OCC)- Somewhere off the coast of the southern Cyphrus Coast
Also continues on in 1st person until the exit part 4 posts ahead. (unaware of the 3rd person rule)
It was an old ship, by gods this was an old ship. Old captain, old support beams, old mast and sails, this was an old ship to its very core. But it was a good ship it handled superbly in all conditions even though it creaked and moaned at every wave and spray. It was like it’s captain incarnated into a sea vessel it just wouldn’t quit but it would fill your ear at every moment. Working on the mizzenmast it became apparent that my work was going to take a lot longer than I had intended. There was a crack that ran all around the support beams at the base of the mast which meant that I now had to either fill them or replace them. Sure some would say that one could fill the dammed crack for an easy fix but there’s a catch, to much glue and mortar and the mast cant breath and is to rigid and cant flex a bit. To little and the thing might end up breaking and “BAM” down goes the mizzenmast into the mainmast. Replacing it would take days but it would be an easier task like lifting a boulder, easy in concept you just need a lot of effort. I could feel my inner frustration allow my to tap my head against the mast a few times before a heard an elderly laugh near the landing to the deck. “Having ae fun niht there lad?” It was made more in a mocking tone than out of concern. “O so much fun sir, mizzen’s broken and I think the bilge may need a few patches here and there..its going to be a nightmare sir” I said calmly rubbing my face with my non-diamond like hand. Captain Ikesod was a decent man for a captain and he treated everyone fairly if you stayed on his good side. “Ya’ll get it done, aye trust in ya, sides have everything you need anywae” chuckled Captain Ikesod walking very painfully but trying not to show it. The old captain was pushing around sixty years old, the crew didn’t say it aloud but we all knew age was slowly catching up to the man and in this business it was an asset to be at your prime as long as possible. “We need a new ship, I can only keep it going for only so long sir” I said dryly trying not to look into the man’s eyes, instead I chose to begin filling the creaks with my specialty made resin to help seal the cracks. It hurt a bit to see the only father figure I had weather away like the ship, like a rock to the swell time was against them. Plus for being a human too the man had a good way of treating his crew and was a respectable man for being in a carrier that some would consider criminal, but to hell with them. “Thae we do, hahaha, come lad ya can finish ya work in the morn the lads are having som fun on the deck” Said Ikesod slapping me on the back but to me it felt like a slight nudge due to my rock like skin. “I could but then I’d have so much time to do my other tasks capt’n…” I stopped mid-sentence looking at the old mans face and slowly realizing that I’d be the only one left working while the rest spent the night having a fun time. “Sure, why not..do you need some help upstairs old man?” I finished in a attempt at a joke, they seemed to always evade me, it was probably a race thing I had no idea. “Eh now, I could make you work the entire night!” Yelled the old man kicking me to the floor with a very violent kick a smile plastered on his face. Then with a rather rude gesture the old man ascended the stairs and out into the night above. I suppressed a laugh as I cleaned up my workspace before giving a onceover to my work before following suit into the starry night above. As I was going over the far famed Kerry mountains I met with captain Farrell and his money he was counting. I first produced my bow, and then produced my rapier. Said stand and deliver, for I am a bold deceiver, Voices began to fill the air in unison their song seemed to float to the very stars themselves. Upon seeing my blue figure a few crewmates quickly thrust a mug of ale into each arm in calibration at me joining the party. A few even attempted to coax a song from my lungs but to no avail, I was a builder of ships not creator of vocal brilliance. musha ring dumma do damma da whack for the daddy 'ol whack for the daddy 'ol there's whiskey in the jar The song was nice and I felt myself tap to the beat as I forced a few sips of ale. I was never a real drinker which was hard to believe, work was my drug and I lived for it. I also felt a bit of sadness at the calibration and had an idea why the lads were so keen on partying whenever they could, they had no idea what lay in the future with the ship in such a bad state as the captain. One could never cheer to the good times long enough in lieu of such a bleak future I counted out his money, and it made a pretty penny. I put it in my pocket and I took it home to Jenny. She said and she swore, that she never would deceive me, but the devil take the women, for they never can be easy Who knew what kind of future would await…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eOIU9ekSMk&feature=related |