She saw Loda struggle half way there. He was strong indeed, an unusual strength resided in him and it frightened her a little, but probably not as much as it should have. She climbed to where he was, he seemed a bit confused as to where to go from there. Though he would not admit, it seemed his arms were beginning to tire. Savacea climbed a little below him, to help him spot the holds he needed to ascend the rest of the way, "Use your legs, your arms will tired easily. Use your leg strength to propel you up. Be careful though, balancing your body is necessary, the slightest shift in weight the wrong way will make you slip as you have thus far." Savacea offered the advice, hoping the man did not feel disrespected at her doing so, she climbed up beside him and looked up noticing a indention for his hand and pointed at it. "There see that, perfect for your hand, use your legs to propel yourself to that." She climbed up a bit farther this time, looking for more indention's in the rock.
The wind was a bit more powerful up here then below, whipping at them bringing the salt laden air from the ocean below to their nostrils. Savacea inhaled the scent, it was a nice smell that she had instantly grown fond of. She glanced at Loda and tsked him, "Keep a hip towards the wall, don't keep your body so straight, press a hip to the wall. Be flexible, your feet and legs are useful too." Savacea called out as she pointed to a path of crevices in the wall, it was not a straight path, it slanted and turned, but it was not a difficult path. Once he made it to her the climb should get easier for him to handle, and they could make their way to a cliff that overlooked the ocean. Savacea pointed to the crevices on the dark stone, "Go there, it is a easier path!" She called out to Loda raising her voice above the wind.
Savacea watched the man as his muscles flexed, it was a nice sight. Nothing wrong with admiring strength in a man, right? No, it wasn't.. It wasn't a bad thing at all. He looked so determined to succeed she would not let him fail, at least he could learn something knew to help him in what ever path he walked upon. Savacea stayed close to Loda though, at least nearby, in case he needed any assistance from her. They were higher up now, the danger was becoming more and more the further they climbed up the rock mountain. The ebb and flow of the ocean, crashing against the rocks, was becoming more faint as the rush of wind surrounded her ears. She wondered if Myrians could have friends outside of their race, or if they only used people for knowledge and considered no one their friends. She also wondered how he had more strength then a normal or typical human, he said he was not human he was Myrian so maybe that was why. Savacea made a mental note to ask these questions when they made it to the cliff above the ocean. As they made their way around the rock, going in the direction of the ocean now instead of the city, the views were starting to change.