33 Day Fall, Year 510 AV
Briar had just handed over yet another vase for Blythe to paint. It was her fifth one this week. "Another one?" Blythe cried, incredulous at her older sister, who seemed to practically churn the things out. Briar simply smiled at her younger sister, baby blue eyes sparkling. "Another one," she said, before she giggled. Blythe sighed, as much as she liked helping her sisters by painting their pottery, she much preferred her poetry, and this was going to take her ages.
Blythe held the simple vase in her hand. It had an hourglass shape. "I'll go paint it right now," she said with a smile as she picked up her bag, and a few simple paints and a brush that her mother had leant her, and placed them inside. "I think I may be a little more, inspired, if I go and paint by the sea, I'll be back in a few hours, or when the sun sets, whichever comes first," she said, as she smiled at her sister, hoping that she couldn't see right through her.
Blythe couldn't help it. She really liked writing poetry and taking long walks. Painting, on the other hand, although calming, and a good way to release some of her frustrations, did not come as easily to her. Clutching the vase to her chest, she walked past her sister and headed towards the sea, wondering what to draw on it to make the simple clay pot come to life.
Blythe thought about it for a long while, perhaps a series of shells, or the angry sea. But nothing in particular really sparked her interest, and before she knew it, she was standing at the shore of the beach, seemingly alone, and wondering what on earth she should do with herself.
Deciding that it may be easier for her to work, she sat down, resting the vase on the sand in between her knees. Blythe reached into her bag and removed her paints and her brush. When she was done, she looked up and out at the sea, "inspire me," she whispered into thin air.