Slaughter is close to the end of his journey, but it has yet to conclude.
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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
Moderator: Morose
by Slaughter on May 7th, 2015, 6:06 am
56th of Spring, 515AV Baroque Bay, South of the Dust Bed
The sun had recently set in the western sky, its rays of light slowly sinking below the horizon like a receding wave on the shore. Always sunsets reminded Slaughter of home fore their likeness to the tides of the Ahger Ocean. Somewhere in the high mountains of Kalea, near the coast surrounding Lhavit, was a little colony where his brood was still hunting and feasting on the corpses of unprepared travelers and bountiful monsters that grew too populous from time to time. A routine life feeding the growth of another Zith nest, one of dozens in the Unforgiving. Nothing about it particularly stood out among the many Slaughter had been to, but it was his home.
Now, though, the Zith found himself near the shores of an entirely different ocean, the one he had been hunting for over a year: the Sebakem Ocean that hugged Mizahar's east coast. He'd been following its shore for nearly a season, and now he was reaching the easternmost point he could reach.
Night descended upon the ramshackle town of Sunberth, and as it did Slaughter ascended into the starry sky. To any watching from below, it would be hard to make out the black-furred Zith soaring through the dark sky. He would appear as little more than a shadow flitting between rooftops and along roads.
In order to perserve the strength of his wings, Slaughter took a mixture of running over the rooftops and short periods of flight over the larger gaps between structures. Each time there was a considerable distance between the roof he stood on and the next, he launched with his legs into the air and pumped with his wings to get the extra power needed to bridge the gap. The Zith was more used to flight than running or jumping though, so there were times when he had to rely on his wings to carry him some parts of the way. It was good practice using his legs though, which were all he could rely on in some enclosed spaces.
Before long, Slaughter could see over the rooftops ahead of him the Sebakem Ocean coming into view. His heart beat faster, a rhythmic pounding in his chest that pushed the tempo for his limbs ever faster. Then, as he neared the end of the last roof, he wound up his legs and pushed off with all his might into the air.
Then the Zith spread his wings, which caught the air and allowed him to glide out past the street and onto the docks of the bay. When he reached the ground, Slaughter knelt to absorb the impact of the landing, crouching momentarily before rising to his full height and looking out with amber eyes across the oceanic horizon. His heartbeat, though excited, reach a lull, and the predator relaxed at the sight of such a thing. |

Slaughter - Fear is the greatest weapon
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- Location: Sunberth, Sylira
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by Hwyn on May 7th, 2015, 11:48 am
Night time, in Black rock, it had been a sacred quiet time, not so in Sunberth. Donning his Dark mask and cloak Vayle had grabbed his Scythe. Tonight Vayle would patrol the City by night. In a city like Sunberth night was the time that it's scum came out to play, and if Vayle was going to find any leads on the undead, then he'd have to put in the foot work required. Yawning slightly Vayle stepped out of his small home leaving his Violin and performance clothes for his dark mask and Scythe.
Walking through the city Vayle listened to it's any sounds, Scream and shouts, of pain and pleasure echoed throughout, sounds of violence resounded through the night in a dull thrum, something Vayle had yet to grow used too. Shifting his Scythe so that the blade hid under the hem of his cloak so that his weapon resembled a staff than a blade Vayle didn't like unnecessary attention when it could be avoided so such things had become normal behavior for him. Even though Vayle wore his mask, he kept his hood pulled low so that even that wouldn't be evident at first. His anonymity was an alley that kept him well Safe when his blade could not.
This particular evening Vayle had no destination, and he found himself meandering toward the bay. The bay was a special place it was the only place in the entire forsaken city that reminded Vayle of home, The sea breeze let him think back to his Island home and his family he had left their when he had set out on his "crusade' . There wasn't a day that went by that Vayle didn't think about how much he missed his home and the close proximity to his goddess it provided him.
As Vayle Moved closer and Closer to the bay where he planned to scout tonight to see what went on in that particular pat of Sunberth Vayle began to slow his movements Letting his Inky cloak hide him in the shadows from Leth's cold light. Being discovered would likely not be the best thing for Vayle after all He planned to Survive long enough to hunt the Nuit in this city that were hiding from Dira's embrace. Moving in between buildings Vayle crept listening for signs of his prey.

Hwyn - Soul endowed plushie
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by Shakune on May 9th, 2015, 8:01 pm
A figure prowled amongst Sunberth's gravestones. Shakune moved slowly and carefully, picking her way through the crooked mantles and marbles that declared the names and date of the deceased. Her eyes - even blacker than normal in the dankness - scanned each stone she passed with lingering attention and curiosity. It was quite obvious that she was looking for something.
Another figure lingered nearby. The head gravedigger, Jebediah, watched her with a sharp eye. Grave robbing was a grisly side effect of Sunberth's poverty, and a half-Chaktawe looked very much like a full-blooded slave. He kept his distance from Shakune, but when she stopped and crouched down to investigate a grave in more detail, he swept in like a bird of prey. "Can I help?" His question was as much as a threat as it was an invitation.
The courier sprang to her feet, startled by the sudden presence of the man. Now was not the best time for someone to start creeping up on her. "Um. No, thanks." She replied coolly, heart in her throat and stomach in a knot. The male made no move to leave. His eyebrows quirked up half an inch in disbelief of Shakune's apparently innocence. She'd need to explain herself if she was to leave this place without being chased out. "I'm looking for a grave. Actually, I'm looking for three." His blank expression indicated to the courier that more information was needed if Jebediah's services were to be extended to her. "Their names are Bridie, Edgar and Duncan."
"Do you have any idea when they died? Those are common names, and--" The male's voice drifted away and he swept his hand to indicate the hundreds of graves spattered around them.
Shakune shook her head and stepped away from him. This idea had quickly soured. She should have stayed at home, away from dead people and their stones. "Y'know, I think I'll look tomorrow." She turned away and fled, long legs beating the ground and tripping up over gifts left for the dead. More than once, Shakune almost tripped over, but she kept running. A damp coldness was creeping up her spine and she needed to get out of there.
Her breathing was labored and heavy by the time Shakune came to a stop. She had come to Baroque Bay, a place where the sea met the land. Though she certainly felt safer, the half-breed was still not at ease. Nervousness haunted her. When she finally inspected her surroundings, Shakune realised why: she was not alone.
Zith, Zith, Zith!
Her immediate instinct was flee yet again, but the courier from half-frozen in fear and physical exhaustion. All she could do was raise a hand to the creature and flash a nervous, wavering smile.


Shakune - I drive a hard bargain.
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by Slaughter on May 10th, 2015, 3:20 pm
As Slaughter stared pensively at the waters of the Sebakem, he found his thoughts interrupted by the sound of heavy footfalls coming from the north, to his left. For a time he tried to ignore them and focus on the rhythmic pounding of the ocean waves, shutting out the gentle din of the docks and the slightly more prevalent sound of running. Contemplation was not a routine for Slaughter though, so it wasn't long before the footsteps dragged him irritably from his relaxed state of mind.
Snarling slightly, the Zith turned left to see what it was that had interrupted him, a claw reaching behind him ready to unsling his bow. It padded up toward him, coincidentally, and stopped its run nearby. How annoyingly incidental.
The creature in question was a woman of some race, one seemingly unsuited for running long distances judging by the amount of struggle she faced when recovering. Disheveled hair told of the span of which she had to run, and when she raised herself upright the Zith caught sight of two solid black eyes, each without pupil but also without the milky white film that would indicate blindness.
Curiosity managed to temper irritation, but neither canceled the other out. That was not how Zith worked. Now it was a contest to see which would prevail over the other.
For now, Slaughter could bide his emotions until he more conclusively wanted to question this woman or scare her away. It was clear that she found him frightening even without any effort on his part, so if he did decide that her presence was more aggravating than it was worth then it would take very little to send her away.
"Your eyes are black," he stated. Zith weren't quite famous for finesse. "Why?" |

Slaughter - Fear is the greatest weapon
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- Location: Sunberth, Sylira
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by Hwyn on May 11th, 2015, 1:28 pm
The worlds most classic relationship is that of predator and prey, those who eat, and those who are eaten. As Vayle walked among the alleys near the harbor enjoying the sea breeze he heard running heavy footfalls that betrayed a panicked gait. The person was running though from what he could not tell, then the footsteps came to a sudden stop and quiet returned. Then came a softer sound, a much more subtle quiet noise the noise of wings beating against the air, though the sound was much to bass to be the wing beats of a bird. Creeping along Vayke came to see that which had made the noise, A dark furred man was standing facing a woman. His wings still mildly extended confirmed for Vayle the identity of the Flying creature he had heard. From his position, the creature, perhaps one of the Zith? Vayle had never met one though he had heard of them. facing the creature and Vayle who was behind him was a woman who the Zith seemed to be addressing.
considering the Situation Vayle had some options, he could step in and aid the woman, though frankly that wasn't his want, If the creature was a predator, then this situation was only natural. after all, If one stops the wolf from eating the dear then the wolf starves and the dear overpopulate. This was Dira's doctrine and thus it was also Vayle's death was natural as was he consumption of prey, Vayle wanted to disrupt that cycle as little as he could and preserve it as much as possible.
Standing there in the shadow Vayle decided to watch, perhaps the experience would be, "educational" Readying his Scythe for combat so that in the scenario he needed it he could have it ready Vayle stood in the shadows watching and waiting like a dark blot among shadows.

Hwyn - Soul endowed plushie
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by Shakune on May 11th, 2015, 2:08 pm
She was still spooked, but Shakune's fear slowly began to give way to curiosity when the Zith spoke, asking her a very unexpected question. Her brows knotted together as she inspected the winged creature in more detail. Muscular, broad and impressively tall, he was more intimidating than any of the Humanoid criminals of Sunberth. But she moved her eyes from his body to his face, not wanting to come across as unnecessarily rude. Did Ziths appreciate manners?
"I'm half Chaktawe." Her reply was spoken with a simply shrug. Shakune did not know how much detail the creature knew about her maternal people. Not much, she expected, so keep the conversation flowing, she added more detail. "My mother was born in the desert with her people. I, however, wasn't. But I get the black eyes and--" She raised her palms upwards, revealing the black gel-filled holes dipped into the skin of her fingertips. The chilly wind from the ocean made her nerves hum with tiny vibrations.
Cautiously, she approached the Zith and the edge of the dock, peering out below her and into the murkiness of the ocean. "Do you live in Sunberth?" She hadn't seen or heard about a resident Zith in the city before. But neither had she come to edges of the town quite so late at night. She was usually too busy drinking and gambling the night away to bother. Who knew what happened in the corners of Sunbeth at night?
She turned her back to the sea and looked out to the city. The usual noises - drunken singing, shouts and the odd scream - broke out from the black buildings to echo down the alleyways and pour out onto the docks. Sunberth almost looked pretty at night, but the courier disliked thinking about the crimes and murders that went on in the shadows. For a tick, Shakune almost forgot whose company she was in.


Shakune - I drive a hard bargain.
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by Vince Angel on May 19th, 2015, 3:02 pm
Vince Angel
The Baroque Bay was not exactly the ideal place a man like Vince cared to spend his time, but he felt he could make an exception for once. Who knows, he may even find some unsuspecting rich-blood just waiting to be robbed. He tended to avoid mugging though, unless the situation called for it. Otherwise, there was no better way of doing a job other than quick and clean. And that was the only way the tattooed thief worked. He had half a mind to just turn around and walk back, but even the job of a trained thief called for spending a bit of time in places one would rather not go.
With a gentle sigh, Vince twirrled his little knife between his fingers, his eyes scanning the roads for any potential threats. Even thieves tend to get stolen from, a cold fact that left a bitter taste on the twenty-six-year-old's tongue. In the city of Sunberth, if you were not a hunter, you were prey. Vince did not exactly know what he was yet, but he knew for a fact that he was not prey. Allowing a soft hum to fall upon his lips, he turned into a dark ally way between two small buildings, listening carefully to the sound of the city.
Luckily, the ally was empty other than himself. At the other end, however, was something he had not expected to see. It looked as if a younger woman was conversing with... a Zith? A strange sight indeed. As far as he knew, there were no residents of the Zith race living in Sunberth. So what was one doing here? He moved closer to get a better look, but the lack of light caused his foot to find a bucket of water, knocking it over with a loud clang. It startled him, to say in the least, and he scrambled toward the wall, pressing his body flat against it. Shyke... You've petched up now, Vince... |

Vince Angel - The Loyal Thief
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by Sayana on December 19th, 2015, 3:10 pm

Don't forget to edit/delete your grade request. If there's anything I may have missed, please PM me and I'll be happy to look into it.
SkillsLoresCommentsIf you return, please update your ledger with seasonal expenses and PM me for a grade.
Vayle or Hwyn
SkillsLoresCommentsIt seems like you have a new character and character concept. Therefore I cannot award grades to your new character. If I am mistaken, please PM me and explain Vayle's name change and please account for items like the mask and scythe. If he is in fact the same character, then I will award you grades after it is explained in a PM (and seasonal expenses have been accounted for).
Skills- Stealth: 1
- Investigation: 1
- Rhetoric: 1
- Running: 1
- Endurance: 1
- Observation: 2
- Socialization: 1
- Teaching: 1
Lores- Location: The Dust Bed
- Zith: Dark winged humaniods
- Zith: Sometimes ask odd questions
SkillsLoresCommentsIf you return, please update your ledger with seasonal expenses and PM me for a grade.
Comments: Too bad this thread didn't get very far. It looked like it had some great potential.
Your Grader,
Boxcode design: Firenze

Sayana - Dancing in the rain...
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