[Unverified] Evhor Windwhisper

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Evhor Windwhisper

Postby Evhor on June 14th, 2015, 9:49 am

Evhor Windwhisper


Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Birthday: 34th of Summer, 491.
Birthplace: Syliras

Appearance: Evhor is a rather good-looking young man in his early twenties. He has dark blond hair tied in a short ponytail and grey eyes that never seem to focus on anything. His skin is quite pale and smooth and he sports a short, well-trimmed beard on his chin and around his mouth, besides which, on the right side, he has a little, straight scar pointing towards the eye. He is tall and lean, not very muscular but well-toned nevertheless, and smells faintly of herbs, sage in particular. He has a straight nose and swift, long fingered hands, always moving and fiddling with something.

Character Concept

Evhor is a very smart and cunning young man. He has a very serious attitude. He tries to be a model for other people: always neat and clean, serious and caring without getting too emotionally involved. This particular posture of his is noticeable even when he's relaxing. He's not rude, but he often treats people as too-demanding. He however really cares about the people he has to deal with. He's very ambitious and driven by his own agenda. His pride wouldn't stop him to humble himself to gain what he wants, especially in terms of magical knowledge. He has a great deal of respect for his betters.

Character History

Evhor's mother was a young, beautiful maid at a very rich man's in Syliras. When the man's wife died, he sought a remedy for his grief in other beds, among which that of Lynn, Evhor's mother. So the child was born in Syliras. He grew up quickly, and was smarter than strong, and the other childred just loved to make fun of that too long, too numb child. His blood relationships were to no avail to him, since he had not been recognized: Lynn had kept his very exsistence a secret to his father. He grew up alone and tormented, so he took comfort in singing, often performing small, lovely songs of his own creation for his mother. The two didn't have much, but they were happy. But one day their happiness was brutally broken. When Evhor was 15, on a cold winter night, Lynn was assaulted in an alley and the wounds killed her when they got infected. When his father visited the woman's home, he found out about Evhor, who had no choice but to tell him his story. The man had never had nothing to do with Evhor, and nothing he wanted to, but maybe out of compassion he decided to recognize Evhor on the day of the boy's 16th birthday. He just gave him some money and a ring with the seal of his family on it, but nothing more. Evhor was alone, horribly alone, for all his few friends had started to avoid the boy long ago. In the following months he was approached by a man, his father's father, who happened to be a wizard, a Reimancer. Noticing the boy's potential he trained him in secret in the arts of Reimancy. At first Morkai, that was the old man's name, only taught him how to meditate, a skill he found useful in acting too, basic theory of Djed, Res and magic and shared his knowledge of the Ancient Tongue with Evhor, but soon he Initiated him and begun his real training. Evhor grasped the basics of Reimancy in a very short time, for he was really smart, and was soon able to transmute his Djed in two elements. For the next two years, Morkai tutored him, but then nature took its course and he died, leaving Evhor alone again. In the following few years, Evhor started again to work hard and study harder. With song he earned some money, which he decided to use to travel to the distant island of Sahova, having heard of the powers that were exercised there and seeking for a new master to teach him the ways of magic.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Ancient tongue
Poor Language: N.A.


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Intelligence 10 SP 10 Novice
Meditation 5 SP 5 Novice
Phylosophy 10 SP 10 Novice
Reimancy 15 RB, 15 SP 30 Competent
Singing 10 SP 10 Novice


Lore of Syliran Culture
Lore of Sahovan Politics


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel 
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: A silver signet ring bearing the seal of a bee inscribed in a circle of leaves.


Location: Sahova

House: Evhor's "residence" actually is a small, unused room in his master's laboratory. It is located behind a door opposite to the entrance, slightly on the left, and was probably a closed of some kind. Evhor touches the roof with the top of his head and cannot stretch his arms. The furniture is essential: a pallet on the floor and nothing else.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Cash in housing +500 GM 600 GM

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Posts: 8
Words: 5256
Joined roleplay: June 12th, 2015, 9:39 am
Location: Sahova
Race: Human
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