Endrykas, of course, is a city of many horses, and from what I believe, they live in close proximity to others. However, stallions are often violent around other stallions, and the constant interaction with mares that they may past when traveling through the city would make it hard to keep them under control. What to Drykas do to counter this? Are nearly all male horses geldings? Or is this viewed as cruel to the horse? I would think this would be a big problem in a city of horses, but perhaps strider stallions do not act like normal horses?
The truth about horses is simple.
If they are raised certain ways, they act certain ways. Stallions in the wild that don't have herds band together and roam around in bachelor herds. Lipizzaner stallions perform together without savagely tearing each other apart. Guess what? They can also be turned out together. Most enjoy each other's company and know they have a job to do and a sport to perform that doesn't involve breeding. And good breeders that run their horses in herds and breed together don't often worry about keeping stallions together.
If they were raised apart and the only job they've ever known is the ten seconds of thrill they get covering a mare once in a while, they usually are shitheads. Those are the shitheads you are thinking of. If they were raised together, the last resort is usually a squabble like the epic wild horse battles (that are hyped more than you might know) you see on the discovery channel. Hell, seasoned stallions often run their herds with other seasoned stallions for better protection in times of trouble or high predator loads. They know what they are doing.
And native Americans ran horses together, especially the plains Indians, without issues.
So... horses that aren't real horses but the reincarnated souls of people and whom are super smart.... why would there even be an issue if there wouldn't be for normal horses raised in mass? Sure there will be squabbles. I've seen the lunchroom in high schools and how humans get all worked up and fight. It happens. But its not like two stallions who scent each other across the way are going to automatically want to kill each other. They'll probably be buddies if they are given a choice.