37th of Fall, 515 AV
Run, run!
He was too tired to run. Kyo walked instead.
He didn't know where he went, he just went. He did it for the sake of walking, of movement. Of doing something. Anything.
He was aware that his body was hurting something awful. He had been too hungry and too thirsty and too tired for too long, and now it hurt bad. When he put a hand to his belly he could feel the ribs and hips poking out there, and to look at his arm would be to see only wrists and elbows. He knew that he should rest for a few days or longer, curl up and sleep, fill his stomach, drink until he couldn't take another drop. But he didn't. He walked.
He walked because no matter how much his body hurt, inside, inside he was afraid it would hurt much worse if he stopped. There was a hole inside him that someone had dug up and been buried in. Before he had always run away from that emptiness. Now he was too weak to run, so he walked.
He didn't know how long he walked for. Maybe a day. Maybe longer. He felt the rain at one point, warm big drops that washed away most of the dirt and dust and blood and ran his hair --growing too long now-- into his wet eyes. Then there was the chill of what was probably night, and then the sun, not hot but sleepy-warm, settling on his head and shoulders and back. Though he felt better for being clean, he was still miserable. That wincing emptiness in his chest, dragging on him when he breathed. The hole. The burial ground.
He didn't want to think about it, so he walked.