Well, not much in there lore-wise, but you did get a variety of skills that might prove useful
Just a suggestion: you might want to use Mizahar's own time-keeping system instead of our system. Mizahar uses bells, chimes, and ticks instead of hours, minutes, and seconds respectively.
And don't forget to timestamp your threads. A timestamp includes the day, season, and year. It is usually placed at the start of a thread, usually being the first line of the first post. This is so staff, graders, and other players who read your threads know when the thread takes place.
Please remove or edit your post in the request thread.
Also please track your newly awarded xp and lores in your CS so both staff and graders alike can keep on grading your threads
If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding your grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM.
- Mining +1
- Observation +2
- Acrobatics +1
- Endurance +1
- Climbing +1
- Riding: Wind Eagle +1
- Socialization +1
- Xarrt: Shadyn's Wind Eagle
- Xarrt's memorable speech
Well, not much in there lore-wise, but you did get a variety of skills that might prove useful

Just a suggestion: you might want to use Mizahar's own time-keeping system instead of our system. Mizahar uses bells, chimes, and ticks instead of hours, minutes, and seconds respectively.
And don't forget to timestamp your threads. A timestamp includes the day, season, and year. It is usually placed at the start of a thread, usually being the first line of the first post. This is so staff, graders, and other players who read your threads know when the thread takes place.
Please remove or edit your post in the request thread.
Also please track your newly awarded xp and lores in your CS so both staff and graders alike can keep on grading your threads

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding your grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM.
credit goes to Adelaide Sitai