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The Blackwater Pavilion welcomes Lian.

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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A Rough Diamond

Postby Dravite on September 3rd, 2015, 2:05 am


4 Fall, 515 AV
8th Bell, Morning

The Diamond Clan was always one of the last to set up camp at the beginning of a new season though they often sent riders ahead to stake out their claim in the new territory. As they were renowned for their fighting ability, they tended to spread out through the run in order to make other, more crafty pavilions, feel better protected in the wild grasslands. Dravite, sure of where the clan had set down their pegs, returned to the wagon his little pavilion had gathered around, navigating his way around the half pitched tents. "Here's fine," the man smiled and Raven and Roan instantly moved to help stake their own claim on the land.

Dravite had picked the spot because they were on the inside edge of the outer ring of campsites that would go up around Endrykas this season; it made sense since he would be doing a lot of hunting this fall and had made plans to leave early at the end of the season to earn a spot closer to the heart fire for winter. There were two old logs in the middle of camp, "set the fire up near that one," Dravite pointed to one of the logs that looked comfortable for sitting on while the second was a lot bigger and would provide them with enough firewood to see them through a good part of fall, if they used it sensibly.

He took his splitting axe from the back of the wagon and brought it up over his shoulder to slam into the wood, testing the strength. The wood was hard which Dravite assumed meant it would also be slow burning and hadn't started to rot yet. He brought the axe down again, and feeling the strain in his arms, decided it was a job best reserved for after the main tent had gone up.

It took them two bells to set up the main pavilion tent, which was a lot easier to take down. Careful packing of the tent at the end of summer had left things better organised and Dravite found it had made the workload easier to get through. He tested all of the pegs and ropes holding the tent up to see how they would fair against a thrashing from Zulrav, and content with his handiwork, set off to help the rest of the pavilion put up their smaller, four man tents. Raven seemed almost surprised for the help but didn't protest, "Pull!" He laughed as Dravite dragged the heavy tent off the ground and up onto its legs while Yuki and Sparrow held the ropes and set down the pages to hammer into the earth.

On completion they moved to help Roan before Dravite took his leave to water the horses and make sure all of the goats were fit and healthy. He lifted each of their feet to check that they hadn't gained any injuries during the journey and gave them some feed to remind them of the treats that would be readily available to them when they decided to wander home of an evening.

Raven gave Dravite a hand with carrying the large storage chests into the main tent and they set them down in the living quarters on the tarp. Belkaia got straight to work, sorting out the bedding and living space while the boys were still sound asleep after the long ride. Pearl had been summoned to The River Flower where they needed and extra set of hands and Dravite had promised to stop in later in the day to help them finish setting up before the masses started arriving.

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A Rough Diamond

Postby Dravite on September 3rd, 2015, 2:17 am


The air was surprisingly warm and it seemed summer had not fled just yet, the afternoon sun warm on the man's back as he lifted the wood axe, only to throw his weight behind it in order to cut away another bit of wood. Splitting wood was not his favourite job in the whole world, but it was a good workout and by the time Dravite had managed to work almost half way into the log, he had a good pile of wood to shift and stack. The woodpile was neatly arranged by him under one of the 'wings' of the main pavilion tent where the horses were free to find shelter. He stacked the wood in a tidy row along the edge of the tent to act as a wall that would keep the side of the tent locked against the ground so that the wind couldn't get under it. He made a point of stacking the wood no higher than his knee, mindful that his sons were getting more and more mischievous and he did not want one of them to bury themselves under the pile while playing.

When Belkaia was done unloading blankets and bedding from the chests she took the small turkey cage off the wagon and carried it in to set down near the far edge of the woodpile so that the birds still got a little sun but were also sheltered from the wind. "No more lifting," Dravite scolded his wife.
"I'm just trying to help," Belkaia smiled.
He tugged the woman into his arms and pecked her brow with his lips quickly, "you do plenty, go and rest with the boys."
“When will Pearl be home?”
“If she isn’t back soon I will go and fetch her.”
"All right," she nodded and disappeared into the tent without another word.

Dravite took another swing at the log, embedding the head of the axe deep within the old wood so that neither of his boys would be able to rock it loose or cut themselves on the edge. Dravite then hung up all of the horse tack and the pelts he was still trying to cure properly from the season before, making the most of the fine weather while it lasted. Cree was trusted to roam around on the outskirts of camp with Bones, the colour splash mare tethered to him to stop her from escaping, but offer the animal enough freedom that she would be content to graze close by. It was Vicious who could not be trusted to wander, a Bloodbane on the loose in Endrykas was just asking for trouble.

The man picked up a brush from the grooming kit set close by and took to the mare's neck and mane, brushing all of the knots from her hair and removing as much of her loose coat as possible. By the time he was done, Vicious looked as if she were about to fall asleep, which was as quiet as she had ever been. She still pointed her ears back, listening for strange sounds and to the footfalls around camp. The approach of an unfamiliar horse saw the mare stand up straight and swish her tail to whip Dravite acts so the back. He turned and looked up to find that Lian had just arrived on his mare along with all of his things, "you made it!" Dravite greeted the man with a warm smiled and trudged over to help him with this or that, "feel free to set up wherever, I was just cutting some firewood for the rainy season."

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A Rough Diamond

Postby Lian Windrunner on September 3rd, 2015, 4:37 am

4th Day of Fall, 515 AV
8th Bell, morning

Lian smiled faintly at his friend's warm smile, and eager greeting, but his smile did not meet his eyes. There was a weary air about him, as if he had not been sleeping well for a while. All of his belongings were with him, but they were packed in such a way that suggested that packing had been the furthest thing from his mind when he'd packed them. His normally expressive eyes were a dark, stormy color, indicating his mood, but their expression betrayed none of his thoughts; a carefully crafted neutrality that was clearly costing him to maintain. Seirei and the twins were conspicuous in their absence.

"Thanks, Dravite." Lian said quietly as his friend moved to see if he needed any help.

Lian dismounted slowly, as if distracted by something. He looked around, searching for a good place to set up his tent.

"This looks like a great camp." Lian said with a small smile, after a few ticks.

It was a genuine smile this time, but there was a strain there that the smile couldn't quite conceal. When Lian found a nice spot for his tent, he began unpacking, but again, he seemed distracted, as though lost in some very unpleasant thoughts. Lian's movements were abrupt, mechanical, and sharp, tension running his entire form. And if he set things down too hard as he unpacked them, there was no indication that he noticed.

After a while, he came to his bedroll, and froze, staring at it as though he were lost. Splashes of paint were scattered all over it. Lian ran his fingers lightly over a particularly large blue splotch, as if transfixed by it. Then his hands clenched into fists, squeezing the material of his bedroll tightly. His entire frame shuddered as he fought to regain control of his emotions. Finally, after several painfully long chimes, he set the bedroll down, and stood.

"I think I'll finish setting my tent up later." he said at last, his voice trembling slightly with emotion.

Lian glanced up at Dravite. Emotions seemed to flicker in his eyes, too quickly to name, but none of them were pleasant.

"You mentioned cutting firewood for the rainy season. Can I help? I could really use a distraction just now."

Left unsaid was the fact that attacking some wood with an axe might calm him enough that he could resist the urge to go find certain people, and attack them instead..
Last edited by Lian Windrunner on September 6th, 2015, 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Rough Diamond

Postby Pearl on September 5th, 2015, 6:21 pm

The River Flower, as self-sufficient as it usually was, was quick in setting up, especially with several pavilions sending over people to help. After all, they had to be ready for the first influx of patients, and it seemed the traveling and setting up of camp always brought along the quickest injuries; a smashed finger, broken bones from a fall, a rope burn, a bite from a unsettled animal were all a part of the myriad of injuries involved with moving a large city every season. This move was no different.

Pearl’s office was set up quickly and personally by Star and Pearl. Each time the move was easier as the two became more and more practiced at packing and unpacking. Careful organization was the key, and they were both a smile when the job was finished. “Well, that settles it, for now, I suppose,” stated Pearl.
“Mhmm, for now. Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you, how’s that husband of yours doing?”
“Quite well,” she smiled whenever she spoke of Dravite.
“Thought so. Hadn’t heard differently, but that bite was a nasty one.”
“It was,” Pearl agreed, “though I still worry. He seems to not be sleeping so well. I wonder if the whole of the incident is bothering him, or perhaps something else.” Her brow furrowed slightly as worry set in about her husband.
Star only nodded at Pearl’s musing before adding quietly, “I’m sure it’ll work out, Pearl.”
“Mm, yes, I’m sure it will,” she smiled to her assistant and friend. “If that’s got it here, I should be heading out. I want to pick up some winter clothing for the family before it becomes a necessity. You have everything you need? Want to go into market with me?”
“For now, I’m good. I need to stop over at apothecary. I promised I would help them when we finished up here, but thank you for asking.”
“Alright. You know where to find me, if I’m needed. Oh and let the Sandstones know that I’ll stop by to check in on Taka soon?” Pearl smiled as Star nodded, each signing to the other, blessing, friend, as they parted ways for the day.

The market was busy this day, with many a Drykas needing supplies of some sort or another. Pearl moved through the booths easily searching out her desired wares, fur lined leather pants, llama wools shirts, gloves, dresses, shoes, boots, blankets, grooming kits; the list continued, as did Pearl until she had every item she intended to purchase. The boys had earned themselves a special treat; or perhaps their mother simply wanted to spoil them a little as she picked out a small drum for Kyanite and a set of rhythm rattlers for Garrison. Belkaia was being spoiled with a lush feather body pillow to help her be more comfortable during the last part of her pregnancy.

Pearl’s intentions were wonderful with all the purchases she was making for her family, but perhaps she should have thought it through a little more. Now it was up to her and Knox to get everything back to the pavilion. “Hold still,” she murmured as she tightened the ropes over the blankets that were piled up on Knox’s back. None of the items weighed overly much, but the bundling of it all was precarious upon her strider; coupled with the fact that Knox wasn’t thrilled with being a pack horse made it more difficult to get tied down so it wouldn’t slip and fall off during the walk back home.

She tried again, pulling the ropes until they were tightened down over the pile of goods and then tied them securely to the yvas straps. Testing them, she gave each a little tug before she and Knox set off for the pavilion. “Let’s take it easy, okay?” she cooed to Knox as she walked along with her hand at his neck. “Don’t want to lose our pack.” Knox answered her with a rather perturbed snort.

When they arrived at camp, she smiled from behind the pillow she was now carrying, along with the drum, and one of the pairs of boots. The blankets were starting to slide off Knox’s back, having come unfolded, and she was keeping them up and out of the dirt with her free hand. Knox nickered his pleasure at being back at camp like he knew now that he would be relieved of his duties as pack horse.

“Belkaia? Dravite? Someone? Anyone?” she called out, her voice somewhat muffled as the pillow was fighting its way back over her head from the folded position she’d had it in; with no free hands, she had no way of pushing it back down lest she want to drop the drum and the boots and take a chance on damaging them.

PurchasesCarving Knife - 3CM (Family)
Toolkit, Surgeons - 200GM (Pearl)
Winter Blankets 4 - 5SM each - 2GM total (Family)
Dagger - 2GM (Pearl)
Mortar and Pestle - 1GM (Pearl)
Gloves 2 pair - leather - 1GM each - 2GM total (Dravite)(Pearl)
Headware, Cowl - silk - 5GM (Pearl)
Chemise - silk - 2GM 5SM (Pearl)
Jacket - 7GM 2SM leather/fur-lined (Dravite)
Pants - 9GM 6SM leather/fur-lined (Dravite)
Pants - 9GM 6SM leather/fur-lined (Pearl)
Boots, High - leather/fur lined 6GM total (Dravite)
Boots, High - leather/fur lined 6GM total (Pearl)
Shirt - wool, llama - 1GM (Dravite)
Shirt - wool, llama - 1GM (Pearl)
Dress - silk - 20GM (Pearl)
Shoes, dress - leather - 6SM (Pearl)
Toolkit, Animal Groomer - 10GM
Body Pillow - 5SM (Pearl/Belkaia)
Drum, Buckle - 2GM (Kyanite)
Rhythm Rattles - 5CM (Garrison)

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A Rough Diamond

Postby Dravite on September 5th, 2015, 10:14 pm


The camp was heating up, with the sun beating down on them. Dravite sat helping Lian unpack, he did not go as far as to touch anything belonging to the man but did help hammer in the pegs to keep his tent secure before tying the rope in tight knots that he hoped would hold against all types of weather; fall was an unpredictable season after all, and following such a dry summer, who knew what they were in for?

Lian seemed to work quietly, methodically, just as Dravite did; only he had hidden himself away on the inside of the tent, no doubt unpicking his belongings to make his stay more comfortable. The horse lord probably wouldn't admit it, but he was very pleased with Lian's decision to join them; having another man around camp would make a lot of the day to day jobs that much easier. When Lian emerged from the tent and inquired about the wood cutting Dravite had been doing all morning, the Watchman pointed to the splitting axe, but couldn't help but detect that something was amiss; Lian was not quite himself.

Family, young, children, quick, unpredictable, he signed, asking that Lian be careful while swinging the axe as Kyanite and Garrison were very curious boys that had little to no sense of the things they should fear or be wary of, cautious, his hand formed the word slowly before he got up to pull the axe from the log and offer it to Lian.

It wasn’t long after, that Pearl arrived home laden with things she had purchased in the marketplace. Dravite smiled as he spotted the winter clothing, thinking it wise of the woman to get those things long before the race to get everything ready for the cold season began. He wasted no time at all in freeing up the woman's hands and stacking her things down just inside of their tent so that Pearl could sort through them when she had the time, "you're early," Dravite smiled, helping her down from the horse, "I was just about to come and volunteer some time at the River Flower."

He was glad to have her home and just in time to finally meet Lian, a man he often spoke about in regards to hunting and using a shortbow, "Pearl, come, you must meet our guest."

Pearl would have noticed the extra tent that had been set up between Raven and Roan's plots, that belonging to Lian. As Dravite approached, he noticed the other man take a mighty swing at the log, fuelled by something other than his determination to pitch in. "Lian!" Dravite waved in order to draw his attention, "come and meet my wife, Pearl; Trail's daughter," he added, knowing Lian remembered the man after speaking about him on their last hunting trip towards the end of summer.

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A Rough Diamond

Postby Lian Windrunner on September 8th, 2015, 6:34 am

Lian was grateful when Dravite merely pointed to the axe rather than asking any questions. He knew that he was not acting like himself. And he was equally aware that his friend would not fail to miss that. But he did not...could not trust himself to speak of the matter right this moment. His feelings were too raw, too painful. And he was so angry that the mere mention of his former captive was likely to drive him into a blind rage that would not end until he had sought her out and made her hurt as badly as she had hurt him when she took his children away from him.

Lian relished that anger, clung to it like a life line. Because waiting just beneath that rage was a pain so terrible that he feared it would destroy him if the buffer of his fury ever failed him. Perhaps hacking at something with all of his strength would ease both his rage and his pain into less dangerous least for a time. If nothing else, it would tire him out. Maybe even enough to let him sleep through the night without having horrible nightmares of things that could be happening to his children while they were not safely in his care. Lian desperately needed to get a good night's sleep before exhaustion deprived him of enough of his control that he decided to give in to his painful need to make Seirei suffer as he was.

So Lian walked over to where the axe lay, and picked it up with a grim expression on his face, and an intense look in his expressive eyes. He acknowledged Dravite's cautionary message, warning him about the presence of young, unpredictable children with a curt, but emphatic yes, children safe, no harm. Then he raised the axe over his head, and slammed it into the wood with enough force to send splinters flying. The blade of the axe bit deep into the wood. Lian wrestled the blade free only to repeat the process. Over, and over, and over again. But he was careful to look before he swung the axe each time to make sure that the children had not come close enough to be at risk from flying splinters.

Time passed as Lian attacked the wood relentlessly. Before long, Dravite had called his name to get his attention, and was calling him over to meet his wife. Lian hesitated long enough to school his features into a calm, polite expression before setting the axe down, and heading over. A young woman was introduced as Trail's daughter, Pearl. The mention of the man who had taught him so much the season before softened his expression into a more genuine one that was less forced than it had been mere ticks before.

"It's nice to meet you, Pearl. I am Lian Windrunner." he said politely, adding the sign for polite greetings as he spoke..
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A Rough Diamond

Postby Pearl on September 11th, 2015, 1:41 am

“Star had things in order in my office are so I thought I would escape and get the purchases out of the way early this season,” she explained as Dravite helped her down from Knox. She lifted up on her toes to kiss him, the barest brush of her lips over his. “I may have bought too much,” she chuckled, “for one trip.” She had turned to retrieve a few more items from the yvas bags when Dravite spoke of helping at The River Flower. “Oh, they will still need the help later, if you wish to go. But the main area is coming along nicely.”

Her hands were full again, the rhythm rattles making a noise as she turned when Dravite mentioned they had a guest. For the first time since her arrival home, she looked around the pavilion and truly saw the man and the tent, having first assumed it was Roan that was chopping the wood like he was trying to provide wood for the entire city before the light of day faded away. She blinked a few times, lifting a hand to shade her eyes from the sun; one of the rhythm bumping into her cheek.

So this was the man she had heard so much about, her husband’s friend and hunting partner; the very man that helped him take down a grass bear not so long ago. She had been looking forward to meeting him, in person as Dravite had told her that he would be joining them in the pavilion. As the man began to approach at Dravite’s beckoning, she smiled warmly at him and his greeting. Unable to return a sign to him, as her hands were full, she hesitated, looking a little uncertain as to what exactly to do before shifting some things to her arm so she could hold it against her midsection and then stepped closer to Lian so she could wrap her arm around his shoulder in a one-armed hug. The rhythm rattles she held in her right hand bumped against his back and made their little rattle sound as she pressed a kiss to his cheek before stepping back to allow him his space once again.

“Welcome,” she said in greeting, “it’s so good to have you with us. I’m truly glad you are here, as is my husband, I’m sure. If there is anything I can do for you, please do let me know.” Pearl’s happiness was showing this day and she wasn’t about to try and contain it. “You’re a hard worker, I see. Don’t overdo it in this heat, aye?” she asked of him, having felt the heat and the sheen of sweat upon his cheek when she had greeted him.

Meka came to nose at her thigh and she reached down, trying to pet the dog on the head, but with her hands full, she merely succeeded in rubbing the back of her hand over an ear. “I should go put these things away and tend to Knox,” she said with a small gesture of her eyes to the objects she held in her hands. “The boys will be out and in to trouble soon too, I would imagine. Don’t forget water, stay plenty hydrated in this heat,” she fussed at them both and smiled to her husband as she stepped over to him to kiss him once more before heading off towards the tent to unburden herself. She offered them both another smile, one that promised she would be back out soon enough, before she disappeared inside.

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A Rough Diamond

Postby Dravite on September 11th, 2015, 9:20 pm


Humble, promise, family, the man signed as his wife left to disappear into the tent and arrange their new belongs, "clothes for winter," Dravite explained, "my wife is very proactive."

He looked down at Lian's handiwork and smiled softly, though the narrowing of his eyes would question the man even before he spoke, "something troubles you, my friend; perhaps it is something I can help with?" As Ankal it was Dravite's duty to make sure everyone in his pavilion was comfortable and well, both of body and mind. He knew Lian would not like to trouble him so soon, but the offer was there.

Dravite bent down to start collecting the wood Lian had cut and moved it to the newcomers tent in order for him to have his own pile for cooking or keeping warm of a night, not that it seemed they would have any need for it so far. The Watchman made sure that he piled the wood as neatly for Lian as he would for himself, spending extra time explaining the way he did things, small, mindful actions that were there to keep everyone safe, especially the children.

When the job was down Dravite sat down on the second log that he intended to keep for seating. He took up the odd block of wood and used the hatchet on his belt to splinter the block into much small pieces that they could use for kindling and starting fires. While he worked, sang, not pressuring Lian with any more questions, but instead enjoying his company with a song they would both know; he felt, after all, that his friend needed a good distraction more than anything else.

After a time, Dravite finished cutting up the wood and set his hatchet aside, taking up the job of weaving dry grass together in order to get in a bit of practice before he would have to spend hours on end weaving Satalu for the herd he and his wife were planning on buying in a few days’ time. Dravite tied the ends of the grass in a knot before slowly crisscrossing them over one another, trying to master a simple weave that both frustrated and confused him; how had the women of his old pavilion made this look so easy?

"Is it Seirei?" The horse lord finally spoke up; he couldn't help but notice Lian seemed to be travelling rather light and had failed to bring his family along with him as they had originally planned. He wondered then if the woman had managed to escape as Lian had feared that day after their hunt, "will she be joining us later?"

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A Rough Diamond

Postby Lian Windrunner on September 15th, 2015, 3:26 am

Lian knew that his friend would know that something was wrong. How could he not, when Lian was utterly incapable of acting like himself? He was like a wounded animal. Desperate, and dangerous. Hurting, raging, and grieving in turns. Sometimes...often times...all at once. And like a wounded animal, he felt like lashing out at any who dared get near.

But Dravite and his family did not deserve that. Nor did he truly want to hurt or upset them in any way. At the same time, seeing Dravite's children playing happily hurt. He wanted his own children. Lukar and Lira were too young to truly play with these boys just yet, but it wouldn't be long before they would need older children to look up to. Who would his children play with now? Who would give them a healthy sense of competition, turning valuable lessons into games that they wanted to learn and master? Would Seirei allow Lukar and Lira to play with other Drykas children? Or would she encourage them to play only with the children of foreign traders? What kind of life would that give them? An endless string of strangers who never stayed long enough for true friendships to form? Strangers who might instill a need in his children to see the strange places the foreign children had been to for themselves?

Lian nodded slowly, but he didn't trust himself to speak. Fortunately, he didn't have to. Dravite went about gathering up the wood he had just cut, placing some by Lian's tent so he would have some once the weather turned chill. Then he sat, and began turning one of the logs into kindling. Lian sat beside him, staring blankly at nothing. When Dravite began to sing, Lian listened intently. He recognized the song as one he had learned as a child. It was a welcome distraction, and Lian gave his friend a grateful look. The other man's singing voice was a pleasant one, and listening to him sing slowly gave Lian a small measure of calm.

It wasn't much, but it did help when Dravite mentioned Seirei's name. Lian only froze, going perfectly still rather than leaping up and rushing off to find her and take his children back. Ever so slowly, Lian met the other man's gaze. Then he shook his head.

"No. She won't be joining us." he managed to say after a few chimes.

His voice was rough, raw with emotion. The hand signs that accompanied his words spoke of deep pain, anger, and a keen sense of loss and betrayal.

"She stole a pair of striders. A mare and a young colt. She's using them to pretend she is one of us, and declaring her freedom. And in doing so, she's taken Lukar and Lira away from me."

For several chimes, Lian said nothing more. A malestrom of emotion warred in his eyes.

"She's claiming that the chest gave her the colt, and that the mare claimed her when she came for the foal. She said there were witnesses to this. It can't be true, though. It can't. Why would the gods allow a foreigner to touch the chest they had given our people? To taint it in such a way? Even if they permitted such, why give her striders?"

Lian dropped his gaze so that he was staring at his knees.

"No...I can't believe that. She stole them."

Lian looked up at his friend once more.

"She stole them just like she stole my children. She took my children from me...and I want them back!"

Lian's voice was filled with pain and desperation as it cracked on his last word. His hands fluttered helplessly, starting to make several signs, only to fall still part way through, or start on another sign before the first one was finished. The broken signs were a good reflection of his current mental state..
Last edited by Lian Windrunner on September 17th, 2015, 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A Rough Diamond

Postby Pearl on September 17th, 2015, 1:10 am

Belkaia, Kyanite and Garrison were all on the blankets taking a nap and Pearl couldn’t help but to smile when she saw them. She tried to move around the tent quietly so as not to wake them. Garrison and Belkaia weren’t so easily stirred awake, but Kyanite wasn’t one that slept that soundly, noticing most every move that went on around him; though how he had remained asleep whilst Lian had chopped the wood remained a mystery.

She walked lightly around the tent, moving the winter blankets to the chest, and stacking the winter clothing atop it, save for anywhere else to place the bulkier items. Each time she moved to pick up another item she checked to see if any of the three had awoke; smiling as she noticed they were all still sound asleep. She hung her new shirt up on the hook with the others, knowing that when Belkaia did wake, she would likely re-organize some of the items to be better placed within the tent for storage and maximizing room for them all. Belkaia was better at that than Pearl was; which didn’t bother Pearl in the least. She was actually in awe of how her wife organized and maintained the pavilion. Pearl was like that at The River Flower, but at home, she was less likely to be so organized.

Once everything was nice and tidy, or at least had its temporary placement, Pearl reached for the body pillow that she had picked up specifically for Belkaia and her final stages of pregnancy in hopes that it would ease some of her discomfort when lying down. Pearl could well remember the agonizing, sleepless nights of those last few weeks of pregnancy. Then again, she had spent them alone, save for her father since Nexus was taken from her so suddenly. Thoughts of Nexus distracted her and she turned with the pillow in hand, the lower portion of it dragging one of the rhythm rattles across the floor. Pearl cringed when she heard the noise and immediately froze, then slowly turned her head and looked at the three sleeping forms.

Kyanite smiled at her, and she smiled back at him, placing a finger to her lips to silence him so they didn’t wake the others. He got himself up out of the bedroll and came over to her, reaching for the pillow Pearl had in her hands. She let him have it, helping him, of course, and pointing to Belkaia with her other hand as she leaned down to whisper to him. “It’s for Ma. Let’s put it against her back, and she can find it when she wakes up. I have a surprise for you too, but we have to go outside for it.” Kyanite was all smiles as he nodded. He loved helping Dravite and Pearl with most anything he could.

The two of them moved quietly, each holding the end of the pillow and squatted down next to Belkaia; Pearl guided the pillow into place and snugged it up against Belkaia’s back with Kyanite’s help. The little boy was all smiles, as was Pearl. Belkaia shifted her weight and rolled backwards, and she let out a gentle sigh in her sleep as the comfort of the pillow caught her and held her there. That sound was enough to put Pearl’s mind at ease with the knowledge that she brought a small bit of comfort to her wife. With a gentle touch, she brushed her wife’s hair back from her face, careful not to wake her. Kyanite tucked himself in against Pearl’s side and signed to her, love, family, happy. Pearl could only nod as emotions gathered in her throat, making speech impossible and she returned the signs to her son, love, family, happy, before kissing his forehead.

Ushering Kyanite out of the tent quietly, she picked up the drum she had purchased for him on her way out. Once outside, she spoke, though she kept her tone low, “You know the songs Da is always singing?”
Kyanite bobbed his little head, the wheat coloured mop of hair falling into his eyes and back away again as he did; all of which caused Pearl to smile more. “Uh huh.”
“Well, this is a drum. Now you can play along with him and the two of you can make songs together.”
“Yes!” Kyanite squealed, making that high pitched laugh that was all his own as he clapped his hands together.
“Come over here and we will see if we can figure out how to play it,” she led Kyanite over by where Dravite had set up the storage tent and sat on the ground near the front of it, with her legs crossed before her, Kyanite doing the same, anxious to learn how to play his new drum. With the drum in her lap, Pearl pat her fingers down on the taught leather that was stretched across it making a small thudding sound that seemed to echo in the bowl of the drum. “See how it works?” Kyanite nodded anxiously and Pearl settled the drum into his lap. “Now you try it,” she encouraged.
Kyanite began with gentle pats to the taught leather at first, and then increased his speed and pressure as he began pounding in a not so rhythmic pattern. The smile on his face was worth every bit of silver she spent on the bowl drum.
“Can I go show Da?” words were spoken so quickly that it took Pearl a moment before she nodded, finally realizing what it was he was asking.
“Of course, go show Da. Be polite and introduce yourself to Lian,” came the gentle reminder from mother to son.

An excited Kyanite ran across the camp towards his father and Lian with his new drum in his hands. When he came to a halt before them, he held it up proudly, “Look what Momma got me!” then remembered his manners, and sat it down by his feet, looking up at Lian, his little frog grin spread wide over his face, and signed, greetings, welcome, then picked up his drum and went to lean against his father’s thigh.

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Doctor at The River Flower
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