[Verified by Crosspatch] Sebastian Whitlock

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Sebastian Whitlock

Postby Sebastian Whitlock on August 21st, 2015, 4:04 pm

Sebastian Whitlock

Name: Sebastian Whitlock
Nickname: Unk
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Birthday: 10, Winter, 483 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Height: 5'9
Weight: 159 lbs
Fluent Language: Common
Place of Work: Touch of Fire - 6Ki/Base Pay

Dark brown, almost black, hair frames a strong face. It's generally kept short but Sebastian has been known to let it grow just past his ears. He has a strong jaw that is his second most noticeable feature with high cheek bones. He has a surprisingly straight nose, despite the amount of breaks it's survived. Full lips are generally surrounded by a bit of scruff. Most days his face has a five o'clock shadow, there are few occasions that he will be clean shaven. Standing at 5'9 he's not the tallest man but he is well built, his demanding job keeps his physique toned. Sometimes, if he has a lull in work, he'll start to develop a pudge or even lose weight and muscle because of his favorite night time activities.

Character Concept
Working hard is one of the core values of Sebatians life, instilled into him by his father. His father was a hard man, his expectations of Sebastian always felt unreasonably high for him, like they were unreachable. He began to develop a taste for the nightlife after his first drink of alcohol at a young age, after trying to find an escape from the pressure. This led into the darker side of his life as drinking then led into experimentation with different drugs. However, despite after effects of drugs (unless exceedingly severe) or a hang over from one too many drinks, he will always be at work the next day. Sometimes this can lead to a not so great product and even having to redo an order several times for a customer.

One night stands are not an issue for him and actually preferred. He's never had a meaningful relationship with a woman, not even his mother.

Drugs of Choice: Rez (R), Poppers, Warp, Love Dust

Character History
From a young age Sebastian's father has been hard on him to become a working man like him. His strict rules and expectations have always caused great stress. His father, a sword smith, wanted Sebastian to follow in his footsteps and create weapons of great meaning and strength for the warriors of Mizahar. Although Sebastian wanted to please his father and take up the art, the constant scrutinizing and disappointment began to wear on him after years of practice and failure in his fathers eyes. In his young teenage years he had his first alcoholic beverage, a warm aged whiskey. The heat of the drink and the illusion of grandeur, strength and unlimited possibilities drove him to constantly drink after his working hours. This habit of drinking then began to lead into his use of drugs. His first was Love Dust, given to him by a girl that he'd run into at one of the nightly parties of Lhavit. The evening with the woman, of which he can no longer remember her name, was quite memorable. Wanting to further relax and feel relief from the pressure of working for his father he continued his journey into the dark side of addiction.
Last edited by Sebastian Whitlock on July 25th, 2018, 3:39 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Sebastian Whitlock
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Sebastian Whitlock

Postby Sebastian Whitlock on August 21st, 2015, 4:29 pm


Image Skill Experience Proficiency Breakdown
Image Acting 1/100 Novice 1
Image Blacksmithing 20/100 Novice 5(SP), +15(RB)
Image Endurance 6/100 Novice 5(SP),1
Image Etching 10/100 Novice 10(SP)

Image Skill Experience Total Proficiency
Image Investigation 1/100 Novice 1

Image Skill Experience Total Proficiency
Image Mathematics 10/100 Novice 10(SP)
Image Metalsmithing 10/100 Novice +10(SP)
Image Negotiation 1/100 Novice 1
Image Observation 1/100 Novice 1
Image Organization 1/100 Novice 1

Image Skill Experience Total Proficiency
Image Subterfuge 1/100 Novice 1

Image Skill Experience Total Proficiency
Image Weaponsmithing 10/100 Novice +10(SP)
Image Weapon Pending 0/100 Novice Pending


Knowing when enough is enough



Blacksmithing: The Correct way to Swing a Hammer
Weaponsmithing: Creating a Wooden Dummy for Reference
Subterfuge: Lying to get out of a hairy situation.

Stepping in to resolve a fight


Image Name: Erin (Amelia)
Race: Human
Additional Info: Met on the streets of Lhavit during the Azure Festival, spending the evening together.

Image Name: Saej
Race: Inarta
Additional Info: Met while bathing at the Kinell Hot Springs.

ImageName: Blaxton Whitlock
Relation: Father
Race: Human
DoB: Summer 2, 450 AV (65 yrs at death)
DoD: Spring 73, 515 AV
PoB: Lhavit
Title: Blacksmith
Skills: Weaponsmithing 12, Blacksmithing 35, Armorer 9, Metalsmithing 29, Etching 7, Locksmithing 5, Teaching 26
NPC Type: Stationary
Additional Info:
Blaxton comes from a long line of smith's. Each specialized in one area or another but all worked with metal and learned from their father or father's father. This instilled a strong will and pride in him since he was a child, to fulfill his family's history. This pride cause a stubbornness in him and he would constantly refuse to send out a piece to a client unless it was exactly to his personal specifications. Although his timeframes on work were never consistent anyone that came to him knew they were going to get a quality piece of work. The hardness and high expectations tended to make things difficult for his son, who he tried to raise and instill the family business into. His son, Sebastian, ever resistant, was a large challenge for the older man, especially since his wife had passed with the birthing, leaving him to raise the boy on his own. His parenting skills were never the best but he tried to ensure that there was always food on the table, a roof over their head and clothes on their back.

In the Spring of 515 AV his body fought back against him from the years of laboring work he'd pushed it to do. A heart attack claimed his life while he was in the middle of working on a rather difficult piece of work for a client. His son found him hours later.

ImageName: Pending
Race: Pending
Additional Info: Pending


Image Name: Pending
Race: Pending
Additional Info: Pending[/tab]

Image Name: Pending
Race: Pending
Additional Info: Pending

Last edited by Sebastian Whitlock on July 24th, 2018, 1:53 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Sebastian Whitlock
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Sebastian Whitlock

Postby Sebastian Whitlock on August 21st, 2015, 5:04 pm


Heirloom: Sebastian's father passed on one of his favored tools, the double faced hammer, after passing away. The tool, a constant reminder of the inability to meet his father's standards, is one that is bitter sweet.


Image Item Use
Image Simple Shirt ---
Image Simple Pants ---
Image Simple Undergarments ---
Image Simple Coat ---
Image Simple Boots ---

Image Item Use
Image Comb (Wood) ---
Image Brush (Wood) ---
Image Soap ---
Image Razor ---

A small, 20 x 20 single room. It contains the following:
Image Item Use
Image Hearth ---
Image Bunk ---
Image 1 Chest ---
Image 2 Chairs ---
Image 1 Small Table ---

Location: 20x20 Cottage, Lhavit

Image Item Use
Image 1 Eating knife ---
Image Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth) ---

Image Item Use

Image Item Use
Image 1 Waterskin ---
Image 1 Backpack ---
Image Flint & Steel ---
Image Handmade Mask ---


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 Ki 100 Ki
Copper scrap 1 Ki 5 Tk 98 Ki 5 Tk
Pre-made Paint .25 gal 5 Tk 98 Ki
Winter 515 Expenses 45 KiPoor 53 Ki
Spring 516 Expenses 45 KiPoor 8 Ki

Note1 GM = 1 Kina (Ki)
1 SM = 1 Topaz Kina (Tk)
1 CM = 1 Jade Kina (Jk)
Last edited by Sebastian Whitlock on July 24th, 2018, 2:32 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Sebastian Whitlock
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Sebastian Whitlock

Postby Sebastian Whitlock on August 21st, 2015, 5:29 pm

Thread List

Spring 516 AV
Date Event Status
11 Spring 516 AV Whitlock & Beckett - On The Wagon In Grading

Winter 515 AV
Date Event Status
52 Winter 515 AV Misty Moonlit Bathtime In Grading
63 Winter 515 AV Ugh Snow Graded
73 Winter 515 AV Fowl Play In Grading
88 Winter 515 AV Purple Rain In Process
93 Winter 515 AV Job Thread Abandoned

Spring 516 AV
    [D] Get in a debate at the Basilika
    [N] Engage in a group hug
    [N] Light something on fire and watch it burn
    [N or D] Talk to a Shinya about news in Lhavit
    [D] Talk to a Syna Priestess
    [N or D] Dance with a stranger at the Star Festival
    [D] Make a flower crown from jasao blossoms
    [N] Eat steiggerhorn meat
    [N or D] Write a song about Zintila
    [N] Gift a PC something meaningful
    [D] Be escorted out of the Twuele by the Shinya
    [N] Meet someone who tells you a frightful secret

Winter 515 AV
    [N] Make a mask for the Azure Festival
    [N or D] Earn 5 points in candle making
    [N or D] Cook something with Sweet Potatoes
    [N or D] Pray to a new God
    [N] Spill your Tea on another PC
    [N or D] Loose one of your shoes
    [N] Go on a date with another PC
    [D] Sing to a child
    [D] Skip work for no reason
    [D] Start or engage in a snowball fight with another PC
    [N or D] Argue over the food rationing

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Sebastian Whitlock
Got a Drink?
Posts: 32
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Joined roleplay: August 21st, 2015, 2:34 pm
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