Cael Currant Big Game Hunter "Hunting isn't a sport or a hobby. It's a Calling to something greater." "You won't find rational men on top of tall mountains" 001. Appearance Date of Birth: 82, Summer 495 Race: Human Gender: Male Profession: Hunter Fluent: Common Father: Orion Currant (deceased) Mother: Kaley Currant (deceased) Sister: Asheligh Currant (MIA; persumed dead) Sister: Aria Currant (MIA; persumed dead) Everything you need to know, wrapped up in a little nutshell Cael Currant is a young man born of the summer seasons. His face, is a visage of youth with the look of a man who has endured the test of tragedy and fate. He stands a slender 5’7, muscles sleek and taut. His shoulders are broad and rounded from time in the wilds and practice with his bow. He is often garbed in dull earth colors, so to draw as little attention to himself as possible. His chosen garb is practical for work out in the forests and woods as well as disappearing into the local population. A simple green shirt stretched by his broad shoulders, will often be tucked tucked into brown trousers cinched tightly by a simple leather belt. He often blouses his boots over his tightly strapped leather boots. This is his normal daily wear, in the event of inclement weather he will don a simple heavy cloak to protect him from the elements. Over his shoulder he has a bow slung, ready for draw at a moments notice. "Sometimes to get where you're going, you need to burn a bridge." 002. Concept Likes: The Hunt, Ladies Dislikes: Magic Users, Undead Ethics: Will do what is needed to be done Everything you need to know, wrapped up in a little nutshell Cael is a young man who currently resides in the Syliras region. Having originated from a small farm that is now destroyed due to the Djed storms of 512, he has made his way to Sunberth, often moving throughout the region and currently developing his skills as a tracker and a hunter. His abilities with a bow are what helps him take down wild game, and use this as a source of income. Though he is also currently developing his abilities to fashion arrows, one could say he is a man of odd jobs. Yet, this is a stepping stone. Cael is currently developing his combat abilities as well as his knowledge of Mages and Witches (as he likes to call them), so as to begin hunting them down. Due to the inherent magical nature of the storms and the corruption Magic imposes on it’s user, Cael has developed a strong distrust of Magic Users, and plans to one day start eliminating them one by one. As of now, his intentions are not known, and he keeps a low profile as he works on developing his knowledge of their capabilities and weaknesses. Until then, he passes himself off as a simple hunter, often popping by libraries, knowledge repositories and talking with people to develop what knowledge he can. When he isn’t doing that, he is training hard, developing his abilities to begin his hunt. On a personal level, he is quite easy to get along. He keeps a lighthearted and carefree demeanor. Moreso to keep anyone suspecting of his ulterior motives at bay. He is the first to to socialize with a woman, but as readily withdraw into himself if he is around people he neither trusts or plain dislike. It would be unfair to call him extroverted due to the amount of time he spends to himself. However, he has been known to go out of his way to interact with or help other folk. "Magic is for those who desire control, rather than those who desire to protect." 003. History Everything you need to know, wrapped up in a little nutshell Cael grew up on a small farmstead in the Syliras region. Here he was content with helping his father grow crops and help around the homestead. Though this was fine, he had a knack for hunting. As a child he killed his first rabbit with his fathers bow, picking it off at 30 meters. His father, having been an avid woodsman in his younger day, took his son under his tutelage and began to train him in the art of the Hunt. Growing up, it was a relatively simple life. His sisters were at his mother’s skirts and he trained with his dad day in and day out. Often retiring back to the farm to help around with chores that needed to be done. Every once in a while, there was the threat of bandits and brigands, nothing that wasn’t deterred by the local outpost. At one point a strange traveler passed through their land, and in payment for their hospitality, he gave a fair amount of instruction to Cael in the Art of Swordsmanship. With the recent threat of brigands and bandits, he taught Cael how to defend himself and his family with both sword and bow. By the age of 12 he no longer worked as a farmer for his father. In fact he had become the primary hunter for his family, providing meat on a daily basis, his family always had a fair amount of food from deer, board and hare. In fact he contributed monetarily to his family by selling a lot of his game that he couldn't preserve Then came the storms four years ago. Cael had been out on a hunt far off when the storms came down with a suddenness. Standing atop a hill he could see out in the distance as a giant wall of Djed as it consumed the country side. Concerned for his own immediate well being, Cael took refuge in a mine over the course of the next few days, out waiting the storm. Once he pulled himself from the cave he made his way down back to his family’s homestead, where he would find the wreckage. His sisters were missing and his all that he could find was the body’s of his father and mother. Taking the time to mourn and bury them, he took his father's bow and began his search for his sisters. It’s been three years since the death of his parents. The Magical storm had taken their lives and his sisters have been missing since that fateful day. Now Cael has found himself working out of Sunberth, working as a Hunter. Yet, he is not content to just hunt game. His desire to hunt down Magic users grows with each day that he trains and learns to become something more than just your average hunter |