I've never threaded with you, only exchanged a couple of words with you in chat (unless you have an alt I've forgotten about), and frankly I know next to nothing about Zinrah or even Falyndar. Reading your interview made me realize just how much more there is to explore in Miz, and just how different, how
truly different those regions are to the regions I've been active in.
Perhaps what attracts me the most to Xen is his pro-active attitude. I really like that in characters, they are the people that
make things happen and they tend to bring interesting plots with them.
In my view, you've done something great here. You have not only made a character that's interesting to read about, but you actually made me read up on the whole Falyndar region! Xen seems that kind of character that just touches lives of other characters wherever he goes, be it for better or for worse. I am very curious to see where Xen will be in a week, month, even a year from now. Xen is definitely on my radar now
Oh and IR vision is just extremely cool *drools*