Summer 23rd, 515AV
Loda had left his room early in the morning to hunt a bit for things, but now it was getting toward afternoon. He had said that he would take Savacea out to explore more of the island a few nights ago. This morning he left a note at the desk with the strange Benshiran man to remind her that he would be back around noon to get her and take her to explore various parts of the island and that she should dress accordingly.
What he didn’t express to the Benshiran was that he fully intended to explore the swamps with her. For all the man knew he could be taking her out for fancy cuisine or something but perhaps she, knowing his character a slight bit could wonder if that's truly what he had in mind. In place of cuisine, Loda wanted to see where exactly the Black Marsh was and if they could explore some of the swampland without getting too pestered by Dhani.
Now that it was noontime he was heading back and made his way into the worn, wooden double door. He closed it with ease as the wind wasn’t blowing so strongly today, and headed down the short stairway. The steps were cool on his bare feet as he walked and he could feel the style of masonry beneath his feet. Sometimes he wore his sandals and sometimes he didn’t. Today the man wore a white linen shirt and the same loincloth that he wore before the last time Savacea saw him. The white shirt was spotted with a light splatter of dried mud that the man now dusted off at the doorway.
As he came down the stairs with spear in his hand he looked about at the small meeting room where the counter sat. People were congregated inside speaking to each other, even ghosts, and yet all things seemed civil. He looked around for the woman for where she was. Trying to pick her out of the crowd. He was not so good with weeding one from another in busy places.
The man could build a fire competently in the swamp or in the jungle, both places where wetness was, but he could not see a person right in front of him. Holding his spear close, he made sure not to intrude upon anyone as he moved through. If he could not see her he would likely go to the desk to inquire for her room.
Other's Words ~~ My Words ~~ My Thoughts