Closed The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

In which several Sunberthian souls come together, in the most unlikely of circumstances.

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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Sh'Ky Naes on May 21st, 2015, 10:30 am

Spring 72, 515

The Man in Crimson

Sh'Ky was confused. The strange man in front of him was trying to... hire him? Thinking back, 'Ky thought about what could've possibly happened to get to this point.


As he woke up that morning, he mistakenly thought that he would be able to work uninterrupted. Today, he was a mercenary, a guard, looking for work. Until he could reach the merchant's money. As he poked around the marketplace, armor visible under his cloak, looking around the hiring board. Then, as it seemed that he would have to quit, and hang around the taverns, to rob drunks, a fat man, with scruffy chin, and scar over his eye, caught his attention. "You're a mercenary, right? Well now you can work for me. A simple job, and easy money for someone like you." 'Ky followed the man out of the need to not say anything, because the presumption and arrogance was simply dripping from this man's voice. If he could get close enough to his employer... well, suffice to say, there was good money stealing from those who had enough to hire thugs. However, he had to be careful about it, as if he handled it the wrong way, he could end up floating in the Mudway.

'Ky stopped moving, and placed his hand on the arrogant man's shoulder, as if to say, this is where we stop. The man seemed annoyed that 'Ky would even consider touching him, but he stopped, saying, "Listen, son, my boss was attacked by two people in his employ. You are being hired to rough them up. But one of them... I want you to bring her to me." He licked his lips, and grinned, disgustingly. So he was that kind of man. Disgraceful. "Preferably alive. Oh, and they've got a sign on their 'office', too, it says, something to do with ghosts or some shyke. I dunno. They live in the Sunset Quarter, and one's a dark-skinned man with a distinctive look; and scent, unfortunately. The other's a tall woman, 'bout your height, actually. She's the one I want brought to me. I work at the Muted Maiden, so you could just bring her there." And just like that, everything fell into place. This man worked for Donovan Tavish. The slaver/entrepreneur, whose business, as if it wasn't distasteful enough, was a salacious man, who exploited those around him. Forget the danger, 'Ky thought, I'll do this just to punish Donovan. It's men like him who tried to take Ras from me, and men like him who killed her. Nodding, he didn't trust his voice, simply saying, "I'll do it." Heading down the way, back to the Sunset Quarters, ready to do the job, or at least pretend to, if it meant an in with Donovan Tavish. One less man like him would do the world a favor.
Last edited by Sh'Ky Naes on May 21st, 2015, 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
College is picking up, sorry if I'm not on for long periods of time.

How did you know that what you sought was redemption and not righteous vengeance?
Redemptio et quomodo iusti non quod petitur intelligis quia quod vindicta?

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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Richard Blow on May 21st, 2015, 7:21 pm

Back in the Sunset Quarters, a most dangerous game was unfolding.
"For Kelwyn's sake Lenny, will you petchin' play?!"
"Don't rush me, Big Steve!" the ghost whined, clutching his cards closer to himself.
"Even the stupid new gal is faster than you." the blond bruiser growled, resting his chin on the table.
"Hey, don't be pissy jus' 'cause she's kicking your ass." Richard teased, leaning back and resting one foot on his chair.
"Was one time..." Big Steve muttered under his breath.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure it was a fluke." the wizard said with an innocent grin and a knowing glance at Thaloyss. He had worried at first that things would be awkward, but the guys had accepted the Dhani into the fold with remarkable speed. It also helped that she could demolish Big Steve at arm wrestling, something the Spiritist never got tired of rubbing in Steve's face.

"Call!" Lenny squeaked before the incensed bruiser could get up.
"Finally!" snapped Big Steve. "Richard?"
"Call." the Spiritist yawned.
"A'ight. Loo-is" said Steve, "You're up."
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Thaloyss on May 21st, 2015, 8:30 pm


Thaloyss stared at the cards in her hand. She was sitting cross-legged in the circle of men, contemplating her next move. A ghost, a bruiser, a Spiritist and a Dhani, all playing cards. It was an interesting sight, to say the least.

"Raise," she said as she looked up. A chorus of groans met her sly grin. "Hussh. If you want to wresstle it out, Ssteve, then by all meanss let uss go at it. I can beat you any day."

Her words were accompanied by her setting her cards face-down and flexing at Steve. She could probably hurl him across the room even in her weakest form. The woman carefully picked her hand up again so as to not give away what she held.

"Your turn, Ssteve." She was raising the stakes, but it was all in the name of fun. If it became rowdy she could just browbeat Steve into submission, seeing as he was the one with the hottest blood.
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Sh'Ky Naes on May 22nd, 2015, 12:55 am


The Man in Crimson

When 'Ky reached the Sunset Quarter, in a place not far from the the Seaside Market, he did indeed see a crude wooden sign at the front of a shack that looked like shyke, or rather, like the rest of Sunberth, that had to do with ghosts or something. Pulling up his scarf and the brim of his hat down, he easily concealed his face from anyone who would wish to see him. Now, how to go about this. He could attempt to intimidate them, but whomever had the guts to petch with with a significant member of the community wouldn't be so easily browbeaten. He could attempt to actually physically force them, but there were more of them than him, and while he had some small skill with a blade, it was merely enough to keep from cutting his arm off while defending himself. Any time he had actually harmed someone with his sword had been attacks of opportunity. Still, if he looked more comfortable with it than he actually was, it'd be better. Loosening it in it's sheath, Sh'Ky decided to just knock on the front door. If he informed them of his plan, it would go one of two ways. One: they would attack him, and he would have to escape. Two: they'd help him, and he'd get more mizas than he had seen in a while.

The risk was worth the reward, and cracking his knuckles inside his brutal-looking steel gauntlets, he stepped forward, and pounded on the door three times loudly. Any more would make him seem crude, and any less might not get their attention. As the door opened, he said to the first person who answered, "Uhh, is this the place where you go to find the ghostbuster?"

OOCI just HAD to throw that reference in there. :P
College is picking up, sorry if I'm not on for long periods of time.

How did you know that what you sought was redemption and not righteous vengeance?
Redemptio et quomodo iusti non quod petitur intelligis quia quod vindicta?

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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Richard Blow on May 23rd, 2015, 12:09 am

The gents (and lady) at the table all turned to look at the door, then at each other. Earlier in the season, Richard would have answered the door without too much worry. After beating up a slaver who was also probably a gang member however, caution was called for. "Want us to clear the table, Richard?" asked Big Steve with a suspicious glance outside.
The Spiritist shook his head, getting up to see if he could spot who was knocking. "You guys keep playing for now. I call." Seeing that it was one person, the wizard opened his door a crack and inquired pointedly "Who's asking?"
In the background, Lenny folded.
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Thaloyss on May 23rd, 2015, 1:39 am


The quartet turned their heads in sync at the knocking. Caution unfurled like a blooming flower in the pit of Thaloyss' stomach and set her on edge. It was probably not the best idea to beat up a slaver, now that she thought about it. At her partner's request to continue playing she obeyed, if hesitantly.

When Lenny folded was when she decided she had to get up and look for herself. "Fold," she murmured, setting her cards in a pile. With only Big Steve and Richard left in the game and with Richard at the door, Big Steve could easily declare himself winner.

The Dhani, however, could not care less with potential danger at the door. She could always make the money back. She stood slowly so as to not arouse suspicion in the person who knocked and walked as casually as possible to stand behind the Spiritist.

"Open the door, Richard. Ssurely it doess not warrant ssuch disstrusst," she said as she pulled the door open all the way.

The man standing before her was only slightly shorter, perhaps three inches, though the hat perched on his head lent him a bit of extra height. His face was difficult to make out because of the scarf, which annoyed her immensely. She itched to rip away the concealing articles of clothing and see exactly what he looked like.

"What do you need?" she asked.
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Sh'Ky Naes on May 24th, 2015, 1:53 pm


The Man in Crimson

'Ky saw the door swing open, and the dirty-looking, dark-skinned spiritist answered his question with another question, demanding to know his name. Smiling broadly under his scarf, Sh'Ky shook his head at the man's smart, yet ultimately pointless question, for 'Ky would give him an alias. "Ay, mate, start with the hard questions, eh? Anyway, m'name's Samuel Wesley Andrews, and I have a bugger of a problem with a certain... spook." Holding out a gauntleted hand for the ghost hunter to shake, he glanced at the second arrival, a woman about as tall as he. Smiling at her apparent courtesy, he knew that this was the one to look out for. With bulging muscles on her arms, she was stronger than most. Scrutinizing under the hat and scarf, he determined that she was either not human, or just really strong. Probably the latter, because from what 'Ky heard, the Muted Maiden liked to acquire... exotic specimens. She looked somewhat like that one big petcher from a year ago, so he'd best be careful. Stepping inside the doorway, yet not crowding the two, 'Ky said, "Well, I'd appreciate it if you'd take care of the problem. I'll show you where to go, and then I'll let you work." Motioning politely for the two to follow him, he stood as if he understood completely if they didn't want to leave immediately. "Of course, we leave at your call, mate. Wouldn't wanna rush ya."

Even though they couldn't see it, he kept a closer eye on the burly man at the back of the room. While the tall woman was certainly dangerous, the big man had a bearing that suggested that he knew what to do in a brawl, more so than even the woman. Stopping and cocking his head, revealing one single ice-blue eye, he realized that he didn't even have their names. Aside from that Richard fellow, he didn't know how to identify them. " I'm sorry for not asking earlier, but might you give me your names? I'd like to know what to call you."
College is picking up, sorry if I'm not on for long periods of time.

How did you know that what you sought was redemption and not righteous vengeance?
Redemptio et quomodo iusti non quod petitur intelligis quia quod vindicta?

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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Richard Blow on May 25th, 2015, 12:20 am

While Thaloyss was relatively relaxed about the situation, Richard already smelled a rat. If he was a client, why hide his identity? Did someone have a hit on his head? If so, would they care if bystanders died in the crossfire? As Richard shook the man's hands, the furrow developing in his brow deepened. While it was generally wise to travel Sunberth armed, why gauntlets and a sword? One which, upon closer inspection, seemed to be primed for use? If Samuel didn't want to inflict violence upon them, someone else definitely wanted to inflict violence upon him.

With this in mind, Richard decided to mess with him. "Yeah. You can call me Slick Trick Richy B." he deadpanned. "This here's my lovely assistant Lois the Ripper. Back there's Lenny th' Spook, and the big guy's Steve 'da Rock' Johnson."

Lenny and Big Steve looked at each other with barely suppressed smiles, then back to the stranger. " 'Ow you doin'?" Big Steve rumbled as he slowly stood, trying to stop his voice shaking from amusement.
"Yeeeeeh, whatchu want white boy?" Lenny sneered in the most nasal voice he could muster without a nose. Everyone turned to stare at Lenny for a moment, then back to Scarf Man, as Richard had decided his name was in his mind. "Okay." he said, fighting back giggles. "Can you describe the problems you been having?"
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Thaloyss on May 25th, 2015, 12:52 am


This Samuel Wesley Andrews character was an odd one. Who gave their full name, if it wasn't an alias? Thaloyss herself had to shorten hers before someone realized she was the maneater Merv fired, and she only had her hands and her coils. This one, he had gauntlets and a sword. He was strangely prepared for danger, standing out even in Sunberth.

She smacked Richard in the back of the head when he introduced her. "It iss jusst Loyss. I do not require a title. Sstop messsing with him. And Lenny, sshut up. You are the whitesst persson here, you are a ghosst."

The Dhani felt like the mother of the group. If she had a better grasp of Common and the phrases of Sunberth she might've been a bit more casual, but she was still new to the city and used to having a cold exterior. She cast a glance at Big Steve, fully prepared to smack him as well.

When she turned back to Samuel (if that was his real name) she cleared her throat expectantly. "Yess, what iss the ghosst doing?"

She'd placed her hands on Richard's shoulders, squeezing just enough to warn him not to bother the man with the weapons. Her kopis was lying on the ground by their card game and Tascha had elected to remain at her house for the day and sleep. If the kitten wanted to find her, she'd know where. The only problem was that if a fight broke out between the mercenary and Samuel, she couldn't run back to her kopis fast enough.

It wasn't like she liked to use it anyways.
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The Job. (Richard, Thaloyss)

Postby Sh'Ky Naes on May 25th, 2015, 4:02 am


The Man in Crimson

Sh'Ky raised his eyebrow at the obviously fake titles to the quite real names. They didn't buy the alias, and while 'Slick Trick' suspected that something was up, the woman, however, seemed to believe him. This meant that he could possibly manipulate them. The gauntlets were quite conspicuous, which meant that he'd have to explain them. Also, it wouldn't hurt to unnerve them a bit. "I see you have noticed my armaments. I've actually come just from a job. Good thing I wear colors that don't stain, am I right?" 'Ky reached over to Richy's shoulder and gave him a heavy pat on the shoulder, while laughing jovially. "Anyway, I've got this one spook that looks all mangled-like, cuts all over, that's fond of tossing things and wrecking my... workplace." The story wouldn't be that uncommon for Sunberth, where people brutalizing each other was the norm. "I'd appreciate it if you could do something about it. It's been quite troublesome. " Hopefully, they'd come with him, but if they didn't, he would simply tell them outright. However, his story was quite believable, so at least the dhani would be convinced, most likely, even if Richy was not. But, as stated before, it would probably work. Hopefully.
College is picking up, sorry if I'm not on for long periods of time.

How did you know that what you sought was redemption and not righteous vengeance?
Redemptio et quomodo iusti non quod petitur intelligis quia quod vindicta?

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