[Verified by Crosspatch] Lashander

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Postby Lashander on June 19th, 2015, 6:09 pm



Last edited by Lashander on June 20th, 2015, 8:24 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Physical Appearance

Postby Lashander on June 19th, 2015, 6:09 pm


ImageRace: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthday: 47th day of Fall 495
Birthplace: Ravok

Of medium size and a willowy build, Lashander is far from physically imposing. The one remarkable fact about his appearance might be that he manages to keep very little fat and some delicately chorded muscle on his wiry frame. Going by the manner in which he eats, drinks, lives he should be a mountain of fat. And yet he stays lithe and supple like a strip of silk.

Lash keeps his dirty blonde hair long and loose at most times, its outer layer bleached by exposure to the sun which also tends to keep a dusting of freckled bronze on his skin. There is an ongoing debate whether he is trying to grow a beard or simply too lazy to shave. The truth of the matter may well vary from night to night.

His smile is always at the ready, as are his olive green eyes ready to sparkle and shine along with them. While it's certainly not a physical feature per se, something always seems to amuse the young man enough to uplift his features. By the same token is his posture the picture of laziness at nearly any time of the day. Sprawled out on cushions, leaning in doorframes, reclined in windowframes.

Indeed it is a miracle he manages to move at all.
Last edited by Lashander on June 20th, 2015, 10:45 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Postby Lashander on June 19th, 2015, 6:10 pm


ImageAs with all appearances, they tend to contain a kernel of truth inside the front people put up to protect themselves. Lashander is indeed a passionate gambler, drunkard, gourmand, flirt and general hedonist. He'll try anything at least twice or until he starts to like it -- or so he claims. And despite being a relatively young man, his upbringing has allowed him to indulge in any number of vices with reckless abandon.

At the end of the day, however, he has since come to understand that all his mindless pleasure-seeking is actually a quest for something to fill a lack he feels inside. And fill that void his vices do. For a meal, for a bell, for a night... but the hunger only ever subsides, it never stops. A simple lust for life, this is not. Lashander seeks something that is... more. Just more.

As the scion of a good house, he received training with weapons and martial magics with an eye towards setting him on course towards membership in the Ebonstryfe. But this is something he dreads. His respect for Rhysol is appropriate but he is far from a true believer. Lash may well expect to find himself undone if he ever received his rites, found wanting by the Defiler and cut from the tapestry of life.

Likewise he's already come to be entrusted with helping out with minor family dealings. Brokering minor trades, keeping an eye on the competition and most often simply solving problems arising from deals gone sour. With a winning smile, a predatorial grin or, if all else fails, by taking the leather sheathe off his weapon's blade.

Combat -any form of conflict really- happens to be another one of those vices that fill the hole inside for a short while. It's just so hard to find a good opponent who won't bring down the wrath of the entire Ebonstryfe if well-trounced. Or who'd just gut Lash like a fish and drop him in a canal.

At the end of the night, Lash is mostly a young man who wants more out of life without even knowing what that more is. All he knows is that he wants it. The dangerous part for him is that he's just good enough to get enough steps along that path to think he can just stroll along its length without a care.
Last edited by Lashander on June 20th, 2015, 10:45 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Personal History

Postby Lashander on June 19th, 2015, 6:10 pm


Born into the lap of relative luxury, Lashander barely lacked for anything growing up. Food, drink, clothing, slaves to look after him and groom him, tutelage, things that are hardly a given across Mizahar all were simply handed to him. Of course it spoiled him, though by some freak happenstance it didn't spoil him as much as it should. While he can of course carouse with the best of them -that is in his blood after all- the boy had always had a different side to him as well.

It would be too much to call it serious. Curious maybe, impulsively obsessive even at times. Hungry. So so hungry.

For a season or three that would allowe him to focus on the pursuit of something else than pleasure. His parents, almost his entire family really, were always too removed to take great interest in his pursuits. Either they simply didn't care or were too inebriated or otherwise distracted. If there were any authority figures in the household, it was the senior slaves who still had to take great care not to ruffle Lash's feathers. Which essentally meant that if he set his mind to anything, he'd get it if it could be bought or otherwise bartered for.

He learned the use of the glaive, arguing that he'd prefer his blade on a long stick so he could cut people prancing around with their silly little swords long before they could even reach him. Of course, he never considered that it might be impractical to lug a polearm around to social functions, but so far he never let that deter him. Where Lash goes goes the glaive, its bladed head tucked into a tastefully embroidered leather sheath in civilized company. He always intended to pick up the use of another weapon for close quarters, but his interest waned and the household guard who'd been given the order to teach him got to go back to more enjoyable things with his time.

Likewise, he managed to pick up some measure of magical training. For that, his uncle, one of the more sober members of the family, had to arrange for a Paladin of the Ebonstryfe to come tutor the boy in his off-time. It certainly cost a small fortune to get the boy such training, but the uncle hoped the boy could be set on the course to join the Ebonstryfe as well. A nephew on an upward career path in that august organization would have been useful, and weapons and magic training were the easiest entry to that path. Of course, Lashander didn't see things the same way. While he relished the ability to run faster, jump further or hit harder at whim -and without a care for the possible risks- the running joke is that he's mostly been using his Flux to steel his liver... or whatever body parts he might need under the sheets.

Though there were more factors at work than simply loss of interest, the short of it was that he stopped pursuing the magic as well. In an effort to get back some of the money lost in the investment, his uncle put Lash to work in the family business. While he recognized that the boy didn't exactly have a mind for numbers, he also realized that Lashander could at the very least be quite charming. There is a use for a sociable fellow in negotiations, especially if they are someone who can defend themselves in a pinch. This time, however, it wasn't so much waning interest -Lash never really had any, but contract negotiations and addressing investor complaints at glaivepoint were hardly any work at all to him- that stalled his involvement in that particular business.

It was rather the fact that he 'accidentally' gambled and whored away an investor's advance during a drunken night of debauchery. It took more than a year to work off those debts. Especially with Lashander reinvesting a lot of his takings in more debauchery several nights a week. Not counting bribes to the Ebonstryfe to get him out of the usual mass arrests following public rows.

Still, the debt to his uncle is paid now and technically, Lash is free to do as he pleases. But, unwilling to leave Ravok and used as he is to a certain lifestyle, what is he to do?
Last edited by Lashander on June 20th, 2015, 10:45 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby Lashander on June 19th, 2015, 6:13 pm



Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Gambling 5 SP 5 Novice
Intimidation +2 2 Novice
Flirting +1 1 Novice
Leadership +2 2 Novice
Negotiation 10 SP 10 Novice
Persuasion +2 2 Novice
Socialization +1 1 Novice

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Observation +3+4 7 Novice
Planning +1 1 Novice
Rhetoric 10 SP+1+4 15 Novice

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Endurance +1 1 Novice
Dancing 5 SP 5 Novice
Swimming 5 SP 5 Novice

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Weapon: Glaive 15 SP+3+3 21 Novice

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Flux 15 RB 15 Novice

Language Fluency Origin
Common Fluent Mother Tongue
Ancient Tongue Poor Acquired along with magical schooling


  • Lore of Ravok Layout
  • Lore of Ravok Nightlife
  • Learning From The Pain
  • Your Weapon: An Extension of Your Body
  • Combat: All About Movement
  • Combat: Targeting the Weak Spots
  • Maneuvering Properly With a Glaive
  • Form Follows Function
  • Slaves and Their Place
  • Attacking With a Glaive
  • Defending With a Glaive
  • Fighting Figs Isn't Fruitless Training
  • Getting Out of a Sticky Situation
  • Combat: Footwork is Key
  • Combat: Letting Muscle Memory Guide The Way
  • Staying Focused on The Goal
Last edited by Lashander on October 4th, 2015, 11:08 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Worldly Possessions

Postby Lashander on June 19th, 2015, 6:18 pm


  • Glaive
  • Backpack
  • Waterskin

  • Tall leather boots
  • Black leather pants
  • Tan leather pants
  • White mohair shirt
  • Red superfine wool shirt
  • Leather belt
  • Black leather doublet
  • Midnight blue superfine wool doublet
  • Leather gloves
  • Steel blue mohair scarf
  • Spare set of simple blackish wool clothes

  • Wooden comb
  • Wooden brush
  • Soap
  • Soap, sandalwood scented
  • Soap, vetiver scented
  • Razor
  • Pot of Kohl (10 oz.)
  • Cosmetic brush

  • Wooden smoking pipe
  • Box of Syliran tobacco (5 oz.)
  • Merchant's scale
  • Set of ivory dice
  • Set of loaded dice
  • Flint & Steel
  • Eating Knife

  • Jewelry box with half a dozen piercing rings


A sturdy, incredibly well-made leather coat with a large hood that not only serves as a faithful travelling companion but also takes on the best aspects of studded leather armor. Chest and shoulder are protected by larger steel plates riveted onto the leather. Though nowhere near 'real' armor, they can easily deflect cutting blades. Armor on the rest of the torso follow the classic studded leather pattern, the pattern widening on the coat tails. Only the hood is just that, a hood, protecting against the elements but not weapons.

The coat was given to Lashander his uncle when it appeared that the boy was looking towards joining the Ebonstryfe and is rife with the imagery of Rhysol. Were he ever to leave the city the coat would mark him unmistakably as Ravokian nonetheless. More importantly, it's so well-made and practical that it's probably the only gift Lash ever received which managed to survive for more than a year.

  • 549 Gold Mizas
  • 7 Silver Mizas

  • Placeholder


In flux. Immigrating out of Ravok, will move to a boarding house or so in his new destination.


Summer 515
Purchase Cost Total
Balance +100 GM 100 GM
Housing Cash-In +500 GM 600 GM
Belt (leather) -4 SM 599.6 GM
Boots, high (leather) -1 GM 598.6 GM
Doublet (leather) -6 SM 598 GM
Doublet (superfine wool) -2.4 GM 595.6 GM
Gloves (leather) -1 GM 594.6 GM
Pants (leather) -1.6 GM 593 GM
Pants (leather) -1.6 GM 591.4 GM
Scarf (mohair) -1.5 GM 589.9 GM
Shirt (mohair) -1.5 GM 588.4 GM
Shirt (superfine wool) -8 SM 587.6 GM
Glaive -8 GM 579.6 GM
Bar of soap (scented) -6 SM 579 GM
Bar of soap (scented) -6 SM 578.4 GM
Pot of Kohl (10 oz.) -1 GM 577.4 GM
Cosmetic brush -2 SM 577.2 GM
Dice (ivory) -8 SM 576.4 GM
Dice (loaded) -5 SM 575.9 GM
Pipe (wooden) -5 GM 570.9 GM
Syliran tobacco (5 oz) -1.5 GM 569.4 GM
Merchant's scale -2 GM 567.4 GM
Belt pouch (leather) -2 GM 565.4 GM
Piercing rings (half a dozen, silver) -12 GM 553.4 GM
Jewelry box -2 GM 551.4 GM
Tobacco box -2 GM 549.4 GM

Fall 515
Purchase Cost Total
Balance +X GM X GM

Winter 515
Purchase Cost Total
Balance +X GM X GM
Last edited by Lashander on July 4th, 2015, 12:43 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Storied History

Postby Lashander on June 19th, 2015, 6:18 pm


Summer 515
  • Placeholder

Fall 515
  • Placeholder

Winter 515
  • Placeholder

  • Placeholder
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