Closed The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

In which several Sunberthian souls come together, in the most unlikely of circumstances.

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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Richard Blow on May 25th, 2015, 10:35 pm

"She's got a point Lenny." chuckled Big Steve in the background. Richard nodded thoughtfully as Scarf Man said this, now aware that Thaloyss was unarmed. "Thug who wants his identity hidden comes armed as hell, says he's fresh from work but doesn't have any blood on his weapons, wants us to follow him to a place. Tavish, you could've at least hired someone smart."

"A'ight. Easy enough to deal with." Richard said after a few ticks. "Loyss an' I'll need a moment t'get equipped. You can come inside if y'want."
If Scarf Man obliged, Richard would shut the door behind him and stand in front of it once Thaloyss had her Kopis in hand. Otherwise, he'd step outside, throw a friendly arm around the man, and try to rest his hand on the hilt of his sword. If he got his hand in position, he would resist any attempt to move it. Either way, he would follow up the action with the casual question of "So, how much did Tavish pay you?"
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Thaloyss on May 25th, 2015, 11:44 pm


Thaloyss narrowed her eyes at Samuel. Did he think she was stupid? Who came from a job with bloodless weapons? Unless it was a burglary, but a burglar wouldn't carry gauntlets and a sword, nor would they be taking a job in the middle of the day.

She inhaled sharply when the supposed client touched Richard, her defensive nature rising swiftly. The Dhani opened her mouth to speak but her partner interrupted her with the mention of equipment. She grunted and pivoted on a heel.

With her kopis in hand she turned back, letting it hang casually in her grip. At this range it was probably better to simply discard the sword and grapple with Samuel, considering how near Richard was to him. She looked at the blade, frowning slightly. It was getting dull.

Her partner had already posed the question she was going to ask, and seeing as how the stranger's reasons and explanations were falling apart as they spoke it was fairly obvious he'd been sent by someone. The only person they'd had problems with was Tavish, so it was quite frankly simple enough to figure out he was his employer.
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Sh'Ky Naes on May 26th, 2015, 10:22 am


The Man in Crimson

Sh'Ky, personally took this all in stride, saying, while chuckling, "Heh, you think that I'm stupid? Personally, I'm bad at being subtle, but you, you both are absolutely rubbish." As Richard threw his arm about his shoulder, and placed his hand on the hilt of his shortsword, 'Ky grabbed his arm with a grip like a vise, not letting go, but letting him guide him inside. Looking at the Dhani, who was approaching with a kukiri, he said, "Miss, unless that's coated in Viper venom, you'd might as well throw that away. Besides, your type likes to grab and strangle people, right?" 'Ky was bullshyking by this point, but what he knew of snakes should translate to Dhani, pretty easily. "And don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. If I was, I'd have done it already," he said, nodding to Richard. "Dreads here would be laid out on the floor with a broken nose, you would be either bleeding out or coming with me, and the other two, I could care less about. I actually came to warn you."

Letting go of Richy's wrist, but forcing him away from his sword, and back towards the door, and standing in between the Dhani and the spiritist, leaving himself open, while keeping his hand in the general vicinity of his sword. "And to answer your question, I would probably get fabulous amounts of money for actually completing the job, so I'm being rather altruistic." Taking off his hat and scarf, revealing his face, and placing them on the table, he hoped to gain their trust. "Sorry for making you worry. I was trying to keep my face from being seen on the street. It's kind of necessary, when you're trying to steal from one like Donovan Tavish. Also, if it makes you feel better, I was going to rescue you, after I had found the gain." Smiling his brilliant white smile, and winking his dazzling blue eyes at "Lois", he stood in a sword stance. "So once again, I have two options, and you have two, but one is preferable. Do you want to talk, or do we have to really do this the hard way?"
College is picking up, sorry if I'm not on for long periods of time.

How did you know that what you sought was redemption and not righteous vengeance?
Redemptio et quomodo iusti non quod petitur intelligis quia quod vindicta?

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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Richard Blow on May 26th, 2015, 11:19 pm

The Spiritist stared at Scarf Man with an expression of utter bemusement on his face, body blocking the door. "Boys, clear the table." he said with barely disguised irritation. "You must be a foreigner." snapped the Spiritist as he cracked his neck. "Here in Sunberth, them's fighting words."

Big Steve and Lenny quickly took anything breakable off the table while Big Steve hefted a chair and pushed the table towards Thaloyss with his foot. Meanwhile, the ghost floated off towards the kitchen. "Loyss dear, I don't think our backstabbin' pal's tellin' us everything." the Spiritist drawled with a grim smile. "Think we can maybe convince him to give up some more details?"
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Thaloyss on May 27th, 2015, 1:54 am


Thaloyss started laughing, nearly choking on her own spit at the same time. My, this one was cocky! He thought he could overpower her. Now granted, he was most likely faster than she, but if he thought she would become his captive he was either overestimating his abilities or underestimating hers. It was most likely a mix of both.

Besides, if he dared to harm Richard... Well, the results would not be pretty in either of their cases. She was startlingly protective of the smaller man, like a bear and her cubs. The powerful urge to rend Samuel limb from limb would rise up and she would give in to it, but only if he injured Richard.

She'd waited until her partner was finished speaking to give her own little talk. "While our optionss are not varied and one iss ssafer than the other, I musst ssay..."

The Dhani paused, appearing as though she was giving some thought to his offer. It wasn't too difficult to pick which one she preferred. Her face lit up with a cruel grin. "The hard way."

She halted the table's groaning progress across the floor with her hand, perching on the edge as delicately as possible for a woman of her height. The calculated cracking of knuckles was the only sound she made before she put her palms down on the wood. "Now, sstranger, I have two optionss for you. You can tell uss your buissinesss here with no information withheld, or we can do thiss the 'hard way,' as you ssay."

The mercenary looked up from inspecting her nails, watching Samuel with raised eyebrows. She was expecting an answer, and quickly. "What iss that ssaying that you humanss have? Ah, yess. How the tabless have turned."
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Sh'Ky Naes on May 27th, 2015, 8:12 pm


The Man in Crimson

Sh'Ky picked up his hat off the table with a flourish, and placed it soundly on his head again. Grabbing his scarf, he kept it loosely wrapped around his left arm, not wanting it to become a liability. Raising his eyebrows at Dreads, as he now called Richy, he smirked. "Am I supposed to be impressed, Dreads? Yeah, I'm not telling you everything, but what do you want, my life story? And bitch please, I was raised by these streets." Jabbing his thumb into his chest proudly, he said, "You have no idea what could be considered as fighting words, man! Bathe in an ocean of vomit, you disgusting fuckdoll!" The last was said in Fratava, taught to him by sailors on the docks. He personally didn't care if they knew what he said, it still felt good to say it. Winking at 'Loisss', he held his hands open, as Richy probably fumed behind him. He kept him in his peripherals, looking for any sudden movements. "I come in here, and even though you're not stupid, unfortunately, I tell you what I'm doing. And still, this is what happens? Rude little petchers. Except you, Stevie. You're big."

Let's see, how did that big brute Kyodaija fight... he preferred to keep them close, but not too close, unless he wanted to crush them in his big-ass arms of his... so it's probably best to either get behind the snake, or stay at arm's length. Richy should be easy enough to handle, but he is a Sunberthian, after all, so he probably has gotten in a scrap or two. Glancing into the kitchen, where the ghost had gone, he felt a little unnerved by the ghost. Who knew what he was capable of. But he would still try to not kill anyone here. That'd be pointless, and they didn't seem to deserve it. Yet.

One breath. 'Ky observed the room. The Dhani was perched on the table. Should be easy enough to upend, with her considerable mass acting as a counterweight. The chair was between Richy and himself, and Richy was blocking the door. Stevie was behind the snake, so if she fell, she would fall on him.


Two breaths. If the Dhani made any move, he would crouch below the edge of the table, and push upwards, while standing up. If Steve made a move, he would do the same thing, but attempt to aim the table towards him, an almost impossible task. Still, the Dhani would be on the floor, and the table would be flipped. If Richy struck first, he would kick the chair towards him, but it would simply slide, albeit rather quickly, possibly enough to bruise his knees, towards Richy. If Richy moved the chair, then he would sprint towards the man, and attempt to grab him, and push him out of the door. Whatever happened, he knew, he would get a few bruises. But still, 'Ky kept his face blank, empty, assessing. This, combined with his piercing eyes, would unnerve most, and keep them at a distance.

OOCOkay, before we start, any injuries you DON'T want your guys getting? Personally, I don't want broken fingers, or a broken arm/leg. Anything else, like broken ribs, or nose would be good for me. And if you feel that I'm overplaying my ability, feel free to tell me. I haven't done a lot of combat with other PC's. ;)
College is picking up, sorry if I'm not on for long periods of time.

How did you know that what you sought was redemption and not righteous vengeance?
Redemptio et quomodo iusti non quod petitur intelligis quia quod vindicta?

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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Richard Blow on June 8th, 2015, 4:51 am

"I will anally finger your mother, after we anally fist you." Richard deadpanned in equally bad Fratava. Switching back to Common, he said sleepily "Mate, Lenny's coming back with knives, and he's a fair hand at throwing them. You'll hurt yourself a lot less by swallowing yer pride and tellin' us what we want."

If Sh'Ky refused, which was likely, it would be Big Steve who opened the hostilities. Not having any interest in getting near a man with a sword, the large fellow simply hefted the chair he was holding, and chucked it straight at the mercenary's head. Richard shifted his weight onto the balls of his feet, ready to sidestep a dodged piece of furniture. Silently, he sighed to himself.
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Thaloyss on June 8th, 2015, 5:52 am


Thaloyss rolled her eyes at the different language. If that was the game they were playing, she could join in as well. Now granted, she didn't know any Fratava, but she could muster up a bit of Snake-Tongue in human form. What little Myrian she knew consisted mostly of swears, though, so that would be a better choice.

"Ma'khan'um, kotakbil!" she spat, her hand chopping downwards through the air to tap against her crotch. Though they probably didn't know the swear, her tone and gesture made it clear that it was a challenge that basically said 'eat me, you stupid prick.'

If the stranger had refused Richard's offer, dodged the chair thrown at him, and made it to the table without Thaloyss interfering (which was likely, since her head would be turned to look at Big Steve in surprised; it was usually her job to throw furniture, not him), she would turn back just barely too late to realize what was going on.

She was a big woman, that was for sure. While there was very little fat on her, there was plenty of muscle and that was packed heavily onto her limbs and belly. She weighed just under one-hundred and eighty-five pounds and that, combined with the table, proved to be difficult to lift up.

Through some incredible effort the stranger would have managed to lift the edge of the table and send the Dhani sliding off. Her kopis, having no sentience or muscle of its down to realize it was falling, would land on the ground with a metallic clatter and she would follow with a meaty thump, the blade slicing her arm. It would hurt, but the pain could be overcome.

Of course, this would only happen if the stranger refused to tell them what they wanted. If he did, she would simply nod and examine the kopis blade.
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Sh'Ky Naes on July 26th, 2015, 10:28 pm


The Man in Crimson

Honestly, 'Ky couldn't have had an easier time dodging the attack. He spotted the sudden movement, and leaping into action, dodged the extremely telegraphed attack by the big man by simply running forwards, and crouching under the table. Placing both hands squarely under the table, 'Ky pushed up with his entire body, standing up, as well as lifting his arms. The thick oak table was heavy, but so was the counterweight: the Dhani woman. While 'Ky struggled to get the table off the ground for the first few inches, after the table was at an angle, it became almost ridiculously easy to push, causing the Dhani to fall on the edge of her blade, cutting her.

'Ky then turned his attention to 'Big Steve'. The brawny man posed a bigger threat to him right now, as the Dhani was on the ground, hissing. As he rushed the big man, the thug lifted his meaty fists in a guarded stance. Shyke. Should've known that he was good at fighting. Unsheathing his sword, 'Ky lunged at the unarmed man, slashing towards his unprotected forearms with an overhead diagonal cut. Sh'Ky was surprised that he was able to unsheathe his weapon so quickly. Maybe all that practice was starting to pay off.

If the strike landed on 'Big Steve's' arms, then 'Ky would stop moving and fall into his swordstance, turning his attention back to the Dhani. If 'Big Steve' dodged somehow, then he would immediately backpedal, raising his sword in a defensive stance, and performing that one lazy-looking flourish, and preparing to strike again.

"Listen, I'm telling you the truth. I do want to play Tavish, and I want your help. Tavish offered me around 50 golden mizas, per head, and I'm giving that up to try and get that plus his stash. But this won't be of any use if we're petching cutting each other up, now would it?!?" While spoken aggressively, his words rung with truth, and the look on his face was more frustration than anger.

OOCHi, I'm back! It's good to be here. :)
College is picking up, sorry if I'm not on for long periods of time.

How did you know that what you sought was redemption and not righteous vengeance?
Redemptio et quomodo iusti non quod petitur intelligis quia quod vindicta?

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