No problem Kav-
In the write up, I did mention you could buy some books (I think...) if they have more than one copy. This would apply to common books like your cookbook, but most likely not to the others. Also, some books can be "checked out" as I mentioned the attendant keeping an eye on which books leave and with whom. Even though you may be able to check out a book concerning poisons, he may make a note by your name to keep an eye on why you would need such a book!
Of course, to avoid any suspicion you could just keep the book within the library and take notes of what you need like you said.
Concerning the market, Coatl had in the linkmap "Zhongjie Warren (Bazaar)", so really all I have to do is create the place. But as far as I'm concerned, anything that you wouldn't really find at a particular store should be available at the bazaar once I have it up. I'll put it at the top of my to-do list so we can have that fully functional city like you mentioned.