- Philosophy 1
- Logic 2
- Deduction 1
- Stealth 1
- Hunting 3
- Weapon: Short Bow 3
- Webbing 1
- Body Building 3
- Endurance 2
- Socialization 2
- Intelligence 3
- Tactics 1
- Rhetoric 1
- Riding: Horse 2
- Observation 1
- Animal Husbandry 1
- Horsemanship 1
- Zoology 1
- Reincarcation can create a legacy
- Hunting: A well aimed arrow will easily find its target
- Lian: Enjoys a competent hunting partner
- Tactics: Pushing a heard in a specific direction
- Lian: Impressed by Dravite
- Fat protects a grassbear from arrows
- Lian: Loyal to his hunting partner
- Dravite: Does not abandon his weapons
- Hunting: Choose your shot well
- Hunting: Recognize and take advantage of the perfect shot
- Talise: Does not like charging a grassbear
- Lian: Killed a grassbear
- 2 arrows lost in the tall grass (please remove these from your inventory)
Seasonal Challenges Completed
- Lose something in the tall grass
- Make a new friend (with another PC) (Dravite)
- Hunt something you have never hunted before (Grassbear)
- 126GM for 2 whole deer sold at market
- Webbing 3
- Logic 3
- Riding: Horse 4
- Tactics 3
- Horsemanship 3
- Wilderness Survival: Plains 3
- Weapon: Spear 2
- Hunting 3
- Weapon: Bec de Corbin 3
- Intelligence 4
- Wrestling 1
- Weapon: Dagger 2
- Endurance 4
- Body Building 5
- Scouting 1
- Land Navigation 2
- Persuasion 1
- Rhetoric 2
- Planning 2
- Leadership 3
- Acrobatics 1
- Running 2
- Tanning 1
- Socialization 1
- Cooking 1
- Organization 1
- Tactics: Wounded animals are easier targets
- Keep the balance of nature
- Grassbears enjoy an easy meal
- Keep your kill out of reach of predators
- Hunting: To take down a grassbear aim for the lean of his body, not the fat
- Mother Semele welcomes her children in death with open arms
- Scouting: Grassbear - recognize your enemy in and out of the web
- Cree: A brave Strider
- Cree: Is trained for hunting
- Grassbears will fight for their meal
- Never slow down when a grassbear is chasing you
- Dravite: Thankful to the Gods for sparing his Strider
- Dravite: Proud of Lian
- Hunting: Bleed your kill while it is still warm
- Hunting: Make sure your kill is dead
- Smoked meat is worth more Mizas at the market
- Half a deer is better than none
- Cree has shallow scratches on his right hind quarters that need cleaning and treatment, they will heal within ten (10) days with proper treatment
- Purchases - 1000 oz of salt (-1GM)
Seasonal Challenges Completed
- Cook a new recipe
- Make a new friend (with another PC) (Lian)
- Hunt something you have never hunted before (Grassbear)
- 1 x Grass Bear pelt (fair condition)
- 10 pounds of dried deer meat
What wonderful writing! The fight with the Grass Bear had me rooting for Dravite and Lian to land their weapons true and strong and to stay away from those bear claws. And those Striders - Cree what a fighting spirit, and Talise showed such bravery in the face of danger!
Thank you both for allowing me to grade your thread. If you think I've missed anything, please do let me know.