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In this forum, all the character sheets are kept for player characters. Feel free to come on in, browse the forum, look at what sort of characters others have created, and then begin your very own!

Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Pandemonium on November 20th, 2010, 2:53 am

Name: Pandemonium (Pander for short)

Physical Information

Race: Pycon
Age: Three years
Birthday: 26th Winter, 507
Gender: Female

Physical Description

Pander stands at about one foot tall. Her form is coloured the typical grey of clay, but carries a dark red, almost brown tone that overshadows this from a distance. The style of her body seems to be mostly flamboyant rather than practical. While her head and face are plain, with straight, average length hair falling around her face, the rest of her body is that of a short furred cat with a longer than usual tail that whips around her body. Curiously, her paws are shaped in such a way that she can still write and hold things with them as if they were human. Her ears are also feline, sticking out the sides of her head. She is generally very graceful in this feline form, and is often mistaken for a cat at first glance. She can meow very convincingly, as her voice is rather deep, though still very feminine.

Character Concept:

Pander, if her self-picked name is of any indication, has a very high opinion of herself and her abilities. Confident in nearly everything she does or says, Pander will often overstep boundaries, assuming that she understands more than she actually does. If ever called out on this, she bounces back remarkably quickly, taking any mistakes as all part of the learning experience. Usually cheerful to the point of obnoxious, Pander is, like many of her kind, almost desperate for something new, intense, and exciting. Determined in her quest for experience, she will take any oppurtunity to have some fun. For the most part, she finds that most crimes are just 'misunderstandings', and not as severe as people claim to be. However, she stops at the point of actually harming or killing people, feeling that it is not her choice to give or take life.

Pander has a love of magic, practicing in the skills she excels at regularly. She loves loud places and crowded areas, as there is always something interesting going on. When she does require a moment or two for herself, she will climb up to high places where she can enjoy a view, though she is hardly proficient at climbing. On the other side of the coin, there is nothing she dislikes more than boredom. She also hates being coddled or talked down to.

Character History

To be written!

Training & Skill Points

- Escape Artist 10/100 (Racial Bonus)
- Meditation 5/100 (Starting Pack)
- Reimancy 30/100 (Starting Pack)
- Acrobatics 10/100 (Starting Pack)
- Rhetoric 5/100 (Starting Pack)


- Charm and Flattery (Starting Pack; How to give compliments and flatter people.)
- Dangers of Overgiving (Starting Pack; A detailed understanding of personal limits and how to avoid overstepping them)


- Common (Fluent)
- Lhavitian (Can communicate)


- Food for a week (Clay)
- Eating knife
- Flint & Steel
- Custom made bedroll w/ blanket
- A bracelet with a ruby stone set in it, worn as a necklace (Heirloom)


Starting: 600 gm

- Winter Blanket (5sm)
- Bedroll (1sm)

Current: 599 gm, 4 sm.

Thread List

None yet!

Easily Amused
Posts: 7
Words: 4084
Joined roleplay: November 20th, 2010, 2:22 am
Location: Lhavit
Race: Pycon
Character sheet

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