[Verified by Crosspatch] Crystal

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Postby Crystal Nightshade on August 28th, 2015, 9:26 pm

Basic Information:

Full Name: Crystal Nightshade
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: 18th of Fall, 495BV
Birthplace: Syliras
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 134lbs

Profession: Knight
Current Housing: The Squire Dorms, Syliras

Likes: Learning, Coffee, Reading
Dislikes: Being Alone, Her lack in Physical Strength, Being underestimated
Merits: Intelligent, Social, Calm
Flaws: Weak, Arrogant, Timid

Fluent: Common
Basic: -
Poor: -

Character Concept:

The Concept:
Crystal aspires to find her place in the world, much like any other ordinary person. She fully intends to uphold her families wishes on her own.

Sylir: After joining the knighthood, Crystal was informed of the Slain God. She studied him, but more for knowledge purposes. She has gained interest in him, but not enough to say she truly worships him.

Eyris: Crystal's favorite Goddess, Eyrs is the embodiment of Crystals' want. She wishes to connect herself with the Goddess, as she strives to gain any and all information she can possibly learn.

Very intelligent she is, but physical strength she has not. Often people comment that she is a good fighter, but that is simply the result of using her advantages to win. She rather outwit people in an argument, but that doesn't stop her from having physical altercation at all. She values beneficial friendships, or rather friendships were she can learn from the other. While she graciously accepts everyone, most of her friends have taught her something she never wishes to forget.

With that said and done she can be very stiff when it comes to conversations. She will feel insecure when speaking because isn't used to casual conversations. Though sociable and socially awkward don't mix, she manages to pull it off quite well. Formally she's a socially butterfly, but when it comes to casual conversation she finds herself at a loss for words.


Crystal has since become more in tune to her conversational side. She is open and easy to talk to, but is still a bit timid when first speaking to others.

Model: Garcelle Beauvais

Being a hunter has its advantages, having slightly muscled build is one. She has butterscotch brown skin that is smooth unlike her hands which are somewhat rough with calluses where she holds her weapons. Her face is rounded with a small nose, and her cheeks are highlighted with small dimples. Her eye lashes are long and thick with a narrow brow. She has piercing blue eyes that often draw most of the attention she gets. Short raven black hair extends just a bit past her shoulders.

Crystal can be seen wearing a a black leather vest with a white blouse underneath. She wears leather black leather pants and boots. Her hair is usually down, but occasionally she'll wear a ponytail in back to keep it in control.


Pre Creation:

Crystal was born into a small family in Syliras. Even with that said, as a child she always had a friend with her. She was a very sociable girl. She did however, have a keen interest in nature and hunting. Her dad was a hunter and in her mind the best. At the age when she could voice her opinions and have them heard, she sat down with her father and asked him to teach her. Of course, the man had no objections. Though her mother was worried about it. Eventually Crystal went on expeditions with her father, but soon came the time when happiness was lost. A monster hunt was going on in the woods next to the city, where her father left and never returned.

She and her mother were taking it rather roughly, especially as her father was the main source of income. They were in a financial slump, where her mother could not find a job because she was no longer happy anywhere. And even if she was good at it, who would let a thirteen year old work as a hunter? So her mother passed away, stricken with grief and sorrow. For once the sociable child turned to no one, and as a result lead to her own depression. However, she soon decided that it would not do her father justice to sit around, so for his sake and her mother's she continued to practice at home. But at eighteen she was forced to sell her home to pay off the dept she owed to all.

Now homeless, but old enough to work she immediately applied as a hunter. A full for seasons rotation and she was back on her feet, supporting herself while making her parents proud.

Post Creation:

In recent years Crystal began to doubt herself and her purpose for hunting. She felt lonely and hollow, but after a chance meeting in the woods she began to question herself about why she did what she did. After realizing that she hunted purely for the sake of her parents, she decided it wasn't what she wanted, nor what her parents wanted.

After another meeting, Ferrin convinced Crystal to join the Order, put her skills to use. After a very emotional conversation, the next day she sought out the recruitment office and signed on for squire-hood. After meeting her patron she realized she wasn't as knowledgeable as she claimed, and now seems to rectify the blunder.

Location: Squire Dorms


Simple Shirt
Simple Pants
Simple Undergarments
Simple Cloak
Simple Boots
Gloves, Archer
Armor, Leather

1 Waterskin
Practice Arrows (200)
Brush, large
Signal whistle
Small Quiver
Arrows (Game) (19)

Short Sword
Shield, Kite

Tent (one person)
Insect Repellent
Blanket (Winter)
Lantern (Hooded)
Oil (One Pint)

Her father's Shortbow, it was given to her after his death. It is designed with black paintings, and has her father's initials inscribed into the wood.
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Postby Crystal Nightshade on July 1st, 2016, 11:34 pm


EXP links can be found in my plot notes.
Hunting 11 SP + 15 RB, +2, +1, +1,+3 33 Competent
Stealth 5 SP 5 Novice
Weapon: Dagger 9 SP, +1, +4 14 Novice
Weapon: Shortbow 10 SP, +2 , +1, +1 14 Novice
Weapon: Short Sword +2 2 Novice
Tracking 5 SP, +3 8 Novice
Endurance 5 SP, +4, +1, +1,+1,+1 13 Novice
Wilderness Survival: Forest 5 SP, +1 6 Novice
Land Navigation +2 2 Novice
Butchery +1, +1 2 Novice
Socialization +1,+4, +2, +5,+3,+2,+4,+2,+1 24 Novice
Tactics +1, +3,+1 5 Novice
Running +1,+2 3 Novice
Observation +3,+2, +4, +3,+2, +3, +2,+3 22 Novice
Philosophy +1, +1, +2 4 Novice
Climbing +1 1 Novice
Food Preservation +1 1 Novice
Logic +1 1 Noivce
Acrobatics +1 1 Novice
Brawling +1,+1 2 Novice
Hosting +1, 1 Novice
Negotiation +1, 1 Novice
Investigation +1,+3 4 Novice
Teaching +3, 3 Novice
Animal Husbandry +2 2 Novice
Rhetoric +2,+1 3 Novice
Interrogation +1 1 Novice
Unarmed Combat +2,+1 3 Novice

Shield Points

+ - Total
2 2


Lore of Syliran Geography
Lore of Syliran Culture
Location: The Bronze woods
Playing the survival game
Observation: Be more aware of your surroundings
Hunting - Skinning a Boar
Preservation - Salting the Meat
Preservation - Jarring Salted Meat
Losing the Kill to a Yukman
A nightmare of death
Weapon (Short Sword): A basic stance
Weapon (Short Sword): how to grip
Weapon (Short Sword): use a light swing
Missing lost parents
Weapon (Short Sword): a quick thrust
Daggers: New and Unusual
Syliran Knights: Squires
Dagger: Slashing
Tactics: Don't Get Cocky, Kid
Tactics: Feints with a Dagger
Observation: Seeing a Man Comfortable in Armor
Alexander: Slumming Squire
Tactics: Adapting On the Fly
Beodan: a horse Kelvic
Kelvics: change shape nude
Kelvics: a different standard of decency
Kelvics: shorter lifespan
What a nightshade looks like
Beodan's beautiful home
Loneliness makes you more trusting
Cold Means Less Hunting Means Less Income
Teaching: Bows are Only Strung when they're About to be Used
Elann: First-Time Bow-Buyer
Elann: A Benshira, from Shlomet, in Ekytol
Languages: Shiber
Archery: Proper Grip and Stance
Archery: Everything Matters in Creating a Good Shot
Ferrin: Tall hunter
Hunting: Keep distractions to a minimum.
Hunting: Chasing down game in a group
It's good to talk about your problems.
The Order: Helps you become more than what you are
Ferrin: Persuaded me to join the Order
Brawling: Throwing dirt to gain an advantage
Unarmed Combat: Precision is important.
Daggers: Easily concealed
A lady with six arms?
Tactics: Move fast and strike where it hurts.
Garland: Experienced squire
Garland: Has been through a lot
The Order: A new family?
Joining the Order
Sera Hoffman: My patron
Sera Hoffman: Somewhat intimidating
The Order: How to recognize a knight's rank
The Order: A quest is required to become a knight
Sera Hoffman: Authoritative voice
Kite shield: Often used by knights
Sera Hoffman: A far more experienced fighter
Last edited by Crystal Nightshade on June 15th, 2017, 7:14 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Crystal Nightshade on July 1st, 2016, 11:35 pm


Item Credit / Debit Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Arrows (Game) -4 GM 96 GM
Dagger -2 GM 94 GM
Armour (Leather) -10 GM 84 GM
Quiver -20 GM 64 GM
Cash in -4 GM/+40 SM 60 GM 40 SM
Oil (Pint) -1 SM 60gm 39sm
Bedroll -1sm 60gm 38sm
Blanket (Winter) -5sm 60gm 33sm
Tent (One Person) -2gm 58gm 33sm
Lantern (Hooded) -7gm 51gm 33sm
Insect Repellent -1gm 40gm 33sm
Persevering Kit -5gm 35gm 33sm
Housing +500gm 535gm 33sm
LE: Summer 515AV -135gm 400gm 33sm
Shopping spreebed, wash basic, dresser, desk, hearth, table, chair x5, cupboard, bookcase. (average) -47gm -35sm / +10 sm 354gm 8sm
Shopping Spreedog, dog food, collar, comb, backpack, signal whistle, flint and steel, dog brush, miza cash in -22gm -31sm/ +30sm 332gm 7sm
Wages: Summer 515 +455gm 786gm 7sm
Sold Hunting Meat +30gm 816gm 7sm
Healing waters Trip -10gm 806gm 7sm
LE: Fall 515AV/Rent -155gm 4sm 7cm / +93cm 651gm 3sm 93cm
Achers Gloves + 200 Practice arrrows -51gm 600gm 3sm 93cm
LE: Winter 515AV/Rent -156gm 4sm 7cm/ +6sm 444gm 6sm 86cm
Fighters Pit Lesson -5gm 439gm 6sm 86cm
LE: Spring 516AV/Rent Inactive 439gm 6sm 86cm
Selling SpreeI halved thesell prices, if that's not okay please let me know. / Bed ave. 5gm, Wash Basin 1gm, dresser 1gm, desk 1gm, hearth 1gm 5sm, table 5sm, cupboard 1gm, book case 4gm, chair 3sm 50cm x5 +16gm 5sm 50cm 455gm 11sm 136cm
LE: Summer 516 0 (Squire) 455gm 11sm 136cm
Wages, Summer 516 0 (Squire) 455gm 11sm 136cm
LE: Spring 517 0Inactive 455gm 11sm 136cm
Wages, Spring 517 0Inactive 455gm 11sm 136cm
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Postby Crystal Nightshade on July 1st, 2016, 11:37 pm

Thread List:

Practice Makes Perfect 1st of Summer, 516AV Completed
Lost in the Crowd 3rd of Summer, 516AV Abandoned
The Goal Ahead 5th of Summer, 516AV Graded
A New Road 6th of Summer, 516AV Graded
Rain, Rain 15th of Summer, 516AV ???

Fighting Fancy, Failing Fabulously 15th Winter 515AV Graded
Fighting Fancy, Failing Fabulously II 15 Winter 515AV ???
Bullseye 39th Winter 515AV Graded
Sword Lessons 1st Fall 515AV Graded
How to Traing Your Hunter 9th Fall 515AV Abandoned
An Unexpected Encounter 15th Fall 515AV abandoned
Hunter, meet Horse 84th Summer 515AV Graded
The Hunt 80th Summer 515AV Graded
Hunter vs Prey 82nd Summer 515AV Graded
Hunting with a Surprise 37th of Fall, 515AV Graded

Last edited by Crystal Nightshade on June 15th, 2017, 7:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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