting is, Jaeger (not actually Dravite's son but he doesn't know this) by Belkaia and Slate Darkshade.
2. Child: Jaeger
Born: 9 Winter 515
Jaeger has his grandmother's blue eyes and yellow hair. He is healthy, curious, and likes a lot of attention.
Will grow into the following skills:
NPC Skills:
Animal Husbandry: 10
Foraging: 10
Camouflage: 10
Age 23 as of fall 515
Fara Windborne is the half-sister of Dravite's first wife, Belkaia. She is the mother of his eldest son Löwe. She has dark hair and features and is as free-spirited and untameable as the wind. Fara is 5 foot 5 inches in height, is brave, and good at manipulating people.
NPC Skills:
Politics: 10
Seduction: 10
Dancing: 10
Fara's twin children to a man called Kade Ironhide (a boy and girl called Wolf and Dove)
4. Twin children
Born: Spring 84 510
The twins have dark hair and pale skin, don't like to be separated, but otherwise seem very happy and healthy.
Skills: Wolf
Running: 10
Storytelling: 10
Wrestling: 10
Skills: Dove
Singing: 10
Animal Husbandry: 10
Pottery: 10
Fara's son Chase to a man named Cross Seeker
5. Chase
Born: 52 Winter 515 (yet to pass)
(Will grow into)
Land Navigation: 10
Drawing: 10
Scouting: 10
Cree is a seven year old Buckskin Stallion with black socks, mane, and tail. He stands sixteen hands at the shoulder and likes to push his weight around. Cree was born and grew up in the Windborne herd and followed Dravite around from the time he could walk. His spirit of adventure is not lost on Dravite and the two share a strong bond that is tried and tested.
General Information
2 x snake bite-mark scars on top left shoulder.
1 x Wolf bite scars on right forearm.
1 x pale Zith bite scar lower right hip.
1 x light scar on right knee.
1 x scar on right thigh from Rufio's dagger.
2 x scars on both forearms from Lion attack.
Father's Bone Spear

Fluent Language: Pavi: Grass-sign.
Basic Language:
Poor Language: Common.
Location: Cyphrus > Endrykas > Sea of Grass
For my referenceHow Mizas work:
gm = gold Miza, sm = silver Miza, cm = copper Miza
1 gold Miza = 10 silver Miza = 100 copper Miza
How Time works:
Spring - March April May - Green Watchstone
Summer - June July August - Yellow Watchstone
Fall - Sept Oct Nov - Red Watchstone
Winter - Dec Jan Feb - Blue Watchstone