by Moxie on May 17th, 2015, 12:01 am

Hahaha definitely not even a professional, more of a hobbyist when it comes to hair and makeup now-a-days, decided to take a different route in school(medical). But I will say that in school that we had to go over cleanliness and germs, for a VERY long time because the cosmetologist is at risk of contracting certain diseases or health issues if you do not know how to spot them, especially if the client falls to mention them. Some are not easy to spot, so you have to learn proper hygiene skills so you are not contracting or spreading something. Another example would be body lice or head lice, toe fungus, STD, a virus, or bacterial infection, ect. Maybe add something like that in there? Maybe as one of the skills to better progress as a Cosmetologist? In the Veterinarian skill Animal Husbandry is top priority, where as Herbalism and Medicine are the next, that way you have a well rounded knowledge of everything that goes into being a vet. Just throwing that out there

I am multitasking so I may not be writing it as clear as I would like, if I need to further explain I will.
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