Timestamp: Summer 36, 515 AV It was time. A black blanket had descended from the hidden places beyond the clouds, covering Mizahar in a mixture of darkness and shadow. The entities themselves seemed endless piles of grey fluff, behind which the pale sliver of the moon was sheltered. Its furled point poking out from the depths of its cover periodically, as though it were playing a game of hide-and-go-seek with the world, that only it was in on. Its glow was a deathly pallor, a milky white, which made the contours of each of Zeltiva's buildings extend to greater proportions, while it crippled others, leaving them a misshapen mess of constructed building materials whenever Talya's lavender eyes passed over them, and eventually, the buildings gave way to rocky passage, which led ultimately, into the woods. The Wildlands directly surrounding the port city of Zeltiva. In this place, everything seemed to be fifty shades of grey. The tree's bark an interwoven diamond pattern, if not the pale shavings of a birch. Their limbs seemed to dart in lightning shaped angles; weaving themselves in and out of shadow just as Talya did the moonlight wrought trees. Their roots seemed to snake against the ground; and their leaves seemed either black or white as opposed to green, leaving the forest a ghastly place to be for one unprepared. But luckily for Talya, who had decided that today was as good as any other to go out and look up at the moon and stars, (as the clouds could clear in some areas and not in others), she had come prepared, for she knew of the darkness and the treachery of the forest, after having spent so much time within its folds over the past two seasons. Thus, she had gathered some kindling and fallen sticks to use as firewood while making her way out of the city of Zeltiva, while it was still light, so that she wouldn't have to go looking in the dark if she made it into the forest a bit later than planned. (Which she ever so conveniently, had). Now, she was forced to traverse the land through poorly lit conditions, until she could find a place large enough to build a fire, and set up a camp for the night, before she settled in to look up at the sky, and enjoy herself to the best of her ability. Luckily for her, she didn't have more searching to do, and located a small clearing, of about five feet by another five, ringed by several young birch trees, which she could use. At the clearing's center, she set her bag down, pulled out her waterskin, and took a few sips although she wasn't thirsty, just to keep her throat from getting dry. When she was done, Talya put it away, and pulled out all the sticks and kindling she had gathered. With them all lain out on the forest floor, she began to pick out the things she would need to build a fire. So, she picked out the sticks first. When she had found two of about the same time, she took one in each hand, and placed their points together at the center of the clearing. When they seemed to be leaning against one another in a relatively stable fashion, so that they formed a triangle with the ground, Talya retrieved another two sticks of about the same size, and added these to the triangle, so that a stick corresponded with each of the four cardinal directions, and a teepee began to take form. Talya then reached for another stick to add, but wound up knocking her structure over, and having to begin again. So she did, and kept adding sticks to her structure until all had been used, save for one small one, which she didn't suppose could have been incorporated very well anyway. This final stick she set aside as she surveyed her teepee. It seemed a slightly lopsided, but fairly stable structure, with a small opening on the side closest to her. Satisfied with her work, Talya decided to move onto the next step, and retrieved the kindling she had gathered. This she stuffed into the teepee's opening rather unceremoniously, so that it filled the base as evenly as she could manage, covering the dirt floor from view. With this done, she retracted her hands and dry washed them, before retrieving her flint and steel from her bag. As the moon flashed; causing her skin to sparkle, she adjusted her grip. In her right hand, she tightly held the steel, in the left, the flint, on a downward diagonal angle, so that as she knelt closer to the fire pit, the edge of the flint was directed into the opening of the teepee, where the kindling had been lain. Talya took a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth, before raising the steel, and then bringing it down on the flint over and over again. She could hear a faint clicking sound as she did this for the next ten minutes, until sparks began to form. None took to the kindling however, until about two minutes later, at which point, Talya put her things away, and bent down to blow on the flame delicately, fanning it until the orange element licked the underside of all the twigs she had placed in the teepee. Until a thin tendril of grey smoke began to rise through the open spaces between logs, and the kindling began to crackle and burst- shards of leaves being tossed around inside, like a stew, while the twigs curled and blackened. Ash, (presumably from their bark), trickling down to their base. Talya pulled herself up at this point, and moved away. She surveyed the fire for a moment, and satisfied that it wouldn't go out for awhile, turned her attention to the sky. She picked out the north star rather quickly, as it glowed the brightest out of any of the stars that could be seen past the roving of the massive clouds. She decided then, that she would use it to find any other constellations that could be seen that night, and set to work. |