87 Summer, 515 AV
10th Bell, Morning
10th Bell, Morning
After a full day of heavy rain on the 86th, the ground was still a bit soggy and Dravite decided to let his wives sleep in while he sat just beyond the entrance to the tent, meditating with eyes closed. Endrykas was starting to pack up in order to make the trip to the fall grounds down near the coast. He often wondered why the city chose to camp near the sea during the colder seasons, when icy winds would blow in from the ocean off the coast and stir up the large herds that grazed around the city. For now though, he was attempting to clear his mind and slip into a trance that would enable him to traverse the web and search ahead to see what the road to the fall grounds looked like.
Once a part of the web, Dravite was free to move about faster than his limbs would ever be able to carry him and spotted the first of the Opal caravans getting a good head start. Circling back, he noticed some of the smaller, outer camps packing up and thought it best if he chose to leave during the day while the weather was fine instead of leaving it till too late like they had done in the spring. When he returned to camp, Dravite remained in the web, focusing his energy to the centre of his chest where he held to fingers that he would use to concentrate on the area he wanted his djed to pool. With well-practiced hands, the horse lord spun his djed into tightly woven strands he used to infuse and dress the pavilion's horse drawn wagon with. The Drykas magic would enable the horse to pull the wagon freely and pass over the soft earth underfoot with ease.
He crafted his signature knot when his work was done and set it at the head of the wagon before returning to his physical form to start packing up. Heavy things like cooking pots and pans went into the wagon first, followed by the stack of pelts and the furs he had collected over the season. When that was done, Dravite started taking down some of the smaller tents, carefully winding up the ropes to keep them free of knots. He lifted and carried the heavy wooden stakes across camp to line up in the cart. By the time he had taken down the two smaller tents belonging to him and Pearl, his muscles were aching and begging the man to take a rest.
Belkaia stepped out of the tent to find her husband sitting on the back of the wagon with his legs hanging over the edge, feet hovering a few inches from the ground. "Husband," she greeted him with a small smile.
"Wife," he smiled in return.
The woman moved across camp to join the man, threading her arms about his form in an embrace she didn't usually indulge in, "did you sleep well?"
"Yes I find the rain quite peaceful," Dravite admitted, "are you feeling all right?"
Belkaia nodded her head against the man's bare chest as if to nuzzle him, "I'm fine."
"Are you fit to ride?"
"Yes," she assured him before pecking a kiss to his jaw.
Dravite closed the woman's loose hair in his fist and growled playfully, "kiss me."
Belkaia smirked, defiant as ever and lifted her chin, "make me."
The horse lord got down from the wagon and kissed his defiant wife hard on the mouth. He felt Belkaia's fingers fold against his back, peeling a layer of skin away with her nails where she scratched the small of his back. Dravite hissed against the woman's mouth and picked her up to set her down on the tray of the wagon; she folded her legs around his hips and smiled, "you know I'm in charge," Belkaia teased.
"That you are," he grinned and pressed his nose to the soft skin on display in the V of the woman's dress, "is my boy healthy; is he strong?" He sunk down to whisper to the woman's belly as Belkaia arranged his hair away from his face.
"It's a girl," his wife smiled, "I just know it."
"Then what of my girl; does she have her mother's strength?"
"All of it, my stallion."
The two of them shared in a passionate kiss before Dravite helped Belkaia down from the wagon, "do you need any help today?"
"No my love, save your strength for the ride ahead," Dravite smiled, "wake those boys up and give them breakfast so that I can start taking down the main tent."
"As you wish, my love."