Hrafnir Alaric

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Hrafnir Alaric

Postby Hrafn Alaric on November 20th, 2010, 2:12 pm

Hrafnir Wulfric Avery Rikardur Alaric (Hrafn Alaric)

Race: Isur
Day of birth: 464 A.V 30th of Fall
Gender: Male

Hrafn is stocky, well built, tall for Isurian standards and has long auburn hair. He has a long crooked nose, big pupils, silvery-blue eyes, white and straight teeth and thin lips. He carries some wrinkles, as he peers his eyes often.

He has been described as whimsical, mischievous, benign, determined, eccentric, skeptical, benevolent, calm, understanding and kind.
Hrafn also believes that deep down, there is kindness in all creatures. He gives everyone a chance, but is not one to give too many of those. He believes power is best given to those who do not seek it.
He generally likes warmth, Pycon's, Social Events, Blacksmithing, Pathfinding, Teaching and selling his wares with bravado and something of which he's ashamed of, power.
Although he can't stand injustice, Isurian zealots, magic in large quantities, slavery and corrupt guards.
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Hrafn is the descendant of those who left Sultros and the Isurian ways after the Valterrian. His family quickly rose to prosperity by creating fine armor and weapons mostly in Zeltiva and lately Syliras. Hrafn is a middle child of five and was born when the Alarics were first building up in Syliras. He quickly proved to be the better of his siblings, using quick wit and calculation to achieve perfection. His father, Olir, sent him to Zeltiva to his great-uncle, Reznor, where he picked up a wide array of different techniques. Gradually getting out of his teens, he was judged by his peers as a recluse as he found tinkering with things comforting. When his father died, reality hit him. He decided to take control of his workshop with his brothers, but they soon left and became married or the lust for adventure took over. In the end, Hrafn and Peeloh, the Pycon in the family, were the only ones left. They became best friends of a sort, but Hrafn lusted for something more.

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32 Blacksmithing (10 from Racial, 20 from Starting Package)
10 Weapon (Half-spear) (Starting Package)
15 Wilderness Survival (Starting Package)
5 Alchemy (Starting Package)
1 Organization
6 Negotiation
1 Intimidation

Oh, so Many Blacksmithing Techniques!
I've Talked My Way Out of a Fair Share of Situations.
Finding Willing Workers
Stealing Someone Else’s Idea
No One Listens to Me
Mute Pycon Communication
Heavy Lifting
Sharpening Knives
Composing a Ditty
Bullying a Clerk
Suddenly Deciding to Leave Syliras?

Common [Fluent]
Isur [Basic]
Nari [Poor]

Equipment :
Clothes: Thick, hooded cape. Sturdy leather boots. Wool socks. Tan linen pants and tunic. Leather gloves. Leather belt. Cloth headband. Thin, long wool scarf. Cotton duster.
Backpack, toiletries, food lasting a week, one eating knife and flint & steel.
Alaric Hammer (Family Heirloom)
A set of utilities (Tongs, metal clippers, hammers and such)
2 Chairs
Extra Bedroll
30 Arrows
13 lbs of iron
5 finished knives
1 knife from Bazaar (at price list price)

Ledger :
100 gm (Starting Package)
- 4 gm (8 lbs of iron at price list price)
- 4 gm (wheelbarrow fee, to Mant)
- 5 sm (knife at price list price)
- 2 gm, 5 sm (5 lbs iron at price list price)
- 1 sm (Mug of Ale)

(+ 500 gm) (- home and/or shop in Syliras)
(489.4 gm in total)
User avatar
Hrafn Alaric
Whimsical Blacksmith
Posts: 43
Words: 16370
Joined roleplay: November 19th, 2010, 10:22 pm
Race: Isur
Character sheet

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