Timestamp: 4th Autumn, 515
Location: Alheas Park, Suraya Plaza
Location: Alheas Park, Suraya Plaza
It was a clear, bright afternoon, the sky stretching blue and cloudless above the city of Lhavit. Autumn had only just arrived a few days prior and so it was still much like Summer had been - warm and dry. Syna's light filtered through the leaves of fadeong trees, dancing on the ground below. However the Park was not filled with bright golden sunlight, instead appearing as though it were twilight, hues of red, orange and deep pink lending an ethereal glow to the area.
Fraya often frequented Alheas Park, finding it to be a peaceful alternative to wandering the Misty Peaks. The Peaks are not usually kind to a human, and as the Kelvic was trying to integrate more with the people of Lhavit she found the Park lent her a similar feeling of solitude when she needed it.
On this particular day Fraya was wandering along one of the more densely treed pathways, the reaching branches of the fadeong trees entwining above her head. Around her waist was a small open pouch with a few petals stuffed inside. On her way to the Park she had come across a Leiyona plant and had stopped to cut some of the flower away, recalling the antiseptic properties the sap contains.
Fraya was now crouched over a plant in the shade of the trees, this one small and low-growing. She was carefully removing the flat, circular leaves one-by-one and placing them into the pouch too. Once she had gathered a good handful, she gave the area a quick sweeping glance to make sure she had not missed any other plants she could make use of. Not recognising anything useful, Fraya rose and made her way back to the centre of the Park.
Once there, she settled onto one of the skyglass benches to sort through what she had gathered. It was not much, but Fraya was still in the beginning stages of learning what plants were useful and which were just decorative. The Ipdo, her most recent find, was one of her particular favourites. Not because it had medicinal properties - most just used it to temporarily ward off hunger - but because it let off a wonderful scent when burned that reminded her of the forests at the base of the Peaks.
She had emptied her pouch onto the bench beside her, arranging the petals and leaves so that she could check to see if any were damaged and potentially not useable.