[Verified by Crosspatch] Chsarawa

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Chsarawa on August 3rd, 2015, 9:53 pm




Race: Chaktawe
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: 5th of Spring, 495
Starting City: Nyka
Birthplace: Eloab

Appearance: Chsarawa is average in height, standing at about 5’8”. He has reddish-tan skin with a light bronze hue. His hair is long and straight, coming down past his shoulders, and is jet black. Often, he ties his hair back into a ponytail and braids the front strands of hair with bone. As with all Chaktawe, his eyes are also solid black. Common to his people, Chsarawa has a red band painted across his eyes as a way to separate himself and his family from other tribes. For clothing, he wears a brown animal pelt wrap with a white linen shirt underneath as a form of insulation. He wears a fur wrap around his waist that comes down to his knee, with slits up the sides making it easy to move and run if necessary. On his feet he wears a pair of rough leather sandals. On his fingers, Chsarawa has multiple rings made of bone to signify his connection to his ancestors, one ring for each of his great forefathers, four in all. His nails are painted black to further distance his family from other tribes. Across his chest he has a long, jagged scar, a reminder of a bandit raid that occurred in his childhood. Around his calves and wrists he has red bands painted on as well.

Character Concept

Chsarawa, like many Chaktawa, is a cautious young man. Though respectful of non-Chaktawa and non-humanoids, he is still thoroughly wary of those he is unfamiliar with. All too often, Chsarawa will run to the aid of those in need, no matter the situation, and regardless of the potential dangers. As such, he is very headstrong. Honest to a fault, he will bluntly say what is on his mind, even if it risks offending or angering those around him. Chsarawa is often times misunderstood, as he can be seen mumbling to himself at any moment.

He is deeply spiritual and revers those gods and goddesses directly or indirectly connected with nature, specifically Caiyha, Syna, and Tavasi. He is a strong believer in protecting nature, seeing the people of Mizahar as the stewards and equals with nature, rather than better or more important. From this, Chsarawa is deeply distrustful of those who would build and expand towns and cities. However, due to his decision to leave tribal life, he has begun to loosen his stance on cities. In addition, Chsarawa is a bit eccentric, even strange, mainly due to his culture and shaman ways.

Chsarawa has a softer side to him, deep within. He enjoys a good story or tale, as well as peaceful and tranquil music. Though he does not understand much of city life, he is fascinated by the social constructs and intricacies it creates. Though a hunter, he has a fondness for animals of all kinds, giving them all his utmost respect and kindness. When it comes to ethics, Chsarawa believes that acts of violence are justified in regards to punishment. He sees war as an inevitability, though has a disdain for it. If harm has been done to nature in some way, he will pursue the “criminal” to the ends of the world, and will not leave them living if need be. He has a strong sense of justice and honor, though only in the context of his tribe and family.

Character History

Born into the Tatsuwaat tribe, Chsarawa, was particularly small for a newborn child. His father, Jykarta, was unsure if his young son would ever live up to tribal expectations due to his tiny form. However, there was no reason to worry. By age 5, young Chsarawa was a healthy and average sized child. Jykarta was one of the most respected of their tribe, known as “the Arbiter” due to his skill at diffusing situations that would otherwise devolve into violence and bloodshed. Chsarawa’s mother, Kyanalwa, was an accomplished healer in the tribe, an important asset.

From a young age, Chsarawa knew he wanted to be best tracker in his whole tribe. This was his life goal. His father encouraged such pursuit and would often bring the young boy on tracking and scouting expeditions. It was during one such expedition that Chsarawa became lost in a wooded area of Keerdash trees. Alone and sobbing, the young boy stumbled upon a beautifully lush grove of trees and flowers. Entranced by the sight, he rubbed his tears away and wandered into the grove. It was here that a soft, kind voice spoke to him: “Head east, beyond the blue flowers, and you will find that which you lost.” Looking around stunned, young Chsarawa saw no one. Amazed at the event, he heeded the words of the voice and went east. Past a patch of blue flowers he saw his father. It was at this moment that Chsarawa believed and still believes he was guided by a goddess. From this, Chsarawa became deeply spiritual, praying and worshipping the gods and goddesses his family and tribe revered daily.

As he grew older, Chsarawa studied the ways of combat, particularly the long bow and with a scythe. In one practice, he bested several other boys in his tribe before falling to an older boy, Kiyagawa. Kiyagawa was a large, brutish boy, a few years older than Chsarawa. Tribesmen often whispered about how fiery and malicious Kiyagawa acted around other boys and even girls. Through his teens, Chsarawa never once beat Kiyagawa in combat, and made it his second life goal to finally defeat him.

Chsarawa never had any interest in romance, marriage, or intimacy, and all efforts and attempts to match him with a young girl in the tribe or in other tribes ultimately failed. He understood the necessity of such arrangements, but never had the inclination to enter into such a contract. He found many of the women attractive, nonetheless he was more concerned with his pursuits to care at all about starting a family of his own.

At age 15, Chsarawa initiated in the practice of “the searching,” an unusual ceremony all young Chaktawe perform. Alone in the wild, Chsarawa prayed for guidance and security, petitioning the god of crows, Eywaat. This experience was pivotal in Csarawa’s development, as it instilled in him the idea that one must learn from nature to survive. He provided for himself by hunting down animals, using herbs to concoct remedies to any ailments or sicknesses he would encounter, and through unwavering vigilance.

Though he was born in the desert sands of Eyktol, in the ghostly city of Eloab, Chsarawa grew tired of tribal life as he became older. At age 17, Chsarawa, without speaking to anyone in his tribe, not even his father, left in the middle of the night. He knew he could never return for fear of conflict and violence. He was on his own from then on. Without his family, elders, and tribesmen, Chsarawa was only guided by his faith in the gods and goddesses, becoming more and more in tune with the goddess Caihya. He began to believe that it was her that guided him when he was young.

Desert life being his preference, Chsarawa had to quickly adapt to other climates and regions, from mountainous peeks to temperate grasslands. In time, he was accustomed to all kinds of climates and temperatures, though was still averse to cold weather, and thus avoided places like Aventhal. His spiritual convictions led him to the city of Nyka, which in time became his place of residence, for the time being. Still, he strives for a deeper connection to nature, the goddess Caihya, and becoming a protector of those in need of aid. While on his travels, Chsarawa became interested in shamanism, and learned from those along the way about the magic of malediction and furthered his skills in herbalist medicine.


Fluent Language:Tawna
Basic Language:Common
Poor Language:Shiber


Skill EXP Proficiency
Camouflage 10 (Racial Points) Novice
Running 5 (Starting Package) Novice
Tracking 5 (Starting Package) Novice
Herbalism 10 (Starting Package) Novice
Malediction 10 (Starting Package) Novice
Medicine 10 (Starting Package) Novice
Weapon: Scyth 5 (Starting Package) Novice
Weapon: Long Bow 5 (Starting Package) Novice


Lore of Religion: Caihya
Lore of Nykan Superstition


1 Set of Clothing
-Animal Pelt Wrap Shirt
-Animal Pelt Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Animal Pelt Cloak
-Leather Sandals
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Food is given out daily
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: A scythe made from animal bone and iron he was given by his father. It has been passed down from father to son for several generations.


Location: Nyka

House: Townhouse


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

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Posts: 3
Words: 3170
Joined roleplay: August 3rd, 2015, 9:17 pm
Race: Chaktawe
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