Hello all! This is Syliras' grade request thread. Post all of your grade requests here to be looked over.
IMPORTANT NOTES: -We no longer allow for multiple threads grade request in a single post. From now on, one thread per post please. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in only the first thread being graded, then you will have to resubmit the rest. - Do not edit out the link to your threads after it has been graded by a grader please. -For Graders, please also open the Syliran Order Shield Points thread if you are grading PC Knights/Squires to properly award Shield Points for their actions. The list of who is a knight and who is not can be found on that thread. - Job threads: Please remember that Job threads must be at least 2500 words total. The typical method is to have 5 posts with at least 500 words a piece. As long as the thread has 2500 words, the amount of posts are flexible. |
Thread Title: Title Here Characters: (You and ???) Thread Type: (Was it combat, training, social, etc?) Requested Skills: (Let us know what you are hoping for!) Requested Lore: (Don't ask for specific lore, but let us know what you are hoping for!) Summary: (Was there something you were after? How did the journey fare?) Notes: (Anything else ?) |
- Code: Select all
[b]Thread Title:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Thread Type:[/b]
[b]Requested Skills:[/b]
[b]Requested Lore:[/b]