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Postby Miya on November 22nd, 2010, 7:37 pm


Miya's theme song

Basic Information
Birth Name: Miya
Nickname: None
Petname: Angel (tattooed on her left ankle)
Race: Kelvic (Panther)
Birthday & Age: 7th of Winter, 5
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight

Physical Description
Miya is a rather strange Kelvic that at first sight almost appears as a Konti. Being 5'1" tall and weighting about 92-98lbs is partly the reason for that, but partly because of her extremely pale skin, blue eyes and light blonde hair. Usually with a soft smile curling her lips, her face appears as one of an angel, which of course was the reason she got her petname.
Light purple and pink, silky dresses are usually tight and expose her obviously female, curly body. Nothing on her, in that from seems wild of violent, which is not the case in her animal from.

When this young woman transforms, everything innocent, pale and angelic disappears. A large, black predator standing before you, instead of the angel from before is quite a surprise. Long teeth, strong body and green eyes with somewhat of an orange shade make her look quite dangerous.

Character Concept
Her personality is as strange as her looks. Somewhat cute, innocent and sweet this Kelvic will not show even one bit of her predator nature if she does not have to. When attacked, threatened or pushed around though she will react quite fast and sharp because of the events in her past.

With all that said, one must know a few things around her. Most of these things are basic for most Kelvics, but are worth mentioning.
1) She, as any other Kelvic with clear mind feels the need to serve
2) The most important thing in her life is love
3) Hunting is the way she lives
4) Events in her past have effected her quite a bit, so from time to
time she will wander away
5) She is somewhat flirty, but rather shy when caught in it
6) If she trust you, she will do EVERYTHING to
protect/help you

Character Historyt
Miya is one of those rare Kelvics that came out of a relationship between a human and a Kelvic. Her life was complicated ever since she was born. From the very beginning, she was owned by a man who abused her and her family (Support and a bit more detailed explanation of that part of her past). That living hell, she will not talk about unless she trust a person who asked her and it is crucial for them to know.

The real life started when she was 3 and she ran away from her "home". Being all over Mizahar, she decided she will stay alone and become more cruel, because she didn't believe in love or happiness anymore. After about 2 years, she got tired of that and ever since, she is looking for someone or something to keep her company on those long, travelling months.

- 2 silky dresses (one in pink/purple, one in white color, along with gloves, boots, stockings, choker and a hair pin)
- 1 dancing outfit set (looks like gold, but it's not)
- 1 small eating knife
- 1 water skin
- 1 set of toiletters
- 1 flute
- 1 book with descriptions of plants in some parts of Mizahar
- food for a week

Training & Skill Points
Skills Amount
Dance 17
Herbalism 5
Singing 15
Play Musical Instrument (Flute) 15
Hunting 12
Costemology 1
Grooming 2
Socialization 2
Interrogation 1
Observation 2
Intimidation 1
Wilderness Survival 1

Lore sp/it
Lore of Syliran Lullabies sp
Lore of the Medicinal plants of Zaltiva sp
Lore of being a sex slave it
Lore of being an entertainer Kelvic it
Lore of loving without being loved back it
Lore of wearing skimpy clothes it
Lore of being abused it
Lore of performing a massacre it
Lore of running away it
Longing for a bondmate it
Lore of Zeltiva's Kelp Bar it
Lore of the winter cold it
Lore of lying it
Lore of being pestered by bar patrons it
Lore of shooing people away it
Lore of keeping warm it
Lore of lighting a fire it
A city has no food at least not my kind it
Having a really bad day it


Date Amount Total
5th of Winter, 510 AV 600 gm 600 gm

Thread List
Date Thread Status xp
Summer, 508 AV (Flashback) They were the predators... Graded Dance +2 , Cosmetology +1, Grooming +2, Hunting+2
20th of Autumn, 510AV Conflicting Elements Graded Observation +1
88th of Fall, 510AV The end means a new beginning Graded Socialization +2, Interrogation +1, Observation +1, Intimidation +1, Wilderness Survival +1
Last edited by Miya on February 6th, 2011, 5:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
When will I be unleashed?
It's not the way it should be.
Yearning again only to be myself
When I'm free...

Unleash my consciousness, please...
User avatar
Posts: 50
Words: 19634
Joined roleplay: November 21st, 2010, 10:49 pm
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet
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Postby Miya on February 6th, 2011, 3:42 pm

General Information :
1. What is your Name? Miya
2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name? Angel
3. How old are you? 5, which is about 18 or so, I'd say
4. What is your height? 5'1"
5. What is your weight? 92-98lbs

Aesthetics :
1. Describe yourself as you see yourself. Shy, calm and rather quiet
2. Describe yourself as others typically see you. Funny, cute and seductive
3. What is your favorite body feature? My face
4. How physically fit are you? Extremely, people would even say I'm a bit skinny
5. How do you typically dress and what is your style? Silky, cute and tempting looking dresses

Family :
1. Who are your parents and what are they like? My mother's name was Layla and my father's name was Anur. I don't remember them too well though, because they have been killed when I was less then 6 months old.
2. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Did... As far as I know, all of them... died, that terrible night.
3. What is your extended family like? I have none
4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family? Yes, as important as my family
5. Do you treat animals like family? Of course, I am myself, partly an animal

Location :
1. Where were you born? In Zeltiva
2. Where do you live now? In Sahova currently
3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be? I'm not really sure... wherever love takes me
4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time? Not really
5. Where do you fear to be? Anywhere where I'm completely alone...

Traits :
[color=#8000BF][shadow2=#FFFFFF,0,0,3]1. Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?) A few scars on my back... from a whip...
2. Are you right handed or left handed? right handed
3. What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent? Common, fluently and I have no accent
4. Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? Hmm, if I do, I don't see them
5. Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them)? I have one tattoo, on my ankle... my former owner tattooed my pet name there...

Occupations :
1. What is your occupation? Singing/Dancing
2. Do you like/dislike your work? Why? I love it... music is my second biggest love
3. If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be? a singer/dancer
4. What occupation do you admire the most? Why? Hmmm, I'm not sure... writers.... Because it's beautiful... I wish I could write
5. What occupation do you lest like? Why? I do not know... Slavers probably... because they are heartless

Childhood :
1. What sort of child were you? I doubt I was ever a child... or treated as one...
2. What is your favorite memory from childhood? Playing with my sister
3. What is your worst memory from childhood? Losing my parents
4. What sort of relationship did you have with your parents? I loved them very much, and for as long as they were with me, they loved me too
5. Who was your most influential rolemodel? My mother, she was a real angel

Education :
1. What sort of education do you have? Only life education so far
2. Do you like/dislike learning? I like learning... I just have difficulties learning some things... like writing
3. Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities? Through life
4. How do you learn best? Trying it out
5. What are your educational goals for the future? To become much better at what I do

Relationships :
1. Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not? Yes, because my nature is that way... I am rather emotional
2. Do you trust people easily? If not, why not? No, not really... because of my past
3. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else? Straight
4. Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time. Please, I wish to skip this one
5. Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time. I... um... next question

Drugs and Alcohol :
1. Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time. No
2. Do you like to drink on a regular basis? No
3. What sort of alcohol do you prefer? None
4. Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them? Once, I was pushed into it by my former owner
5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific. I think they are bad and one should not bother trying them

Likes and Dislikes :
1. What are your hobbies? Dancing
2. Do you like to read? I can not read
3. What annoys you more than anything else? Rude and mean people
4. What do you find the most relaxing activity to do? Dancing or listening to/creating music
5. What kinds of things embarrass you? Why? Men... around me... I get shy

Favorites :
1. What is your favorite color or colors? Pink and purple
2. What is your favorite time of day? I'm not sure... clear, summer nights
3. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? My sister
4. What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat? Meat... of any kind... and I don't like anything that is not meat
5. What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you? Sunny, warm weather... yes, storms scare me

Outlook :
1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Rather optimistic I think
2. What are your religious views? I'm not sure... I'm confused... because of my past
3. Would you be able to kill? Maybe.... depends on the reason I guess (we are talking about people here, right?)
4. What are your views on sex? Please...
5. What, in your opinion, makes a successful life? Living with the one you love

Actions :
1. What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done? The worst one would be leaving my brothers and sisters with that... monster... and the best one would be running away from him... Ironic, isn't it?
2. What is your greatest regret? That up there
3. What is your best/worst memory? That up there again
4. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why? Leaving my brothers and sisters.... because I wish I could have saved them...
5. What are you the most proud of doing in your life? Nothing exactly... yet

Emotions :
1. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others? Quite honest.... when I'm not shy
2. Do you have any biases or prejudices? No
3. What makes you happy? Music
4. Who or what, if anything, would you die for? The ones I care about
5. What makes you angry? Mean people

Relationships :
1. In general, how do you treat others? Like they treat me
2. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? No one, yet
3. Who is the person you respect the most, and why? My mother, because she was amazing
4. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover. Not yet
5. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why? No one yet

Group Situations :
1. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? I tend to argue with people... I'm not sure why though... temper?
2. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? No, I'm rather... submissive
3. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? Depends... I don't mind it, but I get shy from time to time
4. Do you care what others think of you? Not really, no... at least not the ones I don't care about
5. What do you think of others, in general? I do not generalize things

Self Image :
1. What is your greatest strength as a person? I'm not sure... meet me and you tell me
2. What is your greatest weakness? Being emotional
3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Writing and reading ability
4. Are you generally introverted or extroverted? Depends on around who
5. Are you generally organized or messy? Organized

Beliefs :
[color=#8000BF][shadow2=#FFFFFF,0,0,3]1. What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any? I'm confused about this part
2. Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any? None... and all
3. Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them? No
4. What lengths would you go to to please your deity? As I said, i'm confused
5. Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much? ....

Life & Death :
[color=#8000BF][shadow2=#FFFFFF,0,0,3]1. What do you absolutely live for? Love
2. What is the best part of life? Well, for now music... but I do hope I'll have someone to put in here eventually
3. What is the best part of death? I don't know... I'm scared of it
4. If you could choose, how would you want to die? I do not like to think about that... with Kelvics... it happens way too soon, you know
5. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death? How I loved/created art
When will I be unleashed?
It's not the way it should be.
Yearning again only to be myself
When I'm free...

Unleash my consciousness, please...
User avatar
Posts: 50
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Joined roleplay: November 21st, 2010, 10:49 pm
Race: Kelvic
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