More than Metal

Wandering about the streets of Alvadas, it is not uncommon to find a rundown building littered with scraps of metal, twisting and writing as if the near ruin's very core seeks escape. To those unfamiliar with the haphazard clutter scattered about, it would be easy to pass through, never once stopping to stare at the shadows cast by warped and twisted shapes to create images both intriguing and often familiar on the street below. The sun always seems to cast the shadows in light just right, but only when people take the time to stop and stare, taking the chance that what is before them may not be exactly what it seems. Then, and only then, will there be a small sign in delicate metal-work denoting the shop's name: More than Metal.
Between the horses, among various displays of crafts more suited to be worn rather than simply admired, is a solid, metal desk that is often manned by a young, friendly woman with kind eyes and an infectious laugh. The desk stands to separate the last quarter of the store's space from what appears to be a workshop, where one can almost always spy the more taciturn owner plinking away at his latest work of art. Neither man nor woman, however, turn away a potential customer, and while one is certainly more eager than the other to explain both method and madness to those who are curious, each relies on the other for a full explanation, just as they do for everything else. The pieces that More than Metal produces are well known, but the shop is not quite as renowned. While many seek it, it is one of the more elusive shops in the city, in that one must be open to the possibility of what could be rather than to seek for something that only is.

Darcy is a human man with an air of mystery surrounding him. He is not very talkative, as is often found with a frown of concentration and nose pressed to his work. Although he will speak to customers when spoken to, he keeps it professional and to the point, his voice surprisingly light and breathy in spite of his succinct nature of speech. While not the most striking of men with his dark hair and somber eyes, his hands are long and elegant, littered with thin scars where countless wars were fought between flesh and metal. They are his defining feature, and it is no surprise that hands such as his might create the whimsical sculptures that litter the establishment. Unlike many of the artists to prance and dance through the ever shifting streets, Darcy welcomes those who wish to learn form him, in his own way. To those who are patient enough to listen more than speak, Darcy is a steady teacher, emphasizing the basics as a firm and necessary foundation before any progress can be made. To date, there have been only two students with both the tenacity and the mental fortitude to truly be considered his protegees, though neither have been as successful as their predecessor.
Sculpting: 80
Metalsmithing: 65
Interior Design: 55
Teaching: 55
Engraving: 45
Organization: 40
Drawing: 32
Fluent: Common
While several years younger than her taciturn husband, what Macy lacks in years she makes up for in personality. Like a breeze on a spring day, it is often said that the light in More than Metal comes not from the peculiarly positioned windows, but from the warm smile of the store's proprietress. Open and talkative, she is always ready to chat with anyone or thing that happens to be standing by, and it is said she can make even the most stern of Isur crack a smile by the time they leave. Her charms, however, are hardly benign, and she teases almost as much as she smiles. Sometimes she even picks at Darcy for being so brooding in front of the customers, and the blush on the man's face can be seen; yet he never gets angry, only shaking his head with a small grin, continuing his work. Still, she is more than just a pretty face. Macy's expertise lies more within the realm of jewels and gems, and she is often sought by those in the know for appraisals, though her own joint efforts with her husband often produce jewelry that will pale most of what customers might bring in.
Jewel Crafting: 80
Geology: 65
Appraising: 55
Negotiation: 50
Persuasion: 45
Rhetoric: 35
Fluent: Common
OOCCommon items (those found on the price list) do not need ST permission. For custom requests (including appraisals) please PM the ST.
Credit to Oceana for the location write up!