Timestamp: Summer 89, 515 AV Talya had left the city early that morning. She hadn’t intended to go far, just far enough. A safe distance, where she new she would find herself alone with nature and its many animals. A place where she knew she would be able to maintain some level of privacy as she practiced with her blade- it grew tiring to draw the eyes of so many people while you practiced, in part due to your appearance, and in part, because they were warily watching you to ensure that neither you or they ventured to close to one another; as they didn’t want to be cut. As though she had as little control over her weapon as to make a mistake like that- fools. But they could not know the power of her hand in the way that she did, and in many ways, she managed to forgive what was perceived as time continued to ware onward. Talya found herself to be entirely immersed in the Wildlands now. She had passed the portions were the terrain was both rocky and uneven, earlier during the course of her day, when the sun was now rising. Now, it remained uneven, but it was blanketed in a cloth of parched soil, fallen leaves, and pine needles. More trees scattered the earth than anything else- although there were wild flowers here and there and bushes and shrubberies too. The sky itself wasn’t quite so dark now, any more than it was vibrant. For now it had switched to its true day colors, and was filled with its typical pale blue, and a smattering of wispy clouds. The sun was higher now, peeking out over the horizon. Judging from its position, it appeared to be nearing eight in the morning, and Talya was beginning to feel as though she had gone far enough- she wanted to make sure she could get back easily, without getting lost. Without having to spend an extra day out in the untamed wilderness. So Talya meandered over to the side of an aging oak tree, and set her pack down against its side. She then knelt down beside it quickly, retrieved her waterskin, took a few good sips, and then replaced it, before wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand, and getting herself up. She moved away from her pack to the opposite side of the tree, and stopped when she was facing it, standing on a portion of the ground where there were no raised roots. She took a deep breath as she eyed the tree- she appeared to be squaring off with it. She took another deep breath as she shifted her feet from one foot to the other, and then retrieved her dagger from its sheath. She gripped it tightly in her right hand, in the reverse grip position, so that the blade ran against her flesh, and the point of the dagger ended around her elbow. From there, Talya began to slip into her favored starting position. She set her right foot about two feet in front of the left, before turning her left foot slowly to the side. It scraped against the earth, displacing several grains of dirt, as she angled it toward the west. Now, her feet formed a ninety degree angle with one another. From there, she tucked her left hand safely behind her back, and then bent her right arm at the elbow, before raising it in front of her. With the arm cocked, it formed a defensive line that would keep her chest safe from potential attacks and strikes. She still wasn’t quite ready yet she knew, so she bent her lead leg at the knee, and leaned into her right foot a bit, transferring most of her weight onto it, while she turned her body from the waist up to the left side, so that only a small portion of her body was available to be attacked. It was then that she knew that she was ready for whatever was to come- in this case, the commencement of her training. |