Hello Fellow Mizaharians!
Keeping with our tradition, the Founders Circle and Regional Storytellers are proud to announce that the Featured Character of the Month July 2015 is Sezkero. Sezkero is a lovely somewhat dynamic Dhani PC. She doesn't actually have a specialty in just one skill, but is a dancer, musician, and knows a little bit about a lot of things. Sekero is just one of those interesting characters that I'm always saying people should start out with... a little mix of this, a little mix of that, throw in some magic or in this case reimancy. . Please take a moment to read her interview below and congratulate her on this prestigious award. |
The Interview
1. Sezkero is a very dynamic PC even though she's not gotten into a lot of trouble or did anything grand in her life. Do you draw any inspiration for your character from life or past experiences? Explain.
This one is a little deep, because Sezkero is a little bit of an emotional person. But if anyone has talked to me, they know that my snake is highly religious. Everything is about Makutsi, and occasionally Zulrav. But she is religious in the dogmatic way, where she can't really grow, she doesn't really do anything out of her regular schedule (hence why she doesn't get into a lot of trouble). She thinks of Makutsi all the time, she diligently carries out her duties (and only her duties) at Makutsi's Tower. She only follows the dance that her Goddess taught her at first. Basically she is pretty boring. And so I want to change her, but not in a dramatic way. She won't suddenly drop all faith in her Goddess or turn evil and start murdering everyone, but I want her to eventually realize that she can break from routine. She'll learn she can worship Makutsi and be as devoted, if not more so, than she's always been even if she tests her boundaries a little bit.
Getting back on track, this main component that makes Sezkero who she is, is the fact that she completely opposite of me. I think I can compare very closely to Sezkero on the quiet and calm traits. I don't say much and I don't react to much either, which is also her outlook on life. But I've grown up in a family that is both Jewish and Christian, and my aunt converted to Islam when I was living with her. Because of the religious diversity in my life, I'm not a religious person. So, through Sezkero, I wanted to explore what it is like to be wholly devoted to one faith and idea. So far it's been pretty fun. Too bad the Mizaharian deities aren't real.
2. What is your player's dream vacation? Where would they go, with whom, and why?
Sezkero's dream vacation would likely be a visit to Yahebah. She's got a fascination with Benshira culture and the desert together. I put emphasize on vacation, because she would not want to stay for very long. She is a northern snake and a water one as well, the environment simply would make her too uncomfortable. Riverfall is her dream city and despite it's knack for violence (which she strongly disagrees with), it is perfect for her.
But I think Sezkero would go to visit the people, and learn about the culture if anything else. I'm sure if the city ever opens, I will have her down there for a vacation too. She'd probably not bring anyone with her though. When she enjoys something she often prefers to be alone to enjoy it rather than share, she is not a generous person.
3. What inspired you to play in the locations you've played in with Sezkero? What draws you to those areas and why?
I've really only played with Sezkero in Riverfall. In her history she has passed through The Spires, Karjin, Syliras, Kenash and Alvadas before reaching Riverfall, but I've not done any flashbacks with her there, so I can't answer for that.
But within Riverfall, Sezkero hangs mostly around Alements and Makutsi's Temple. The reason for her being around Makutsi's temple is obvious. She is wholly devoted to the Rain Goddess and has gotten herself to such a point where she thinks her whole life revolves around Makutsi. I also like to write within the tower a lot, because the location hasn't really been played with much before. It is fun to create the atmosphere of Makutsi's devoted and turn her career into what is basically her lifestyle.
She also has started hanging around Alements. This is a little more complicated, because Sezkero would never have done that before. When I first started this character, there was a personality switch in Riverfall for two seasons. For two season's everyone in the city behaved completely opposite to how they normally would. It was a challenge for a starting character, but it jump started her personality evolution, and it really helped me understand her a little better. But it also helped her understand herself. She's not selfish, but Sezkero is not giving or generous either. After being a little violent, she realized that, as a Dhani, is is actually pretty powerful. She is strong and venomous and fast, and frankly if she wasn't a pacifist, she would be pretty frightening. So she is consciously making the effort to engage in medicine. She wants to learn to heal to make up for her potential to hurt and so she is occasionally visiting Alements (and hopefully the Sanctuary soon too) to learn medicine and generosity from the people, that she thinks, know it best.
Also, she may love Riverfall, but she doesn't trust it. So she will mostly go where ever her friends are, so she feels safe.
4. Debauchery, of course, wanted to know what song would your character striptease to? He must be indulged.
Sezkero would striptease to 'Sex On The Ceiling' without hesitation. [/mp3][/center] Well, with hesitation. She would never strip for anyone but her lover. Also that song doesn't exist in Mizahar. But if it did, and if she had more dance points, I think that would be one heck of a show.
5. Why did you pick up writing as a hobby? Who inspires you as a writer?
Funny, before this site, I would not have put writing as one of my hobbies. But I put so much time and energy into Mizahar, it would just be lying not to at this point. If you asked me my hobbies I would answer painting and cooking, not writing. I've always had a mathematics brain, so historically writing has not been my strong point. I learned to read at seven and write at eight, which is pretty late from the rest of my peers (I am a stubborn and lazy child). Because I had to catch up with the rest of the kids, my mom made my write all the time. Silly things, like what we were having for dinner or how to brush your teeth, but I had to do it until I stopped getting notes from my teacher about not doing my work. I guess that habit just stayed with me, and very quickly turned into writing stories and such instead of boring recipes and instructions.
I think I get most of my inspiration by what goes on around me. When I started writing on Mizahar and got it in my head that other people were reading what I wrote, I put in the effort to improve. I watch the people around me for inspiration. Nervous habits, talking mannerisms and little reactions from people are what I apply to my characters. For Sezkero specifically, I watch my own snake a lot. A lot, a lot, like I don't think people are supposed to watch their pets so much. And I'm not sure if that has transcribed will into my writing, but it makes me feel as if Sezkero is more snake-like than human.
I don't know if you were asking who as a writer I get inspiration from, but I don't read a lot of books, so I can only answer with very generic answers. People like Dan Brown, CS Lewis, Maugham and Jack London are the man people I read, and I think who I model my writing styles after. But they are all very different, so maybe not.
6. What is your pet peeve both in game and out of game in terms of Mizahar, writing, and life in general?
I can tell you my real world pet peeves in a second, but we will get to those. But in Mizahar, it is a little bit harder. I guess I don't quite like people who are arrogant. I've had it pointed out to me that most of the 'arrogant' players deserve to be because they are so damn OD, but it still irks me. And then you have a few new people who think they know everything. I don't claim to know everything, on anything in-game really, but you definitely shouldn't either. Unless you wrote it, or you have been here for so many years. But if you are under fifty posts and less than a year old, I don't want to listen to you being wrong and acting like you are right. I know it is easier not to care on the internet, but it should also be easier to be nice on the internet as well. C'mon people.
My in-game pet peeve is unexpected romance. This mostly applies to grading, but there is nothing you can do about that. Ugh. Enough Said. I don't really have many writing pet peeves other than first person, but we don't run into that on here, so it's not worth talking about. Now for the general pet peeves, I have only two worth speaking of. #1 My name is Kathryn (or Katt). I think I've met two people in my entire life who have not tried to call me Katie or Kate. That is not my name, and you should not be offended if I yell at you for it. It's not even like I have a hard name. I think my name is like number fifteen on the list of most used girl names in my country. It's not hard people. That being said, I do not mind if you refer to me by my account name on whichever alt you know me as. Sezkero, Mayra or Neo.
Oh, and touchscreens are the work of the devil. They are great for playing games but if you are trying to get anything done... Its just torture technology for people with big fingers.
7. Speaking of other writer's inspiring you. What is your favorite book and why? And name some of the other characters on Mizahar that inspire you. They don't have to be people you thread with, just writing you find interesting?
My favorite book is the Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis. I think they are separate books, but the copy I have is just one massive book that encompasses them all, so I will consider them one. CS Lewis taught me how to read and invited me into a world where traditional and nontraditional fantasy intertwine. Perhaps, because it is a widely known classic, his work can be considered traditional, but either way its damn good fantasy for all ages.
I could go down a whole list of PCs in Mizahar that inspire me. I know I mentioned that I hate romance, but Khara and Zhol inspire me. They are a wonderful example how how two long term partners can work together so well. It's a dream of mine and something to work towards, so its cool to see that they have it. I've also gathered some inspiration from Hirem, as far as understanding faith in a PC. And then of course you have Kavala, Caelum, Fallon, Ricky Maze, Keene Ward, Evalin, Alses, Timothy Mered and a whole host of more accomplished PCs who have made a name for themselves either through intensive writing or their in-game accomplishments, but mostly both. I don't know if I can name every PC that has stood out to me and/or inspired me since I've joined this site, but off the top of my head, these guys do.
8. If you sat down with your character over coffee, what would the two of you talk about?
Oh boy, if I sat down with Sezkero... I'm not sure we would really talk about anything. We are both pretty quite, as I said before. Except where she is organized and efficient, I'm mostly lazy and whimsical. I don't think she would like me as a person, which of course would end up with me just paying for my coffee and walking away. When I think about it we would not only not talk about anything, but we wouldn't get along at all. Bummer.
9. If you could have any magic power from Mizahar, which would it be and why?
Any power? I would very much like to have the Laviku's Gnosis of Oceanus. I was born in the tropics and lived their quite a lot during my short life so far. As a result, naturally, I am a complete and utter water-baby. It doesn't matter what time or why, if you ask me to jump in the lake or the ocean with you, I'll race you there. Preferably I would be Laviku's champion and then simply never return to land. I would live in the Gulf of Mexico and befriend every manatee. It would be grand.
It's not the power that accompanies the Gnosis that I am interested in, it is the ability to thrive in the oceans, which are by far the most beautiful creation on this Earth. It's nice to not be seen as predators, and I'm sure manipulating animals and currents could have their benefits, but I'm more interested in the breathing under water. There is not much more to elaborate on the simple fact that I would rather be in the water than out of the water, so this Gnosis is positively perfect for me.
10. Sezkero is Dhani. Lets have some fun over that. If your character could squeeze the life out of anyone, who would it be and why.
Ooh. Well we should first emphasize that Sezkero is a pacifist. She is terrified by violence and wishes to never have to use it, but she will if necessary. What comes with being a pacifist, at least what I think comes with it, is a peaceful nature. There are not a lot of people she hates, and no one that she hates enough to kill. But... Say she would squeeze (or more likely in her case, poison), someone to death, it would beeeee..... her mother. Let me repeat, she does not actually want to do this. But even though there are not a lot of people she actually hates, her mother left her on a bad note. She abandoned Sezkero and her brother at birth, as is custom for Iyvess of the Freshwater variety. But when she came back to teach her children their heritage, she tried to force Sezkero into accepting violence, and offered to travel with her children. It was Sezkero decision to turn her down, deciding to stay with her brother. But Sezkero is a little hurt that her mother didn't try. Once she was told no, she just left her kids and Sezkero always harbored a little resentment of that fact. OF course, she sees Makutsi as her mother now, because the Goddess stepped up and introduced her to her human form and civilization and taught her to dance and everything. So she doesn't hate her mother nearly enough to kill her, but her mother is the only one Sezkero might hate the most. But let's just get it straight that Sezkero would never squeeze/poison someone to death unless they were about to kill her or a loved one if she didn't.
11. The soap box is all yours. What else do you want to talk about. Now is the time!
Oh boy the soapbox. Well, first I just want to say thanks. I'm super-duper flattered that anyone thought my PC worthy of being featured. I love love Mizahar; the concept, the community, the writing and everything. It's great to be integrated into the community and I hope you enjoyed my ramblings. I haven't got much else to say, I've worn myself out with this, haha. Thanks for this!
For lack of a better dramatic ending, I will leave you with this: You haven't seen the last of me.
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