PM to join A Southern Newbie to the Anchorage Flotilla

Kai arrives on the first of summer, settling his gaze for the very first time upon the wonder that is - The Anchorage Flotilla

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An inland sea created by Ivak's cataclismic fury during the Valterrian, the Suvan Sea is a major trade route and the foremost hub for piracy in Mizahar. [lore]

A Southern Newbie to the Anchorage Flotilla

Postby Kai' on July 6th, 2015, 10:37 pm


1st of Summer 515av
The Anchorage Flotilla

  As the yards, snapping in the gentle yet firm winds, tied to the rigging of the mast of The Puer Lavinium, shifted slightly to the east, the young sailing Svefra instantly hopped from the wheel to trim his sail accordingly. It took a few goes. First he tied it too loose, the luff of his sail still fluttering wildly. Second time round however he made sure to put his weight into it, toned biceps bulging slightly with the effort as he pulled at the length of rope attached to the pulley system tight. His knotting was nothing near what would be perceived as professional, but it did the job if not a little haphazard.
  The young Svefra's mouth fell slightly agape, stunned into an awed silence as the Anchorage Flotilla crept closer across the expanse of the Northern Suvan Sea. Having a firm fixture upon which to plant his bright sapphire gaze onto, it became easier to sail in a more direct, straight line. Leaping back up to the wheel with his sail secure, he couldn't prevent a broad excited grin spread his salt-cracked lips, as he spun the wheel of his personal Casinor towards the drifting boat town.
  The evening breeze brought with it the chill of spring's lingering grasp as the first day of summer began to settle into a sunset casting the blue, clouded sky in a luminous array of orange. The horizon looked ablaze with Syna's might, as Kai squinted against the glaring light reflecting off the undulating sea. The young Svefra's bare sun-kissed chest, sleek with sweat suddenly caught a draft of the spring's chilling touch sending a cascade of shivers down his spine. Sailing up the entire Suvan Sea, all the way from the South had been a life changing, wondrous, yet trying ordeal.
  Full of adventures for sure, many a friend made on his travels and memories that will stick with him until Laviku takes him. Though to finally rest his gaze upon the legendary boat town of the North, almost brought tears to his eyes of a journey near its end. An end of one journey, yet the beginning of a whole nother one.
  Reddened cheeks itched as the breeze brushed gently against his skin. The taint of sunburn that would no doubt be tan before he woke in the morning, was sign enough of the hours spent upon the Sea beneath Syna's unforgiving gleam. Restraining the urge to scratch his glowing cheek, Kai set about going through the checklist to dock in his mind. The Lavinium swiftly cutting through the Suvan's waters as Kai approached ever closer to the outer ring of smaller boats and ships, that made up the 'streets' of the boat town.
  The Anchorage Flotilla was a sight that never failed to leave newcomers, Svefra and other sailor alike, in awe and wonderment. The oldest ships ever heard to have sailed the seas made up the center, the heart, of the floating town with other ships, boats and Casinors of every make, connecting up the ever expanding 'streets' of the town, mooring up to each other via boardwalks and rope ties. Shadows danced wildly in the setting sun, the silhouettes of the town's people as they bustled about their business.

Last edited by Kai' on July 15th, 2015, 10:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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A Southern Newbie to the Anchorage Flotilla

Postby Kai' on July 6th, 2015, 11:34 pm


  Too enraptured with the breath-taking beauty of the floating boat town, Kai suddenly realised he had missed his mark to begin to slow his approach and was advancing upon the outer ring of boats too fast. In a slight panic the young Svefra raced through the options he had. His Lia's calm and gentle tone running through his mind, as her voice from lessons taught years ago, came rushing back, 'A panicked sailor is a dead sailor. Think of the solutions you have, not the problem that presents itself when you least expect it. '
  Kai forced himself to calm, pushing his rising panic to the pit of his stomach and focused on what he knew about sailing to find his solution. Soon enough his mind snapped into action as he remembered what to do. The waves lapping up against the bow of his Casinor were creating drag, pushing his boat in the opposite direction. The only thing that gave his boat the power to defy the seas currents was - his mainsail! Quickly he leapt from the wheel hub to the deck and ran to the port side, untangling a mess of knots that held the rope attached to his mainsail taut.
  Kai made sure he had a firm grasp upon the thick rope, bracing a foot against the wooden port side of the casinor in preparation of letting the rope go. Muscles bunched, with an escaped groan as the full weight of the main sail suddenly pulled at Kai's shoulder sockets. Biceps straining, he fought for control as he quickly - carefully - let the rope glide through his calloused fingers. Suddenly the main sail began to collapse in and on itself as the slack of the rope gave way, flying through the young Svefra's digits. Gritting his teeth, sweat ran down Kai's temples and back as heat and friction began to burn and sting the skin of his fingers slightly.
  Luckily though, he let the mainsail fall quickly enough so there wasn't time for the rope-burn to make a permanent imprint upon his fingers. Despite his Lia telling him years past, that this was the quickest way to pull a ship to a stop, it was also one that could not be guaranteed with skill. It would be by the luck of Laviku's grace that it would actually work in time. As Kai raced to take up his position behind the wheel, the young Svefra prayed to the God of the Ocean. ' Dear Laviku, let this work. This one time, I pray.'
  With his breath held, heart pounding in his ears and prayers said, all the young sailor could do was try and direct his personal Casinor as it drifted without power, other than momentum, towards another small ship moored on the outer most reaches of the boat town. He also found himself praying to his God Laviku, that the sailors and owners of that ship were friendly. For even though his collapsing of the main sail worked a bit in slowing down The Lavinium, he was still approaching a tad too fast for his liking.
  Chest tight, palms slick, Kai gritted his teeth in dread as he closed his eyes - probably not the best thing to do when driving! However he was too close for steering to make a difference now. Suddenly there was a reverberating jolt sent flooding through his wooden Casinor as it bumped hull to hull with the moored ship. Sent near off balance, the young Svefra reacted swiftly. Latching a loop of rope over the spoke of his wheel - locking it in place - Kai jumped to the deck and snatched up the thick mooring rope. As The Lavinium began to drift away from the small ship from the impact of making contact, the young Svefra called out to a quite flustered looking sailor on the deck of the ship he had suddenly aroused with his arrival, "Sorry! Catch!"
  He motioned to the heavy mooring rope looped in his hands, checking that the sailor understood and was ready to catch it before he threw with all his might. The rope was sent sailing through the air, unravelling as it went. Luckily the sailor aboard the small ship was a seasoned seaman and caught the rope with ease, hooking and tieing it off. With a beaming, toothy grin - an attempt to dissolve any ill-givings the sailor was thinking of voicing to him - Kai waved friendly to the man, "Thanks mate! Wind, caught, off guard ae" Common being only his second language, his speech was rather broken. Though catching the young Svefra's beaming grin and seeing that Kai was a younger sailor, the man aboard the small ship waved dismissively, "Tis alright. 'Ere we'll lift over a boarding board so ya can hook up to the town."
  The sailor called over one of his ship mates for a hand, as he struggled to lift the long length of wood up and over his ship's starboard railing. As the two carefully edged it over, Kai grabbed the end of the plank as it came to him and directed the hands of the other sailors, slotting the wood through gaps in his own ship's railings. "Cheers!" Lifting the pair of sailors an enthusiastic thumbs up to indicate the plank was secured in place, the two waved their acknowledgment before returning back below their deck.
  Whistling in relief and wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, Kai silently thanked the God of the Ocean for his good fortune. As his sapphire gaze roamed across the expanse and multitude of ships, he couldn't believe it - he was finally here. Several months sailing and he was finally at the legendary Anchorage Flotilla. He was itching to jump ship and explore. His inner adventurer whispering in his ear, though a mind of logic and reason won out. With the sky ablaze as Syna laid to rest and Leth began to awaken, he needed to get his ship cleaned and squared away. Then he would feast and sleep. Exploration and sightseeing would have to wait until tomorrow.

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A Southern Newbie to the Anchorage Flotilla

Postby Kai' on July 16th, 2015, 12:22 am


2nd of Summer 515av
The Anchorage Flotilla
Early Morning

  Too excited to remain asleep and in his bed any longer, Kai found himself as quietly as possible balancing over the board attaching the Puer Lavinium to the small ship he had accidently bumped hulls with. His reddened cheeks the day before now a mucky brown, almost giving the impression he had not washed. Both boats undulating with the waves, making it tricky to not fall into the briskly chilling Suvan below.
  In bare feet, he carried his simple boots in the otherwise empty backpack strewn over one shoulder. Testing with his toes before fully placing his full weight into every step, the young Svefra did not want to irritate his neighbours any more than he needed to. He made his way into the throng of tied up boats, ships and casinors making up the 'streets' of the legendary floating town. As he had gotten dressed Kai had decided what better way to open relations upon his joining to the Anchorage Flotilla, than to cook his neighbours an apology breakfast. With next to no finesse in cooking ability what could possibly go wrong?
  Syna's light had barely touched the floating boat town, most sailors still asleep in their bunks. Yet Kai silently, stealthily - if creaking your way across every boat could be considered as such - made his way to the center, to the ships that made up the heart of the town. As he paused to slip on his black pair of boots and tie the laces, he begun to see stall vendors and owners open up their stalls upon the enormous decks of the old creaking ships for the day of custom ahead. Disregarding the strong scent of salt, sea and seaweed, the young Svefra followed his nose as he passed near a general foods stall.

  A gruff looking old man, with the assistance of a younger female nearly the man's twin, perhaps in a life past, hauled heavy looking crates of meats, vegies and fruits onto a table - made hastily out of barrels and a large thick plank of wood. The young bleached haired girl smiled Kai's way but swiftly turned to busy herself with setting up the stall. The gruff looking chap on the other hand, planted a fist with disjointed knuckles and digits upon the not-so-sturdy 'table', one eye half shut from a life time of squinting, "Still set'n 'er up but I got a few basic's 'ere out. You'll not find a lot 'o stalls here on the Flotilla like mine 'ere - but I be just back from tradin' in Syliras, got good food stores for all the passin' ships to stock up. Top quality. What'd'ya find yerself looking for?"
  The old vendor pried open a few lids to his newly aquired foody wares for Kai to get a better look at. Taking a good long moment to let his sapphire gaze linger over every crate to gauge the freshness of the produce, Kai nodded in satisfaction to himself not seeing any signs of disease, mould or decay from the voyage over from Syliras. The old vendor sensing Kai's approval almost cracked a smile, almost. "I'm look'n for some good hearty breaky stuffs. Only enough for this morn'n now, for maybe 5/6 sailors."
  The elderly fellow grunted as he shuffled over to a crate the young blonde hefted onto the makeshift table. "Feed'n the crew fresh eh? Protein'll be what they're after, good meat here," With seemingly no trouble despite his disjointed fingers, the vendor lifted a long string of medium sized looking sausages. The young Svefra edged closer for a better look at the meat, that intense ocean gaze scouring every inch of every sausage, just to make sure his initial observation was correct. "What kind?"
  "Pork, Sylirian pork o'course. Tis the closest harbour this time o'year. Only the finest cuts here mind, I don't take no shortcuts through see?" The old man carefully turned the string of sausages over in his hands, giving Kai a better viewpoint of the meat's quality. Knowing nothing about the quality of food - other than if it was rotten or safe to eat - Kai could see nothing special nor anything wrong with the string of pork sausages. With a kind smile Kai nodded his agreement with the gruff man's appraisal of the meat. Though the soft curl of the young Svefra's lips momentarily twitched into an unsure frown, his hands spreading openly, apologetically, "I'm afraid I have nothing of much worth to trade.. Would the trade of coinage be any good te ye mate?"
  Gruff face contorted in consideration the old man paused a moment before answering, "Aye, I'll accept mizas. Could use some for when I next visit the land ports. Tell ya what then, these size, you'd maybe get 6 in a pound fer a gold say," With a good few for that price and the man's kind acceptance of his miza trade, Kai's momentary frown turned upside down into a happy smile as he nodded, "Aye? Cheers very much! I'll take two pounds then mate," Surprisingly the old gruff vendor mirrored Kai's cheerful smile and set to cutting off the appropriate amount. As he did so Kai's eyes wondered over what else they had to sell, although the man was not wrong - there wasn't much. With the Flotilla floating out in the middle of the sea however, one would be lucky at all to find any kind of food store anywhere this far out at sea.

  Having the old salesman pluck two pounds of mushrooms and an ounze of onions into a bag, Kai felt as though just mushrooms and sausages couldn't possibly be enough for a group of hearty sailors in the morning. If he were going to make them a breakfast to apologise for his rude arrival yesterday, he'd make it a proper one. Clearly seeing that he was searching for something else to make his meal complete, the young assistant finished unloading the crates and barrels of relatively fresh produce.
  Resting a nimble hand on his shoulder, she nudged past to lift a small, tightly concealed wooden box. Lifting off the lid, she revealed a neatly and securely packed case of what appeared to be eggs. "What about throwing in some of these? They're chicken and who doesn't like eggs in the morning?" Her smile was warm, friendly and very convincing as she peered up into Kai's sapphire eyes.
  Although eggs did make sense for making up a breakfast meal. "You're a genius." Suddenly Kai threw on his most charming smile, perhaps playing the young saleswoman at her own game. He attempted an ill practiced attempt at flattery in the hopes to coax a good price, while trying on the most charming smile he could muster,"What would a beautiful, gleaming sea gem like yourself give me for a dozen?"
  Grinning seductively, realising the young Svefra's game, the young saleswoman lifted a single egg out of its place in the tightly packed wooden box. Lifting Kai's hand, her soft fingertips brushing his skin, she placed the egg into his palm and pushed his fist closed loosely over it. "Oh I guess 2 silver sounds fair, don't you think?"
  Squinting playfully at her Kai chuckled. His poor attempt at flattery was no match for the woman's art in business negotiations. Sighing, Kai admitted his defeat, though he was not so foolish as to fall for her cunning tactics. He shook his head, smoothly placing the egg back in the box held in her hands, "Oh I think you're try'n to lull me into agree'n with you."
  "And is it working?" Her cheeks blushed a slight rose, as she turned her body to face him, leaning gently against the makeshift table. Kai couldn't help but fall for her maneuver, his bright sapphire gaze momentarily glancing over her voluptuous form. Though he quickly checked himself, his gaze darting away as he nervously laughed, running his fingers through his salty-coarse hair, "I'd say yer very convincing miss, but I think yer dad there might have issues with you scamming his customers a tad,"
  Indeed his cry for the gruff man to leap to his aid worked a treat, the old man cleared his throat, flicking his daughter a knowing glance, before laughing along with Kai "An' who says I'm her da?"
  The young Svefra simply shrugged with a warm smile, thankful for the change in direction of conversation, "Only reason I can see that a young beauty like that would try so hard to make a sale.. and also take most of the work loading up the crates"
  The gruff vendor barked a croaky laugh, "Aye that it right. Anyway she can't be pull'n anythin' over your eyes."
  The young blonde giggled as she shrugged her shoulders, peering up into Kai's oceanus gaze, "Can't blame a girl for try'n" As she squeezed past, handing her father the box of chicken eggs, the young Svefra's gaze lingered on hers a moment, before returning to her father with a friendly grin, "So an old man's price then?"
  "I'll give ye a dozen for just one silver, fair bargain there no?"
  With a beaming grin Kai accepted, piling his purchased goods into his backpack. The young Svefra slipped 4 gold and 6 silver mizas from his pants pocket and gave a quick, off handed flick of a salute with his thanks to the gruff vendor. As he turned to be on his way back to his own Casinor, he caught the eye of the young blonde and gave her a mischievous wink.

Last edited by Kai' on October 1st, 2015, 9:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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A Southern Newbie to the Anchorage Flotilla

Postby Kai' on July 26th, 2015, 1:52 pm


  Clumsily making his way back across the bobbing boat town, Kai was glad to see the sailors of the ship neighboured to his own Casinor had just arisen. Yawning and rubbing sleep from their eyes, there were only one or two of them dotted upon their deck, taking in deep breaths of the morning sea air to waken themselves. Leaping over the railings from a larger ship down onto their deck, the young Svefra slipped his backpack full of breakfast goodies from his shoulder. Lifting it high as he waved the other sailors over, a broad grin spread his rugged features, "Ahoy! I have sausages and eggs to make for all. Say sorry for rude, ships bump, yesterday."
  Suddenly the sailors all grinned widely, surrounding the young Svefra as they all had a good look at the meat and mushrooms inside his pack, "Cheers! We ain't had fresh food in must be yonks! We'll all grab our plates and wake the Cap." With a few pats on his back, Kai felt warmed that his offer was well received by the others. "No fast. I start the fire and it long to cook all sausages. I call, when near finish eh?"
  Parting ways with the sailors, Kai tied up his backpack and carefully balanced over the plank joining his Casinor to the Anchorage Flotilla. An unexpected fierce wave bobbed his Casinor up and swiftly down again, shaking the plank as Kai was half way. The sudden motion sent Kai off-kilter and he found himself waving outstretched arms wildly as the upper half of his body loomed dangerously to one side. His heart pounding as his body already braced itself for the familiar icy cascade of water he was sure he was headed for. Yet his embarrassing display of flailing limbs paid off - to the amusement of loudly snickering sailors behind him.
  The young Svefra lurched his torso to the left and forced himself to fall forward, gripping in a white knuckled grasp both sides of the plank to steady his feet. Carefully, very carefully and slowly the young Svefra straightened to his full height. Taking a moment to release the breath he had not realised he'd been holding, Kai laughed at his own clumsiness and stretched out his arms to either side for more stability, before inching his way across the remaining length of the plank.
  Safely aboard The Puer Lavinium, Kai instantly shook off the fright of nearly going for an unplanned swim in the Suvan and began setting up his simple brazier upon his ships deck. Collecting his cooking utensil, pans, steel and flint and some tinder, the young Svefra plonked himself down on his rump, folding his legs as he carefully laid out the raw breakfast components, still in their packagings beside him.
  Keeping himself organised for the first time in perhaps his life, Kai was determined to make the other crew a good breakfast. Aware that his cooking skills might be lacking in some areas, the young Svefra would just take it a step at a time and hope for the best. At least if his meal didn't turn out right, it could be something to laugh about and break the ice with the Sailors. They seemed the forgiving kind.
  Slightly breaking up the clump of tinder he had collected, Kai set the cluster on top of the pound of coal inside his brazier. Hopping onto his knees, Kai leaned in as close as he could and began to strike steel over flint. Small sparks would fly, but nothing was catching. Shuffling on his knees to get a bit closer, the young Svefra struck the steel harder. A large spark landed on his tinder, a glimmer of hope filled Kai's chest, only to be dashed as the little spark did not take to flame. Yet the young Svefra was a stubborn soul and not one to give up easily and so he continued to strike his steel and flint. Kai's determination suddenly bore fruit as a flame smoked from the edge of his tinder clump.
  Wrists resting upon the edges of his brazier Kai leaned in quickly and ever so gently began to blow at the base of the small, delicate flame attempting to ignite fire. Alas living at sea was no picnic, for a morning sea breeze carried over the railings of his small Casinor to blow his hard earned, although little flame out. Eyes squinting in annoyance at the blacked edges of his tinder, he set steel to flint once more - hard. A few more tries and yes - a sturdy flame smoked on the kindling. Using his body as a windbreak, the young Svefra shuffled around to block the wind and again tenderly gave his breath to the baby flame - and then there was fire!
  As the flames took to igniting his tinder cluster, Kai jerked back almost having his lips seared, carefully he used his steel to push a clump of coal closer to the tinder for it to catch. Heat bristled the young Svefra's rugged face as the coals were smothered in flame. The young Svefra's chest swelled with pride as his fire grew and became strong, devouring the black coals. Now he could begin the morn's dangerous endeavour - cooking breakfast.

Last edited by Kai' on October 23rd, 2015, 3:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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A Southern Newbie to the Anchorage Flotilla

Postby Kai' on July 26th, 2015, 2:33 pm


  Settling the metal grate over the dancing flames as they licked up the length of the simple brazier, Kai placed both his pan and cooking pot onto the heat and set to seperating the string of sausages as he waited for them to warm up. Sat on the deck of Casinor, the young Svefra made swift work of separating the sausages, turning now to placing the mushrooms on top of their wrappings and beginning to slowly chop. He made sure to be careful not to add a dose of human blood into the flavourings of the raw mushrooms. Though a soft and easy to cut vegetable, the mushrooms sliced into their halves with ease.
  Using only his eating knife, which wasn't that sharp however, he next began to cleave one of the onions, which was proving difficult. The tip of his knife suddenly became stuck halfway into the onion. With no amount of force would the knife budge, only becoming further wedged in the middle of the onion. Wiggling his knife furiously to free it, the young Svefra grasped the onion in one hand and yanked his knife free with the other. Only, his grasp upon the onion was slick as the onions juices had run down it's outer skin and leaked all over the young Svefra's fingers. As he pulled his knife free - the onion suddenly slipped from his grasp. Swiftly sailing through the air the onion disappeared over the edge of The Puer Lavinium... plopping into the waves of the Suvan. Forever lost to the sea's currents.
  The young Svefra sat staring behind him blinking in surprise. With pursed lips and raised brow, he was unsure as to whether to burst out laughing or to be ashamed at his epic failure. Surely he wasn't this hopeless at chopping vegetables?! He had images of his half sliced onion bobbing about on the waves of the Suvan and in the end succumbed to a bout of snickering. Shaking his head, Kai reached for another from his pack, drying his onion-juiced hand on his pants. This time he left the onion firmly planted on the packaging he was using for a chopping board, keeping it grasped tightly in one hand while he put his weight into driving his knife through it's body with his other.
  It was only then, as the onion sliced in two that the skin around the onion began to peel slightly, that Kai realised he should probably strip away the skin first. After doing so, he then began to chop one of the halves of the onion. His nose suddenly tingling began to run with the tickling of snot. Sniffing wildly, the young Svefra would have attributed his runny nose to the chiller morning breeze, if not for his eyes beginning to burn and water. Pausing his chopping of the onion, Kai made the mistake of rubbing his eyes with his hands - which were covered in the juices of the vegetable... Safe to say a stream of tears coursed down his face, followed by a cry out in irritation and a few muttered curses under his breath. Dropping his knife the young Svefra blindly stumbled across to his cabin - nearly falling down the blurry steep decline of steps - and frantically rummaged around for his water skin.
  Washing out his eyes and tenderly drying them with the hem of his simple shirt, he grabbed his clean pair of underwear from his chest. Wrapping the undergarments around his mouth and nose and tying the material at the nape of his neck, the young Svefra grinned at his genius plan as he made his way back to the tear-jerking onion chopping. As he continued to haphazardly chop the onion into small squares, Kai's eyes still watered, making it hard to see where his digits were and where he was placing his knife. Luckily though, although it may have taken what seemed like forever, the young Svefra was successful in chopping his onion into not-so-fine squares and relatively without incident.
  Taking off his underwear, he used them to dry his teary face with one hand, while testing the heat of the pans with his other. Since it had taken him so long to chop up the onion, they were piping hot and ready to begin frying the sausages.

Last edited by Kai' on October 1st, 2015, 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A Southern Newbie to the Anchorage Flotilla

Postby Kai' on September 14th, 2015, 7:48 pm


  His frying pan was large enough to house at least half of his purchased sausages. Dropping them tenderly onto the piping hot metal pan, the meats instantly began to sizzle and pop. As he left them to cook, the young Svefra gathered his chopped mushrooms between his cupped hands and showered them into the spare metal pot next to the frying pan. They too hissed like the sausages, as the vegetable reacted to the scorching heat of the metallic pot. Turning to his haphazardly chopped onion, Kai sucked in a deep breath and held it. Squinting his eyes for protection against the ferocious poisons of the dreaded onion, he hesitantly scooped the onion squares into his hands and dropped them into the pan with the mushrooms.
  Despite cooking in the open expanse of his ship's deck in the middle of the Northern Suvan Sea, the overwhelming aroma of onion and cooking meat filled the young Svefra's nostrils. The usual potent smell of salt, seaweed and the coast was lost to the immediate smells of the cooking pots before him. Flicking his cooking ustensil between his fingers anxiously, the young Svefra's deep sapphire gaze watched over his sizzling ingredients with pride. He had never tried cooking for so many people at once before and was happy with the progress he had made, despite his earlier mishap with the crafty onion.
  After some time had past, Kai began to notice that his sausages had expanded and looked so full that they were about to burst! Stretching his neck to peer over his frying pan, his face was then buffeted with the smells associated with burning charcoal. Swiftly rolling one of the sausages in the frying pan over onto one of it's still pinky sides, the young Svefra discovered that only a single side of the sausage had browned. Yet not only had it browned, but it also adorned a thick layer of blackened crust. Yep, it had well and truly burned on that one side. Realising then that he had to roll all the sausages onto their other sides to achieve an even colouring all around the meat, Kai frantically struggled to get his meat turned over. With the heat of the simple brazier licking at his weathered features, the young Svefra battled to keep up with all six sausages and their need to be turned over continuously - so much so, he had completely forgotten about his sizzling mushrooms and onions in the other pot!
  It was only by chance that his gaze flickered over the other pot, that Kai gasped as he saw his mushrooms beginning to blacken. His onions had shrivelled to the point of nonexistence and were as deep an ebony colour as he had ever seen food burn! "AH!" He quickly went to lift his cooking pot off the heat of the flickering flames - momentarily forgetting the basic logic that metal conducts heat! - when the scorching pot instantly stung his calloused palms causing him to yelp in pain. Dropping his pot to the deck, the contents tipped out onto the grainy wood of his personal Casinor.
  Shaking his hands wildly to alleviate the burning sensation throbbing across his palms, the young Svefra blew tenderly over his rough skin. Obviously hearing all the commotion, across the boarding plank, ran the sailors of the neighbouring small ship as they came aboard the Puer Lavinium to dine. All laughing and snickering as they discovered the charcoaled mess sprawled over the young Svefra's deck. They had all a plate, cutlery and cup in hand, obviously expecting a well cooked meal. Alas it was not to be. Kai couldn't help but join in their hearty laughter, seeing the funny side of his failure to cook, the pain in his hands subsiding. The sailor he had conversed with earlier stepped forward, his eyes tearing at the corners, a hand holding his stomach as it jingled with his laughter, "Ye call that a breaky? Gods be praised, I know seafood is rough, but I think we have to draw a line somewhere!"
  Kai smacked his knee as he struggled to find breath for words in between bouts of his chortling, "Well, Svefran special - no plates, no tastes need!" The group of sailors and Kai alike cackled loudly, a few hooting and wiping their eyes. The sailor who seems to speak for the group, the man that Kai could only guess to be the first mate of their crew, shouted merrily over the booming crowd, "C'mon lads! Let's teach this young pup 'ere how to cook a real meal!"
  In unison the men all verbally voiced their recognition of the man's suggestion, "Aye-Aye!" Some plonking themselves down either side of Kai, while a few others began getting rid of the blackened, desolate remains that was once food. Kai's heart was warmed by the way the crew took his miserable mishap with good humour. These were good men and Kai counted himself lucky to have been welcomed so warmly to the Anchorage Flotilla.

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A Southern Newbie to the Anchorage Flotilla

Postby Dove Brown on December 12th, 2015, 5:15 pm

Your Grades!
Brought to you on the wings of a Dove!

Please remember to edit your grading request. If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding your grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM.

Name: Kai'
XP Award:
  • Sailing 2
  • Prayer 1
  • Socialisation 3
  • Observation 2
  • Negotiation 1
  • Acrobatics 1
  • Cooking 2
  • Location: The Anchorage Flotilla
  • Sailing: trimming a sail
  • Sailing: drop the mainsail to pull the ship to a stop
  • Keeping balanced in a swell
  • Event: an apology of a breakfast
  • Onions make the eyes water
  • Cooking: sausages must be turned
  • Cooking: keep an eye on all pans
Notes:Enjoy your grades.
Very busy at work. May not be around much for a while.
Threads: 3/3

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Dove Brown
Keeping my head, my backbone, and my heart
Posts: 508
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Joined roleplay: July 30th, 2015, 9:36 pm
Location: Mithryn (Syliras)
Race: Human
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