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In this forum, all the character sheets are kept for player characters. Feel free to come on in, browse the forum, look at what sort of characters others have created, and then begin your very own!

Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Ariel on December 1st, 2010, 9:35 pm


Basic Information

Race: Pycon
Birthday & Age : 6 years old, 505 AV
Gender: Female

Physical Description

Height: 3 inches tall
Weight: 5 lbs
Hair: Medium- length and wavy, sculpted on
Eyes: Pupil-less, never blink

Ariel literally looks like a small sculpture or figurine come to life. At only three inches tall, she is very self-conscious about this. She weighs very little, and has a hard time reaching things, she oftentimes needs to ask for help. For her kind, she is rather tall, and has 1.75 inch-long legs, and an inch-long torso. Her arms are about 1.5 inches. Her head and neck make up about .25 inches. She has greyish clay-like skin, with red and copper undertones. Her limbs are very thin. Her body contains no blood. She has a dress sculpted onto her, as well as ornamental bird-like wings that come out of the middle of her back, and stretch outwards on both her right and left side. They are about 2 inches high, and 3 inches wide.

Character Concept

Ariel is a devout believer in Harameus, god of alchemy and transformation. She often prays to him, but doesn't always feel like she's praying in the right way. Perhaps she asks to much of him, or the wrong things of him, she isn't sure. She simply feels like he doesn't always hear her because she doesn't always get what she wants. Even so, she continues to pray to him, knowing somewhere in her heart, that if she prays often enough, eventually he will hear her pleas, and find a way to give her a sign, answer all of her questions, and guide her in the right direction.

Ariel's "main form," or "current form," is essentially a human with wings. However, she feels like she may change again soon, at least for a time, as she grows and learns. Although she matures quickly, she feels immature, which is why she feels that her form may change again.

Ariel loves to live in the moment. She loves going out and exploring the world, and has travelled to quite a few places. She hates feeling contained, and loves to learn new things, and see new things as well.

Ariel is very bold, and loves to take risks. She feels as though life is all about living it up and having fun. The only time she ever gets down, so to speak, is when someone makes fun of her size, which is sure to set her off on an angry rant. DON'T MAKE FUN OF HER SIZE, SHE WILL FIND YOU, AND SHE WILL GET YOU TOO.

Ariel can be loyal, fun, and loving, but she can also be cheeky and sarcastic. She's very playful, and gets frustrated with those who aren't like her, in the sense that she has a hard time with those who don't also love to explore and learn new things.

For the most part, she's kind, but will be rather mean, again if you make fun of her size, or she realizes that you may be getting in her way when it comes to getting where she feels the need to go, or be. Essentially, if she feels as though you're getting in the way of her reaching her goals, she is going to rebel, most likely in a passive-aggressive sort of way. Don't let the wings fool you!

Despite all of this, Ariel is also aware of the fact that she does have limits, but most of the time, she chooses not to acknowledge this fact. She doesn't like to feel as though she can't accomplish anything in what is sure to be a very short lifetime.

Character History

Ariel didn't live long with her family after her birth. As much as she loved them, her heart was always filled with the desire to discover hidden talents, learn new things, and explore. Although her family travelled periodically, it was not enough for her. So she had moved on by the time she turned one. She remembers little of them because their faces and actions always seemed to shift; a quality, she herself possessed. She always seemed to be changing, growing, and was often said to be highly unpredictable.

The first thing Ariel did after leaving her family was travel to Zeltiva so that she could study at the university. At first, she had trouble getting in, considering her size, but soon enough, she found herself learning all about the art of reading auras. Reading books that were three times her size. She would have to have someone else open the book up for her, but after that, she could hop on top of the pages, read them all through, and then jump off her current page, and flip to the next, and so on and so forth. Within the university, Ariel learned how to read auras, essentially, an energy field that surrounds every living, and even some non-living entities. She never became particularly gifted in the art, which, she supposes at times, was a good thing, considering how reading auras had a nasty tendency to lead to sensory overload, and even paranoia in some of the cases she had seen and read about. It's only real use: deceit, and intelligence. At least, that's how she felt, and should she want to take the time to develop the skill some more, she always could.

After that, she travelled to Konti Isle, feeling as though that was the next place to turn, considering all the woman there had psychic gifts, and may be able to help her out. How'd she get there, you may ask, well, she befriended a Kelvic named Lily while in Zeltiva, whose animal form was a hawk. Lily allowed Ariel to ride around on her back, in exchange, Ariel entertained her along the way. She wasn't sure what happened to Lily, she hadn't seen her since Lily went hunting one day in Konti Isle. She hoped she was ok though.

After that, she simply wandered wherever her little heart desired, seeking new knowledge, friends and adventures along the way. She even made a few enemies as well.


Common- Fluent
Kontinese- Basic
Pavi- Poor

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)

Auristics- 42 (20, SP)
(Kittens) Riding- 20 (IG)
Rhetoric- 20 (15, SP)
Escape Artist- 17 (5+10 Racial Bonus, SP)
Meditation- 15 (10, SP)
Socialization- 7 (IG)
Observation- 6 (IG)
Intimidation- 6 (IG)
Brawling- 5 (IG)
(Humans) Riding- 5 (IG)
Teaching- 4 (IG)
Running- 4 (IG)
Py-whip- 3 (IG)
Investigation- 3 (IG)
(Weapon) Pebble- 3 (IG)
Animal Husbandry- 3 (IG)
Hunting- 3 (IG)
Climbing- 3 (IG)
Tracking- 2 (IG)
Acrobatics- 2 (IG)
Storytelling- 2 (IG)
Philosophy- 1 (IG)
Unarmed Combat- 1 (IG)
Composition- 1 (IG)
Brawling- 1 (IG)
Stealth- 1 (IG)

Knowledge of Djed (SP)
Knowledge of Harameus (SP)
Being Mistaken for a Bug (IG)
Trios's Views on the Gods (IG)
Pirates Smell (IG)
Finding Entertainment in Other's Misery (IG)
(Basic) Isur (IG)
Confusing Onlookers (IG)
Winning a Staring Contest Against a Cat (IG)
Being Attacked By Kittens (IG)
Losing Your Wings (IG)
Being Lovingly Abused by Furballs (IG)
Being Loved (IG)
Ah! It's a Giant! (IG)
Becoming a Child's Toy (IG)
Physics are Rough (IG)
Cleansing One's Mind (IG)
Escaping from the Grasp of Infants (IG)
Growing Fond of Fluffy Creatures (IG)
Being Saved by the Charity of Strangers (IG)
The Feeling of Riding (IG)
Eating your Fill (IG)
Being Laughed At By Birds (IG)
Determination (IG)
Looking At the Corpses of Thine Enemies (IG)
The big people and their unobservant nature (IG)
Being callled short and then even shorter (IG)
Talking to bunnies (IG)
The injustice of being tiny (IG)
Tebridiar (IG)
Little -(Wo)man syndrome (IG)
Recognizing Drykas (IG)
Yrpa (IG)
Keeping the Mystery of the Past (IG)
A Drykas With a View (IG)
The many uses of kittens (IG)
Being judged unfairly (IG)
Eldon Sunkiss (IG)
Being wary of stinky Drykas (IG)
Drykas suspicion (IG)
Kittens are safe! (IG)
Lookin' good on a kitten (IG)
The bliss of not understanding kitty-speech (IG)
Shinies in the grass (IG)
Runaway kittehs (IG)
Irritating, evil, kitten thieves (IG)
Hurling insults (IG)
Leto Treebearer (IG)
Getting carried away by hungry kittens (IG)
Dodging Feet (IG)
(Basic) Edalene (IG)
Being too Easily Offended (IG)
Being a Harsh Judge (IG)
Picked On by Someone Larger (IG)
Something Smells Like Death (IG)
Being Far Too Patient (IG)
Test Subject (IG)
Not the Best Choice for a Fashion Model (IG)
Man-Handled (IG)
What's that?! (IG)
Arabella's Plight (IG)
Unsuccessful Hunt (IG)
Drykas Keep it Close to Home (IG)
Dealing with a Deaf Giant (IG)
Pocket Traveling (IG)
(Basic) Whip Cracking (IG)
Insensitive Animals: Horse (IG)
Wake Up Lazy (IG)
You Aren’t Going to Squish Me? (IG)
A Shoulder's Eye View (IG)
Testing Out a Drykas' Muscles (IG)
Observing a Herd From on High (IG)
(Basic) Sama'el (IG)
How to Scold a Kitten Into Doing Something (IG)
Flying Brown Birds? (IG)
Arrows ARE Predators (IG)
Getting Away From the Insolent (IG)
Wolf Dangerous? (IG)
Making "Friends" (IG)
Mistaken Words (IG)
What a Strider Means to the Drykas (IG)
Same Drykas, Same Tune (IG)
Defending Your Honor (IG)
Over-the-hindquarters Dismount (IG)
Kitten Mount (IG)
Pocketed along with some Pinions (IG)
Being treated as though not Real (IG)
Having a sharp tongue
Picking fights with someone bigger than You (AKA everyone)

Equipment and Possessions

One mini-backpack (about the size of a thimble). It's made out of brown cloth and contains:

1 week's worth of yummy clay
1 mini comb
Heirloom: her father's old py-whip (A whip made of several small, black leather strips. Each of the strips is about seven inches in length. When carried, it forms several coils, making it far easier for Ariel to wield with both of her hands)


1 lonely little miza- how much do you think she can carry? Seriously?

In All Seriousness :
Since Ariel turned in her housing, she has 600 mizas to work with.
-4GM for Rafael's saddle and equipment (Leatherworker thread), leaves me with 596GM
*Mod Note:* I keep my seasonal expenses at a lower rate than is listed on the price list simply because Ariel is a pycon and doesn't need to eat as much as a lot of other races. The food she does eat, (clay), is also rather cheap, easy to find in the wild, and something she only has to consume once a week, or once every other week. Also, she has no real need for "traditional lodging," and only really needs to care for her kitten, which she acquired in the middle of winter, 510 AV. If this is a problem, please contact me, and I'm sure we could work something out.
-25 GM (Winter 510 living expenses)
=571 GM
-45 GM (Spring Living Expenses)
=526 GM
-45 GM (Summer 511 Living Expenses)
=481 GM
-45 GM (Fall 511 Living Expenses)
=436 GM
-45 GM (Winter 511 Living Expenses)
=391 GM
-45 GM (Spring 512 Living Expenses)
=346 GM

Thread List

Flashbacks, 506 AV:

64 Spring: Follow the Horsie -Which tells the tale of Kendall's and Ariel's marvelous tea party.

510 AV:

1 Winter: By the Fire -Which recounts the meeting between Ariel and Yrpa, the first person she ever met while traveling through Endrykas.
2 Winter: Stories by the Firelight -Which tells the tale of Vanator's marriage to his second wife, Khiara, and other events that took place at the wedding.
3 Winter: Rabbit Chase -Which tells the tale of Ariel being chased by an evil rabbit, only to be saved by Tebridiar, the horse Kelvic.
5 Winter: Falling Through the Sky -Which tells the tale of Ariel's encounter with Kayiri, and the heated argument, and near-death that followed.
6 Winter: Cage of Glass -Which tells the tale of Ariel being captured by a child, and mistaken for a bug.
7 Winter: Of Bones and Clay -Which tells the tale of Ariel's first encounter with Conrad, and their conversation about malediction and other things.
8 Winter: Like a Sore Thumb -Which recounts Ariel's adventures throughout Endrykas with the pirate man!
18 Winter: Step Right Over -Which recounts Ariel's boredom following a conversation with a certain Edalene.
20 Winter: A Talk With Clay -And so begins the tale of the deep-seated hatred between Ariel and Sylirian Knight, Wystern, The Cripple
24 Winter: Now Play Nice -Which tells the tale of Ariel taming the vicious Raphael, who later becomes her trusty steed... errr, kitten...
25 Winter: The Leatherworker -In which Ariel purchases a saddle and other things necessary to ride Raphael around Mizahar on all of her adventures.
26 Winter: Pycon Paradise -In which Ariel conquers the Clay Mountain.
32 Winter: A Simple Man -In which Ariel meets Leto, and the evil Sylirian Knight, Wystern, returns.
35 Winter: The Horse-Lover and the Midget go for a Hunt -Ariel goes for her first hunt.
42 Winter: Treasure Hunting -Ariel meets Eldon of the sapphire clan, and a lengthy conversation about plants and other things ensues.
68 Winter: Be Careful, She Bites -In which Ariel meets a rather rude Akontak, as well as Kayiri and Conrad, all over again.

511 AV:

1 Spring: Flaming Water -Which recounts the day Ariel met Matasol, and falsely assumed he was a dead Drykas.
2 Spring: Midget Wars -Which recounts the epic battle Ariel had with another pycon.
3 Spring: Behind a Blade of Grass -Which recounts the day Ariel met Sama'el
11 Summer: Pocket Monster -Ariel travels to Wind Reach in her friend's pocket
55 Summer: It's About Time We Got There -Ariel finally reaches the foot of Mt. Skyinarta, and is given a ride the rest of the way up
57 Summer: The Redhead Stole My Ride! -Rafael is stolen... again! What a surprise...
81-82 Summer: The Night the Towers Cried -So Aquiras needs a new heart
Last edited by Ariel on June 1st, 2012, 11:59 am, edited 46 times in total.
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I'm NOT Short, I'm Fun-Sized!
Posts: 224
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Joined roleplay: December 1st, 2010, 9:27 pm
Race: Pycon
Character sheet
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Extreme Scrapbooker (1)


Postby Ariel on January 15th, 2011, 5:06 am



From their first meeting, the "Now Play Nice" thread: The kitten had short fur, which had a slightly translucent look to it. Its sorrel-colored fur appeared to have a very fine texture. It bore several dark bands of a warm copper red over a lighter shade of a chocolate red-brown. It marked the kitten's coat evenly giving it a ticked coat pattern.

The kitten had both a muscular, and lean appearance, and couldn't weigh all that much more than Ariel- perhaps 9 pounds, she guessed. The kitten's body was also rather long.

The kitten's eyes were rather large, as though the size would account for its nature, which Ariel guessed was a curious one. They were amber-colored eyes with dark rims around each of them. The kitten had large ears that were cupped with tufts of fur at the tips. It had slender legs and small paws, with sharp claws that curved downwards towards the ground. The kitten also had a long tail, which Ariel guessed to be about three-quarters of its size, that swished back and forth with each of its silent steps across the ground. Near the tip of the kitten's tail, was a band of cinnamon-colored fur.

Moderator Add-Ons: Rafael has short fur during the hot summers and longer fur during the cold winters that sorrel-colored and fine textured. Several dark bands of warm copper red over lighter shades of chocolate red-browns run their way down it's back and sides, giving it a beautiful, albeit short and thin, coat of fur.

The kitten is both muscular and lean, weighing in at around seven pounds, a small fraction of its weight once it matures fully. Unknown to Ariel, the kitten is a little less than two seasons old.

Rafael possesses large, amber eyes, split upwards down the middle with the pupils so unique to cats. It's large ears are ended in tufts of light brown fur, and are used as heat vents during the hot summers of Endrykas. The pads of its feet are a pale pink, well accustomed to walking upon the tough ground of the Sea of Grass. Its tail always seems to be moving, swishing back and forth constantly, albeit slowly.

Being a non-domestic cat by nature, and hardly, if at all, trained, Rafael is still very prone to succumbing to influences. He will stalk after prey, hide from predators, etcetera. Also, because of his lack of training, he constantly mistakes his Mistress as a chewtoy, munching on her appendages whenever he feels a little bored. Fortunately for her, this is not too often, as he is a very curious creature, dabbling his paws in a bit of everything. However, he loses interest in most things quite quickly, so his attention is always darting from one object of not to the next, soaking it all in for a few brief moments before his interest changes.

He loves playing. Whenever nothing is going on and he has nothing to look at, he tries to find something to play with, which is part of the reason why he chews up Ariel.
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I'm NOT Short, I'm Fun-Sized!
Posts: 224
Words: 181717
Joined roleplay: December 1st, 2010, 9:27 pm
Race: Pycon
Character sheet
Medals: 1
Extreme Scrapbooker (1)

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