65th Day of Summer, 515 AVThe radiant light of Syna broke gently through the cloud cover, danging in shimmering shapes and patterns against the shifting surface of the waves. Where the light touched the water, it diffused, giving a gentle glow to the life beneath the surf, one that pleased the Konti woman who floated happily in the sea.
The water was cool, a welcome relief from the heat of the summer, one she sought often, rain fell occasionally. Pitter pattering half heartedly against the ocean's surface and lending a contrast to the constant rhythm of the waves. The ocean floor was soft white sand, littered with crabs, fish and other sea life.
A reef bloomed starkly contrasting the sand with its brilliant colors, red and purple, green and blue, made all the more beautiful by the ebullient fish that swam all around. They seemed not to be disturbed by her presence, rather they swam with her, around her, the perfect companions on a perfect day.
It was the surreal beauty of the ocean, the creatures that kept Tanell in the sea. She couldn't bear to part from the sight, to leave the scene that surely framed her as a gem among the treasures of the sea.
She kicked her legs, propelling herself forward with ease, glad to have discarded the notion that she should swim clothed. The embrace of the sea was wasted on clothing, she far preferred wearing the simple dress she had purchased to bed rather than to swim in as was its original purpose. The water surrounded her, filling her gills, sustaining her happily. To refuse that embrace was folly, and to dress in the water was to refuse.
So she swam, her naked form lit by the diffuse light just as any other shimmering object in the sea. The freedom and joy that such a thing provided lending her actions to whimsical water dances, caught in the gentle wake of the tide.
It was lovely, but she couldn't shake the feeling that the world was holding its breath. Everything waiting in a prefect scene, the catalyst of the event yet to arrive.
She didn't mind, she would wait with them, but not in stillness. She would wait in whimsy.