The Lumber Mill An hour's ride away in the forest above the Denvali Quarter, the Lumber Mill is the main producer of Zeltiva's wood trade resources. Owned by the Gracey Family, the Mill has been worked for numerous generations and continues to do so to this day - working the land and harvesting the resources available. While the territory in which the harvesting from is large, a few dozen acres in fact, the building itself is a small affair. A little further on it becomes clear where the official work site begins, the trees having been hacked back to stumps or removed completely. Located at the end of a word mud and stone road in a clearing, the main structure stands at two stories at its highest point and is constructed mostly of wood. Behind the mill itself is an open shed for the felled, already de-limbed trees yet to be tended to. Neatly sorted into species, size and use before they are processed. Around the various workers tend to the materials, cutting it down and scaling the logs before they are taken into the mill proper. Outside the occasional horse drawn wagon resides, ready to take the processed materials down to the city docks where they are unloaded and distributed. Through a large set of double doors at the front of the mill, the scent of saw dust and cut wood resides mixed with the residue of wood treatment being applied to the fresh cuts. The floor is covered in a thick layer of powdery saw dust, something that is continuously added to with each passing day. It is also within that it becomes clear the full nature of the operation. The long alley takes pride of the mill, double doors gracing opposite ends, the turning rollers leading debarked logs to be sawn, split, edged and trimmed into their final lengths, before being taken off to drying in a contained rooms. In the drying room itself, several kilns line the edge and drive out the naturally occurring moisture. It is during this time that the wood is also treated and tended to. Once done, the lumber is loaded up and sent down into the city for further processing. Credit goes to Fallon for this location. |