Sh'Ky picked up his hat off the table with a flourish, and placed it soundly on his head again. Grabbing his scarf, he kept it loosely wrapped around his left arm, not wanting it to become a liability. Raising his eyebrows at Dreads, as he now called Richy, he smirked.
"Am I supposed to be impressed, Dreads? Yeah, I'm not telling you everything, but what do you want, my life story? And bitch please, I was raised by these streets." Jabbing his thumb into his chest proudly, he said,
"You have no idea what could be considered as fighting words, man! Bathe in an ocean of vomit, you disgusting fuckdoll!" The last was said in Fratava, taught to him by sailors on the docks. He personally didn't care if they knew what he said, it still felt good to say it. Winking at 'Loisss', he held his hands open, as Richy probably fumed behind him. He kept him in his peripherals, looking for any sudden movements.
"I come in here, and even though you're not stupid, unfortunately, I tell you what I'm doing. And still, this is what happens? Rude little petchers. Except you, Stevie. You're big."Let's see, how did that big brute Kyodaija fight... he preferred to keep them close, but not too close, unless he wanted to crush them in his big-ass arms of his... so it's probably best to either get behind the snake, or stay at arm's length. Richy should be easy enough to handle, but he is a Sunberthian, after all, so he probably has gotten in a scrap or two. Glancing into the kitchen, where the ghost had gone, he felt a little unnerved by the ghost. Who knew what he was capable of. But he would still try to not kill anyone here. That'd be pointless, and they didn't seem to deserve it. Yet.
One breath. 'Ky observed the room. The Dhani was perched on the table. Should be easy enough to upend, with her considerable mass acting as a counterweight. The chair was between Richy and himself, and Richy was blocking the door. Stevie was behind the snake, so if she fell, she would fall on him.
Exhale. Two breaths. If the Dhani made any move, he would crouch below the edge of the table, and push upwards, while standing up. If Steve made a move, he would do the same thing, but attempt to aim the table towards him, an almost impossible task. Still, the Dhani would be on the floor, and the table would be flipped. If Richy struck first, he would kick the chair towards him, but it would simply slide, albeit rather quickly, possibly enough to bruise his knees, towards Richy. If Richy moved the chair, then he would sprint towards the man, and attempt to grab him, and push him out of the door. Whatever happened, he knew, he would get a few bruises. But still, 'Ky kept his face blank, empty, assessing. This, combined with his piercing eyes, would unnerve most, and keep them at a distance.
OOCOkay, before we start, any injuries you DON'T want your guys getting? Personally, I don't want broken fingers, or a broken arm/leg. Anything else, like broken ribs, or nose would be good for me. And if you feel that I'm overplaying my ability, feel free to tell me. I haven't done a lot of combat with other PC's.