28th day of Summer, 515AV
'Chra was beginning to have to make an effort to find places she'd never been before, aside from the ever present mystery of the forbidden airspace of course. It was this and her ever present curiosity, her drive to find that which was new and novel that saw her circling over Winthrop Alley. Not that it was really an Alley as she understood the term, but there you were. Naming rarely made sense.
Smoke was billowing up from the Ironworks, as usual. There was almost never an hour when no one was working, be it day or night. While it wasn't a place 'Chra had been yet, since what she imagined smithing to be like was exceptionally boring. Of course having no experience with it, she assumed it was mostly just men in leather aprons hitting things with hammers for a couple of hours until Tada! the finished product.
Still, she at least knew enough to know how very little she knew, so perhaps it was worth looking. Maybe it was secretly exciting in there. Perhaps they perpetuated the boring banging myth to keep people out. That seemed perfectly reasonable and plausible. Enough that it was worth a look in any case. She could always leave again afterwards.
In was not much trouble. Unlike some places where she had to wait patiently for someone to open a door or window, the Ironworks was large, and clearly housed people who were firm believers in good ventilation. Plus with all the prospective buyers, employees and so on coming and going, there were lots of avenues to enter. Finding a good perch where she wasn't going to get smoked out, sparked at and had a good view of what was going on took a little more work.